[Mod] server guide book [serverguide]

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[Mod] server guide book [serverguide]

by AiTechEye » Post


Licenses: LGPL-2.1
Depends: default

A easy way to make your own serverguide!
All new players will get ther own book.
You can easy add / change tabs, content and the title.

Craft 2 sticks to make it
Or just type /guide

/giveme serverguide:book or /giveme guide
screenshot_20151008_112808.png (251.9 KiB) Viewed 2280 times
Last edited by AiTechEye on Mon Dec 31, 2018 07:49, edited 11 times in total.

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Re: [Mod] serverguide

by Sokomine » Post

Nice. Let's hope players will read it!
A list of my mods can be found here.

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Re: [Mod] serverguide

by twoelk » Post

Have been fiddling with this a little. I added some basic information from the wiki to the -" local serverguide_Tab_Text_4="Commands: "- tab

Code: Select all

\n\nBasic default Controls:\n- W\\, A\\, S\\, D:  move\n- Space:  jump\n- Left mouse button:  attack\\, mine blocks\\, \n     move an item stack in an inventory\n- Right mouse button:  use (e.g. open chest or furnace)\\, \n     place blocks\\, move one item or split items in an inventory\n- Shift+Right mouse button:  place blocks\n- Middle mouse button:  move 10 items in an inventory \n- Mouse wheel:  select item in the hotbar \n- 0-9:  select item in the hotbar \n- Q:  drop block\\, item or tool in hand \n- I:  open or close the inventory menu \n- T:  open the chat window \n- /:  Start issuing a server command \n- Shift:  descend on ladders or sneak\n     (walk slower\\, prevents falling off ledges)\n blahblahblub"

The first issue I have is that it is not very intuitive to generate some formated text. I copied the lines with the spaces from my experiments with the "welcome" mod from Craig's game. Also if you run Mineterst in the standard resolution you quickly run out of space in the text fields. Any scrolling planned or did I miss a setting?

There have been several approaches at a player information system such as the
welcome mod from the Craig-Server_game by CraigyDavi or the
news mod used by the MinetestForFun-Server-Game (related to the one used on the VoidPixel server?) or the
wiki mod that is used on some servers for this purpose such as, among others, some hosted by OldCoder.

It would be really cool if this would develope into an easy to configure and maintain ingame information system that would include all the functions allready called for in too many threads to list them all. Maybe you could combine forces with the other systems? Other things of interest might be the GUI from Sokomines marker mod for the areas protection mod that lists protected areas or displaying more information from the /status, /privs, /mods, F5 and other system querrying commands.

You might have to tweak the copyright notice though for this mod to be usuable on public servers

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Re: [Mod] serverguide

by Sokomine » Post

twoelk wrote: Other things of interest might be the GUI from Sokomines marker mod for the areas protection mod that lists protected areas or displaying more information from the /status, /privs, /mods, F5 and other system querrying commands.
Combining all that distributed information might be very helpful. My mods usually come with a table that represents their namespace and contains all the relevant functions and data so that it ought to be relatively easy for other mods to access them. Showing the positions of travelnet stations on a map might also help.
A list of my mods can be found here.

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Re: [Mod] serverguide

by AiTechEye » Post

twoelk wrote: You might have to tweak the copyright notice though for this mod to be usuable on public servers
Added a clear license :-)

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Re: [Mod] server guide book [serverguide]

by texmex » Post

Would it be possible to add inventory+ support so that the guide can be brought up with a button?

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Re: [Mod] server guide book [serverguide]

by KCoombes » Post

This. Is. FABULOUS! You have saved me days of formspec headaches with your simple code!

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Re: [Mod] server guide book [serverguide]

by xisd » Post

Useful indeed !
Adding 'groups = {book=1},' when registering the tool would allow for storage in bookshelves

Code: Select all

minetest.register_tool("serverguide:book", {
	description = serverguide_Book_title,
	inventory_image = "default_book.png",
	-- Can be stored in bookshelves
	groups = {book=1},
	on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
	return itemstack
It would be great if Internationalization Lib (intllib) was supported too !
I might try to do that soon if I find the time

EDIT : I looked again and made two other minor changes
- colorized the book in yellow so it doesn't look like other books
- added an option 'add_to_inventory' at the beginning of the init.lua file and the corresponding if condition in the 'register_on_newplayer' function
( default value is minetest.setting_getbool("give_initial_stuff") so it does what is specified in minetest.conf, and can also be set to true or false to override it )
here is my complete file :

Code: Select all

-- add to inventory option
--    true     : add to new player inventory
--    false    : do not add...
--    minetest.setting_getbool("give_initial_stuff")   : depend on the give_initial_stuff option in minetest.conf

local add_to_inventory = minetest.setting_getbool("give_initial_stuff")

local serverguide_Book_title="The server guide"

local serverguide_Tab_Text_1="Server info\n Type /guide to see this"
local serverguide_Tab_Text_2="Server Rules \nNo ask for privs or admin stuff \nNo swearing or bad names (like God, fuc...)\nNo griefing\nNo bad stealing or steal people's usernames\nNo hacking\nDon't mess up with moderators or admins"
local serverguide_Tab_Text_3="Rulers info (moderator or admins)"
local serverguide_Tab_Text_4="Commands:\nSet your home with /sethome say /home to teleport back \nSee who are online /status"
local serverguide_Tab_Text_5="Help info\nHelp you self\n Only call a moderator or admin if you\n get problems that you cant fix it by own"

local serverguide_Tab_1="Server"
local serverguide_Tab_2="Rules"
local serverguide_Tab_3="Rulers"
local serverguide_Tab_4="Commands"
local serverguide_Tab_5="Help"

local function serverguide_guide(user,text_to_show)
local text=""
if text_to_show==1 then text=serverguide_Tab_Text_1 end
if text_to_show==2 then text=serverguide_Tab_Text_2 end
if text_to_show==3 then text=serverguide_Tab_Text_3 end
if text_to_show==4 then text=serverguide_Tab_Text_4 end
if text_to_show==5 then text=serverguide_Tab_Text_5 end

local form="size[8.5,9]" ..default.gui_bg..default.gui_bg_img..
	"button[0,0;1.5,1;tab1;" .. serverguide_Tab_1 .. "]" ..
	"button[1.5,0;1.5,1;tab2;" .. serverguide_Tab_2 .. "]" ..
	"button[3,0;1.5,1;tab3;" .. serverguide_Tab_3 .. "]" ..
	"button[4.5,0;1.5,1;tab4;" .. serverguide_Tab_4 .. "]" ..
	"button[6,0;1.5,1;tab5;" .. serverguide_Tab_5 .. "]" ..
	"button_exit[7.5,0; 1,1;tab6;X]" ..
	"label[0,1;"..text .."]"
minetest.show_formspec(user:get_player_name(), "serverguide",form)

minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, form, pressed)
	if form=="serverguide" then
	if pressed.tab1 then serverguide_guide(player,1) end
	if pressed.tab2 then serverguide_guide(player,2) end
	if pressed.tab3 then serverguide_guide(player,3) end
	if pressed.tab4 then serverguide_guide(player,4) end
	if pressed.tab5 then serverguide_guide(player,5) end

minetest.register_tool("serverguide:book", {
	description = serverguide_Book_title,
	inventory_image = "default_book.png^[colorize:#ffff00:100",
	-- Can be stored in bookshelves
	groups = {book=1},
	on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
	return itemstack
on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
	local pos = pointed_thing.under
	local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos)
	local def = node and minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
	if not def or not def.buildable_to then
		pos = pointed_thing.above
		node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos)
		def = node and minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
		if not def or not def.buildable_to then return itemstack end
	if minetest.is_protected(pos, placer:get_player_name()) then return itemstack end
	local fdir = minetest.dir_to_facedir(placer:get_look_dir())
	minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "serverguide:guide",param2 = fdir,})
	return itemstack
minetest.register_alias("guide", "serverguide:book")
minetest.register_craft({output = "serverguide:book",recipe = {{"default:stick","default:stick"},}})

minetest.register_node("serverguide:guide", {
	description = serverguide_Book_title,
	drawtype = "nodebox",
	paramtype = "light",
	paramtype2 = "facedir",
	is_ground_content = false,
	node_box = {
		type = "fixed",
		fixed = {0.35,-0.3,0.45,-0.35,-0.5,-0.45},
	tiles = {
	groups = {cracky=1,oddly_breakable_by_hand=3},
on_construct = function(pos)
		local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
		meta:set_string("infotext", serverguide_Book_title)
on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker)


	if add_to_inventory then
		player:get_inventory():add_item("main", "serverguide:book")

minetest.register_chatcommand("guide", {
	params = "",
	description = serverguide_Book_title,
	func = function(name, param)
		return true
sorry for the long post ... (that's the end of it, I promise)

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Re: [Mod] server guide book [serverguide]

by xisd » Post

Sorry for the double post

I made a few changes to this already great mod and posted it on github

Changes are :

- Add internationalization support (intllib) and french translation
- Colorize book
- Change book from tool to item and add group book so it can be placed in bookshelves
- Replace label by textarea in formspec for automatic break lines
- Add use of files for tab content
- Add option to add to inventory of new player

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Re: [Mod] server guide book [serverguide]

by twoelk » Post

great stuff

wrapping works as expected. (Screen long words do not get wrapped of course)
so now for the problem of too long texts.
We will need scrolling I guess.

I also played with the language setting. It did not recognize the "local" setting of my machine but after adding a language parameter to my minetest.config it did read the new content I had created. It did not change the tab titles though that I had added a file for. Does it look up at another place for this? I also tried it with french as a file is allready supplied but that also did not change the tab headings.

It would be great if I could force a language from within the mod folder as the system language might not always be the language I want the guide to be in. Actually it would be really usefull if I could choose the language ingame, maybe with some buttons in the Help section. It would be fun to be able to write for example a latin version for educational purposes without having to set the local to latin or fiddling with the default files.

Any hope in adding at least a subset of markdown?

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Re: [Mod] server guide book [serverguide]

by xisd » Post

I looked for a scrolling method a while ago but I never found anything, but yes that would be great
(Same for the markdown I can't see how to do that)

Language setting detection is taken from intllib : it tries first minetest.conf, then os langage, then finally default to english as last resort
Maybe it ditn't detect your os lang because you use windows? See this post

Tab titles are still defined in the init.lua file but are translated using file "locale/<two letters corresponding to your langage>.txt" by intllib mod (copy and rename the template.txt to set the content properly)
If either this intllib mod or the text file does not exist, they would not be translated

To use a custom language (for the tab content only) you could add an option as the beginning of the init.lua file (after the add_to_inventory variable for example)

Code: Select all

-- Use a custom langage folder
-- set to false to desactivate
local custom_langage = "latin"
and then adding an override of the LANG variable
it must be after the definition of the LANG and before the for loop)

Code: Select all

-- Overrite previous LANG definition if custom langage set
if custom_langage then LANG = custom_langage

Modern Hippie
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Re: [Mod] server guide book [serverguide]

by Modern Hippie » Post

xisd wrote:Sorry for the double post

I made a few changes to this already great mod and posted it on github

Changes are :

- Add internationalization support (intllib) and french translation
- Colorize book
- Change book from tool to item and add group book so it can be placed in bookshelves
- Replace label by textarea in formspec for automatic break lines
- Add use of files for tab content
- Add option to add to inventory of new player
I tried your changed mod, but if I tried to change something in the text it didn't worked :/
No longer active with this account! Please PM me on my new account "Wolfshippie"!

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Re: [Mod] server guide book [serverguide]

by xisd » Post

Modern Hippie wrote:I tried your changed mod, but if I tried to change something in the text it didn't worked :/
I haven't looked a it in a while but did you edit the files in the world folder ?

The ones in the mod directory are templates only used to generate the ones in the world folder (their contient is written into the world folder files if those are missing )

So normally to edit the text of tabs : either edit the files in the mod folder and delete those in the word folder
or directly edit those in the word folder

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Re: [Mod] server guide book [serverguide]

by AiTechEye » Post

the mod license is now CC0

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Re: [Mod] server guide book [serverguide]

by Wolfshippie » Post

xisd wrote:
Modern Hippie wrote:I tried your changed mod, but if I tried to change something in the text it didn't worked :/
I haven't looked a it in a while but did you edit the files in the world folder ?

The ones in the mod directory are templates only used to generate the ones in the world folder (their contient is written into the world folder files if those are missing )

So normally to edit the text of tabs : either edit the files in the mod folder and delete those in the word folder
or directly edit those in the word folder
Ahhh, thanks XD

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Re: [Mod] server guide book [serverguide]

by BirgitLachner » Post

Hi ...
I installed the serverguides on a new V5 Server. But after starting and even looking at the book, I can't see any text in the world-forlder?

That because of the new version?


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