This server has been discontinued.
VanessaE's Basic-Plus Minetest server, port 30005
IRC: Libera network, channel #ve-minetest-serversAdmins: VanessaE, ShadowNinja, kaeza, cheapie, bulldog1 (and others as needed)
Server Status:
For detailed statistics regarding the performance of the server hardware, see ... stats.html
This server runs Minetest from the official Github repository, and requires version 5.0.1 or newer.
This server has several mods - but not TOO many. Pretty much good-for-building mods, plus some stuff that's for admin purposes and a couple of things that help to safeguard the server, plus a couple of things to make the game a little more interesting (see below). :-)
This server was formerly known as "VanessaE's Mostly-Vanilla".
The total size of this server's media and assets is about 13 MB, so expect a minute or two to download it all, unless you already have most of it from elsewhere.
Default privileges: fast, shout, home, zoom
This server runs in survival mode. Damage is enabled (so mobs, lava, etc. can kill), but PvP, fire, TNT and bones are disabled. Griefing absolutely will not be tolerated, and will result in rollback and ban if confirmed. This server runs the newplayer-rules mod, so to get interact, read the rules and plug the keyword contained therein into the space provided for it in the form.
If you need to use buckets for any reason, contact an admin/moderator and request the "spill" privilege.
This server has an extra mod which disallows entirely-numeric and "Guest1234" types of names. Please choose a proper username when you sign on.
This server shuts down briefly for backups at 5:00 am US Eastern time (11:00 am CET).
Software Version
This server runs a Minetest build taken from git sources. To build properly here, you will need a Minetest client build newer than 2017-01-23. Older client versions will probably work, but will display some items incorrectly.
This server runs Minetest and minetest_game from the official Github repositories, running under Debian.
Building on this server:
You can build anything you want, anywhere you want, with the following guidelines: Near the spawn, please stick to serious, high-class structures only please. Pixel art and generally-artsy stuff should be kept away from the spawn.
If someone else has built in an area you wanted to use, do not build into or immediately above those structures, period! Even if the building looks vacant, don't touch it - there are no "abandoned" buildings here. Griefing any part of any structure is strictly forbidden.
Please keep your structures near a main road, but do not build right on the end of the road (e.g. if extending the road would go through your structure); if this isn't practical, or there is no road yet, please build one, or build a spur off an existing road somewhere and then build alongside that. Try to keep your roads straight and try make them run out past your structure so others can build further. Sky structures are welcome, but please build them up high enough so as not to obscure or cast shadows on anything below.
And please - REPLANT YOUR TREES! (Preferably with the same type as that which you cut down).
Land ownership:
See the forum topic for ShadowNinja's Advanced Area Protection Mod for instructions. The short version: to mark the area you want to claim, dig a few meters down in one corner of the area, and do /area_pos1. Then go to the opposite corner, fly up above the area, and do /area_pos2. Then do /protect <some description here> to actually claim the area.
If the area is too big, request areas_high_limit privilege from one of the admins, or just have them protect the area for you.
Also, there are protection blocks you can craft and place, which protect a fixed radius around the block. Placing the block automatically protects the area, and digging it removes the protection. Shift-digging will leave the protection in place, but will only give you back a few steel ingots, so there is a "cost" involved (this is to prevent people from just reusing one block to protect many areas).
This server is primarily English-speaking.
Of course there are limited exceptions, for players who just can't speak English at all.
Freedom of speech is paramount here, but I do have some rules about it: 1. Don't harass anyone. 2. Hate speech, harrassment, etc. are absolutely not tolerated. 3. Leave your religion in your house of worship - this applies equally to in-game names as to your speech. 4. This server is not the ghetto, so take the rap-video trash-talk somewhere else.
There are a number of useful mods on this server, but not too many:
- player_textures
- item_tweaks (just for the auto-pick-up and dropped-item-expire functions)
- gloopblocks
- apartment
- currency/shops
- some of homedecor modpack's components:
- homedecor base mod
- building_blocks
- lrfurn
- signs_lib
- inbox - food/food-sweet/food modern mods
- moreblocks
- markers
- travelnet
- ilights
- bedrock (Calinou's version)
- caverealms
- unified_inventory running in "lite" mode
- and various admin-related mods such as IRC/IRC-commands, areas, worldedit, maptools, xban2, and so on.
- The bones mod has been removed, with extreme prejudice.
Screenshot, plus the trailer video by UjE
Click on the screenshot to get the video, or click here:

South of the "East City" area on 2014-02-03, as displayed with HDX
Interactive Map of the Server (click image to open viewer):

This overview is located at: ... d/map.html
Generated using est31's Leaf map generator and Rogier-5's fork of minetest's mapper.