[Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

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[Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by Don » Post

Update - Nodes are now mesh nodes. If you are using an older version of minetest that does not handle mesh nodes then please update minetest or download version 1.0

Max Cohen made the models.

This mod lets you make a mine shaft straight down. There are 3 nodes that you make using the mine Shaft machine.
The top is a closed node. You punch it to open it.
The shaft is lit and is climable.
The bottom is 2 nodes high and does not cause damage if you go fast down the shaft.

You can make the nodes from these blocks.
Clay, Cobble, Desert Cobble, Desert Stone, Dirt, Jungle Tree, Jungle Wood, Mossy Cobble, Sandstone, Stone, Tree, and Wood.

Depends - default

Download - Version 3.0 -https://github.com/DonBatman/mymineshaf ... ve/3.0.zip - Meshnodes
Download - Version 2.0 -https://github.com/DonBatman/mymineshaf ... ve/2.0.zip - Meshnodes
Download - Version 1.0 -https://github.com/DonBatman/mymineshaf ... ve/1.0.zip - Node Boxes
Github - https://github.com/DonBatman/mymineshaft
Licence - WTFPL

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Last edited by Don on Thu Sep 24, 2015 19:43, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: [Mod}mymineshaft[mymineshaft]

by Krock » Post

The idea is great but I can't dig those nodes.
Look, I programmed a bug for you. >> Mod Search Engine << - Mods by Krock - DuckDuckGo mod search bang: !mtmod <keyword here>

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Re: [Mod}mymineshaft[mymineshaft]

by Don » Post

Krock wrote:The idea is great but I can't dig those nodes.
I added cracky = 1
Sorry about that.
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Re: [Mod}mymineshaft[mymineshaft]

by Don » Post

Update - The nodes are now mesh nodes.
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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by Don » Post

I added horizontal mineshafts that spawn on mapgen(kind of). They start at -100. This is a work in progress.
Please test on a new world so it does not wreak anything.

I am looking for comments and suggestions.

https://github.com/DonBatman/mymineshaf ... master.zip
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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by Sokomine » Post

Don wrote: I am looking for comments and suggestions.
I've started my own mines_with_shafts mod some time ago but never developed it far enough to be of actual use. It creates nice mines but does not create sufficiently reproducable and random mine entrances/"seeds" yet. I'm going to develop it further eventually. Perhaps it might help you as well.
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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by Don » Post

Can you send me a link to the code? Maybe pm me. I would love to see what you have.
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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by Sokomine » Post

Don wrote: Can you send me a link to the code? Maybe pm me. I would love to see what you have.
I've linked the github repro in the previous posting. Just take a look :-) You may also test it in a new test world.
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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by mark_wr » Post

This sounds like a very interesting mod. You mention the various blocks that can be used to make the nodes, and that nodes can be made using the mine Shaft machine. Is there a recipe to craft the mine Shaft machine? I'm a new user of Minetest. I hope I'm not questioning something that should have been obvious to me. Thanks.

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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by Don » Post

mark_wr wrote:This sounds like a very interesting mod. You mention the various blocks that can be used to make the nodes, and that nodes can be made using the mine Shaft machine. Is there a recipe to craft the mine Shaft machine? I'm a new user of Minetest. I hope I'm not questioning something that should have been obvious to me. Thanks.
Sorry about that mark_wr. I added the craft to the original post. I am adding it below as well.
I hope you enjoy the mineshafts.



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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by mark_wr » Post

Thanks. Do I place "Middle" nodes most of the time, and can I mine sideways from them. Do I place "Shaft" when I reach an area of Lava or Water, to keep those elements out of my shaft? Is that what you had in mind? I like that it generates light as well. I have not yet figured out how to implement the horizontal shaft that you mentioned. I really like your mod. Thanks again.

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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by Don » Post

mark_wr wrote:Thanks. Do I place "Middle" nodes most of the time, and can I mine sideways from them. Do I place "Shaft" when I reach an area of Lava or Water, to keep those elements out of my shaft? Is that what you had in mind? I like that it generates light as well. I have not yet figured out how to implement the horizontal shaft that you mentioned. I really like your mod. Thanks again.
I use the shaft because I think it looks better and then in a place I want to mine I use the middle. At the very bottom of the shaft use bottom. It will make it so you do not get hurt if you go fast. The top one opens and closes on punch.

The horizontal shafts generate in the ground. You will find them when you mine.
I am not sure which version you have. You need the latest one to get the horizontal shafts.

https://github.com/DonBatman/mymineshaf ... master.zip
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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by mark_wr » Post

You say "do not get hurt if you go fast". I am descending with the Shift key, as if it were a ladder. Is there a faster way to descend? And, is there a faster way to ascend than the space bar?
Your mod is in my top two favorite mods.

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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by Don » Post

If you are playing in single player mode then you have to grant yourself privileges. To do this you press T to open the chat window. In the window type /grant singleplayer fast
You must include the /
You can grant yourself other privs like fly, giveme and teleport.
You can learn more about this here.http://wiki.minetest.com/wiki/Server_commands

Once you have the fast priv then you turn it on and off with the J key. Fly is the K key.
Then you use shift to go down the shaft. While going down (or up with space bar) press the E key to go fast.

I am glad you like the mod
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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by mark_wr » Post

Thanks for taking the time to explain that to me. It works great.

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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by Don » Post

No problem. Ask anything you want to. There is a lot to the game. Anytime you feel confused or uncertain just ask.the community is here to help.
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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by mark_wr » Post

Hi Don,

Upon loading my world, the first two lines displayed in the Minetest (DOS?) window are:

WARNING: Undeclared global variable "a" accessed at ...amefree\Minetest0413\bin\..\mods\mymineshaft/machine.lua:1
WARNING: Undeclared global variable "a" accessed at ...amefree\Minetest0413\bin\..\mods\mymineshaft/machine.lua:2

These are warnings, not errors, and everything seems to work, so maybe declaring is optional.
Just thought I'd let you know, in case it matters to you how clean that message screen looks.
Thanks for your past help, and have a great day.

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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by Don » Post

Thanks for letting me know. I will fix this right away.

EDIT - Fixed
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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by mark_wr » Post


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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by tbillion » Post

this is a very cool mod. very low tech and beautiful way to solve a basic problem.

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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by Don » Post

tbillion wrote:this is a very cool mod. very low tech and beautiful way to solve a basic problem.
Glad you like it!
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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by tbillion » Post

im working on something right now that may be a cool way to use it... but its top secret.. lmao ill let you peep it when its done ;)

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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by Napiophelios » Post

tbillion wrote:im working on something right now that may be a cool way to use it... but its top secret.. lmao ill let you peep it when its done ;)
I hope its a TBM that digs up while laying in the mineshafts nodes in place

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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by tbillion » Post

man Napiophelios why you gotta let all the cats outta their bags .. lmao

really for test purposes its done but i want it better and this formspec CRAP is killing me. im trying to just use a text box to set the depth and verify that there is enough fuel and cobble for the operation and i have crashed the server probably 50 times in the last hour. plus the documentation for formspec is awful, not enough simple examples or tutorials


once i figure out these stupid formspecs i will be able to make the first block laid one of the ones with the man hole cover and the last one onf of the little catcher blocks, then i will replace the torches with water and that way you can use it to extinguish lava. may see about integrating or depending on liquiclean because that is an awsome mod gets rid of water and lava.

another thing i am looking at is how to load chunks of the map that dont exist. right now it will tunnel on forever all by it self as long as it has the resources, but when it hits an unloaded or new chuck the mapgen just copies over the lain blocks with what ever it thinks up. i was reading somewhere that if you place a block in a certain place randomly on the map a mapgen wont touch it so im thinking lay a default cobble in front of the machin then blast it move forward and lay down these awesome mineshaft blocks, if that works you could load it with 100000 coal and go to 500000 depth , lmao the center of minetest. ;)
Last edited by tbillion on Wed Nov 25, 2015 18:10, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Mod] mymineshaft [mymineshaft]

by Don » Post

That is going to be cool.
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