Search found 12 matches

by dux
Sat Apr 30, 2011 14:01
Forum: Texture Packs
Topic: [32x32] Cisoun's Texture Pack 10
Replies: 117
Views: 96140

This is absolutely amazing! I'm so exited to try these :D
by dux
Wed Apr 27, 2011 13:29
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The New Mob
Replies: 13
Views: 15045

HaiR wrote:Hey, they are pretty scary like this :o

What's texture pack is it ?
I would like to know that as well.
by dux
Tue Apr 26, 2011 15:18
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The New Mob
Replies: 13
Views: 15045

While we are talking about that thing, I was wondering about the fact Kray should enable it on his server. What do you people think? You should do a seperate thread for that. Also maybe we could ask for a server dedicated to adventure and Oerkkie-slaying :cool: Then the builders and the creative gu...
by dux
Mon Apr 25, 2011 16:01
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New in-game name-tag
Replies: 3
Views: 3045

New in-game name-tag

The Topic tells just about everything. I've changed my in-game username from Nawood to dux so that now it matches my username here at the forums :D. This will make it easier for the people I build and game with to remember who I am both at the forums and on the servers.
by dux
Mon Apr 25, 2011 08:45
Forum: Texture Packs
Topic: dux's MarioTexturePack
Replies: 3
Views: 7165

PixelBoy wrote:Oh, that's nice! :D
I choose for the red mushroom :p
I kinda like that mushroom :D

Good luck

Greets Pixel
It'll look so weird but I'll give it a try :D
by dux
Sun Apr 24, 2011 21:23
Forum: Texture Packs
Topic: dux's MarioTexturePack
Replies: 3
Views: 7165

dux's MarioTexturePack

Howdy-Ho I'm doing a Mario texture-pack and before I finish it I would like to have you share your opinions with me. So for example the torches: I don't want them! I'm going to change them and no one can do anything about it. Though, I do want to know weather You guys would like a lamp or the red mu...
by dux
Sun Apr 24, 2011 20:47
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The New Mob
Replies: 13
Views: 15045

We shall name him "Slug".
by dux
Sat Apr 23, 2011 17:29
Forum: Texture Packs
Topic: [Rel] PixelTexturePack v0.2 for Minetest [Rel]
Replies: 7
Views: 9602

The grass textures does not seem that different from the original?

I find the player.png very amusing, but I will not download the texturepack until you have finished your moving-water-mod.
Keep it going.

-- dux
by dux
Thu Apr 21, 2011 14:24
Forum: Texture Packs
Topic: [Dev] PixelTexturePack v0.1 for Minetest [Dev]
Replies: 5
Views: 9387

Sounds very nice. Looking forward to see the end-result. Will you change the player texture as well? Hi dux, I'll see ;) How should I make it? Like a miner? Or just a man? Greets Pixel, Well whatever you want. Something that somehow fits the rest of the texturepack. Like a skeleton would fit nicely...
by dux
Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:58
Forum: Texture Packs
Topic: [Dev] PixelTexturePack v0.1 for Minetest [Dev]
Replies: 5
Views: 9387

Sounds very nice. Looking forward to see the end-result.

Will you change the player texture as well?
by dux
Wed Apr 20, 2011 15:30
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The first post
Replies: 11
Views: 63936

PunBB does just as good a piece of work as phpBB :) It's just so god-damn ugly... This forum will also help spreading the word, and tell people about the game. An idea would be to do some youtube videos telling about the progress, developement and features of the game. To be honest it was almost imp...
by dux
Wed Apr 20, 2011 15:07
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Suggestions
Replies: 4
Views: 7213


Hi there First of all: I'm dux, in-game I'm known as "Nawood". There might be grammatical mistakes in my posts, but I'm going to post them anyway :) I have some suggestions that i think might add to the user experience of this forum: - A welcome thread where newly registered users can tell...