There are arcs for outer and inner corners too:


Inner Arcs

Outer Arcs

A quick example:

depends: default
Download: see attachment
Reworked the code (I studied "viaduct" viewtopic.php?f=9&t=14559 -- thanks pithy!)
So the api is much more easy:
To make arcs from nodes of your mod, put "pkarcs?" into your depends.txt,
and call this function in your init.lua:
Code: Select all
if minetest.get_modpath("pkarcs") then
added Aspen Wood Arcs - Minetest 0.4.14
License changed to LGPLv2.1+
Update for Minetest 0.4.15:
- Arcs added for the new stone- sandstone- desertstone- and obsidian-blocks.
- mod.conf added.
- Better placing!
(I don't really understand facedir and param2, but with the code I gathered it works...)
When placed, the hollow side of the arc points to the player (similar to stairs).
When placed on ground, the hollow side points upwards, otherwise (placed under a node or on its side) downwards.
For sidewards arcs you need the screwdriver.
- Compatible with older versions of this mod. (!)
Update for Minetest 0.4.16:
added arcs for
- Desert Sandstone
- Desert Sandstone Block
- Desert Sandstone Brick
- Silver Sandstone
- Silver Sandstone Block
- Silver Sandstone Brick