Hello and Hi, you might be wondering why I'm posting a myprefixed mod, when that is DonBatman's usual naming, well he and I created this mod. This mod adds brick walls, brick columns, patio blocks, and two machines to craft them. I've recorded a youtube video that shows you the basics here:
Without further ado, some pictures.
The two machines that this mod creates.
Just a taste of what you can build.
Mod in use on the Minetestville server.
In the future I do plan on adding more block styles, which will just be added in the already existing machines, the only effect this will have on your worlds is more choices ;) Actually you'll have to tear down the mixing machine and put it back out, to get the updated formspec.
We've looked for and squashed all the bugs we can find, but if you find any more please don't hesitate to open an issue on Github or in this thread.
Download latest release:
https://github.com/minetest-mods/myland ... e/v1.5.zip Rename to mylandscaping if necessary.
Download latest version:
https://github.com/minetest-mods/myland ... master.zip
License: DWYWPL