Alive AI: the survivor ai mobs
83 npc / monsters
Depends: default, smartshop?, 3d_armor?, beds?, bones?, mesecons?
Licenses: code: LGPL-2.1, media: CC BY-SA-4.0
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Some NPC's is using custom properties, like the clown can juggle with items, trader can sell things, worker can mine and move items, diference monsters have theirs own properties.
build (by generated instructions)
search place to build
drop bones
ignore inaccessible blocks
look for
use tools
path finding
build towers to reach targets
build bridges to reach targets
give stuff to other bots
search for light or darknes or for darkes in light
nodes hanlers like, dig tnt, punsh mesecon buttons...
have temper and mood
pick up drops
get given things
steal from players
hunt things to get food
go to randomly positions
rotating (not only set yaw)
detect enemies
detect friends and team members
detect things to come to
detect by view field
storge inevtory and data, name, team, color, home pos ...
have home and go+teleport home if they are too far away
climb on ladders
open / close doors
place light in darknes
randomly look around
randomly look on things
randomly walk
randomly be annoyed by too near things
randomly folow things
avoid edges + randomly walk
use bows (viewtopic.php?t=14384)
leader (call every visiable team meber around it)
hurts by falling from heights
disappear by falling too far
hurts by blocks
drown (water)
choke (like vacuum blocks)
smartfight (jumps round and removes blocks under the enemy, to make it fall down)
escape and hide
suprbuild (do not need to stand near to place)
jump over 2x nodes
jump when they stuck in blocks
dig if they stuck under blocks
sleep + in bed
sit in chair
be relived
remember familiarizes
talk and answere on some questions
use armor
come (say: <name> come, say: come, right click it)
buy from smartshops
ride horses (mobs redo)
go by boats
go by carts
take chests with its content
be interested by blocks
bots can aslo buy using smartshop
bots can call bots like: <name> come
players can do: <name> come
and <team> come
default teams are Sam and Jezy ... eg: Sam come
or rightclick them
make them to a guard:
right click them with a diamond, this makes them stay around the position.
useful to keep monsters and enemies away.
Special tools:
aliveai:terminal or command /aliveai
set tempoary settings, eg freeze the ai system, or control bots, etc
requires privilege aliveai
spawn / generate buildings, (use with care!)
requires privilege aliveai_buildings_spawning
no more item crashes, (using pcall)
moved weather to another repo:
-weather (was just too heavy)
somewhat more stable
-advanced/turnlook (bot was turning, instead look at directly, this was unnecessary in the long run)
new storage (save/load) system, your old data will be lost
(as default only contains what players has eaten and changed to team)
25.1 - 26
+privilege aliveai_invisibility (will not be detected by bots when sneak is holded)
complete the book to get the priv
*/aliveai not working
*/aliveai removes item in hand
+aliveai:buildings_spawner (instead of lots of spawning tools) [requires the aliveai_buildings_spawning privilege]
*light crash
*none digable but eatable items
*trying to use food as tools
*alien error by inf colorcode
+def no_entity, no_spawning, no_spawnitem (or replace)
+spawn_in node or group
+description to all bots (used with the book)
#replacing aliveai.convertdata with minetest.serialize (bots can now save/storage everything)
#replace buildings spawning tools with aliveai:buildings_spawner
+ai book
#change registered bots keys from name to mod:name, to avoid overwriting from different mods, you need to change spawners to keep them working
#adapts for statue/killerplant (you wont notice any difference)