You probably will want to change the rules, found in the rules.lua file, and the quiz questions, which are related to the rules, and also found in rules.lua. All other configuration options can be found in config.lua. The options provided are pretty basic defaults, so you may want to check them!
Other bits and pieces can be found in the Readme.
All of the screens do not have to be shown, and the content on the first two can be changed in the config.lua, but the basic structure does have to be kept...
Designed for not very clever griefers!
Added for those who may just want to visit a server.
Notice how the buttons are switched round here, so as to fool the unwary!
The quiz!
Credits: Based of the (old) rules "mod" on Craigy Davi's server, which was based on this mod:
Dependencies: None!
Code on github: