[Mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

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Which version is the beter one?

I like the existing 12 directions textures version on master
I like the new 16 directions textures version on 16dirs branch
Total votes: 11

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[Mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

by bell07 » Post

This mod is a fork of Echo's original Compass Mod (viewtopic.php?f=11&t=3785), enhanced for a new calibration way using new MT-0.4.16 features. It is a follow up to my started work at viewtopic.php?f=11&t=3785&start=25#p262919 that I renamed now to get my fork an own name.

For players:
1. Craft the compass as before using the crafting recipe.
The new compass points to the origin / Zero point and is already usable.

2. Punch the compass to a compatible node (all by default) and enter the target name

3. Now this compass leads you allways to this location. You can give it away to allow other users to find this place.

For server owners:
The mod support the next settings:
  • static_spawnpoint - use this position instead 0,0,0 as initial target
  • ccompass_recalibrate (enabled by default): If disabled each compass can be calibrated one time only
  • ccompass_restrict_target (Disabled by default): If enabled, only specific nodes are allowed for calibration (usable with any type waypoint nodes for example)
  • ccompass_restrict_target_nodes: List of technical node names allowed for compass calibration, separated by ','
  • ccompass_aliasses: If enabled the compas:* items will be aliased to the ccompass:* items for compatibility
For developers:
It is possible to change the settings, pre-calibrate or re-calibrate compass from other mod's. Some hooks exists too. Please have a look to https://github.com/minetest-mods/ccompa ... developers for more informations.

Obligatory things:

License - as the original mod: Code: MIT, textures: CC BY-SA, sound: CC0.

Dependencies: none

Download / Code: https://github.com/minetest-mods/ccompass
New textures.png
New textures.png (5.75 KiB) Viewed 2311 times
Bildschirmfoto_2017-06-13_14-03-34.png (30.71 KiB) Viewed 2311 times
Compass Recipe.png
Compass Recipe.png (16.79 KiB) Viewed 2311 times
Last edited by bell07 on Tue Jul 09, 2019 18:49, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: [mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

by texmex » Post

Yes! This works very simple and intuitive I got to say. Plus, the range of settings for server owners and developers makes this one tweakable in a lot of ways. Good work.

I feel like the textures could use an overhaul so perhaps I can find time to draw those, to even further increase the value of this mod.

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Re: [mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

by bell07 » Post

Thanks @texmex.
I added addintional dev-info how to create pre-calibrated Compass. Now I am try to hold me back to write a demo-mod that demonstrates the game integration capabilities. I am about "Schnitzeljagt" ;-)

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Re: [mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

by texmex » Post

bell07 wrote:Thanks @texmex.
I added addintional dev-info how to create pre-calibrated Compass. Now I am try to hold me back to write a demo-mod that demonstrates the game integration capabilities. I am about "Schnitzeljagt" ;-)
Schnitzeljagt sounds excellent, good luck!

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Re: [mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

by texmex » Post

An idea for ccompass function in relation to Schnitzeljagt: Each compass can optionally be given a lifetime. The lifetime activates on pick up and either looses its bearing or breaks on expiration. The lifetime can be visually represented by wear level and audibly represented by a subtle ticking.

This way, the Schnitzeljagt will be a time pressing task, making it more challenging. The lifetime doesn't have to be static either but can instead be set in relation to distance to the next Schnitzel.

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Re: [mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

by bell07 » Post

Initial version of Schnitzeljagd is done: https://github.com/bell07/minetest-schnitzeljagd

You need to follow 10x compass needle to get a price. The compasses are placed in chests that are hard to find because bellow surface, so shovel is recommended to have along.

To implement wear is possible, but not depending on time but on usage like I did it for "subspacewalker" tool. There are multiple ways what should happen: De-calibration?, compass lost? Should wear be calculated in not calibrated mode? To many ways so I keep the mod KISS and do not implement them but added a hook for this.

Code: Select all

compass_stack = ccompass.usage_hook(compass_stack, player) or compass_stack
This method is called each time a compass is updated so wear could be implemented overriding this hook from other mod.

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Re: [mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

by bell07 » Post

Thanks to texmex! New textures seems really nice! Screenshot in the first post updated. On calibration there is a calibration sound now audible!

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Re: [Mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

by bell07 » Post

The ccompass is now a part of the minetest-mods family!!!
The License is changed to MIT
Github links adjusted to https://github.com/minetest-mods/ccompass

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Re: [Mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

by Wolfshippie » Post

What about a teleport option to the coordinates for those who have the teleport priv?

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Re: [Mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

by bell07 » Post

Wolfshippie wrote:What about a teleport option to the coordinates for those who have the teleport priv?
That could be an other mod. Maybe something like a teleport-block, if punched by calibrated compass you are teleported to the destination?
Direct integration to ccompass because it is not the idea for compass.

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Re: [Mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

by bell07 » Post

Implemented the teleporting functionality, but not merged to master before I get feedback
The version can be found in teleporter branch: https://github.com/minetest-mods/ccompa ... teleporter

If the ccompass is punched against default:mese (block) the player is teleported to the calibrated target.
Two things should be concerned about gameplay:
1. default:mese is to expensive to use it once to teleport home
2. If you teleport away, do not forget the ccompass with home coordinates

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Re: [Mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

by bell07 » Post

In Issue 9 more directions then current 12 was requested for ccompass. @tacotexmex did the textures and I adjusted the 3 lines lua. The new version with 16 directions I pushed to 16dirs branch (download: https://github.com/minetest-mods/ccompa ... 16dirs.zip)

Please vote on the poll at the fist post which version you do more like. I personally like the 12 directions version because each wielded item change triggers hand gesture, so the 12 direction version is less fidgety.

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Re: [Mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

by texmex » Post

Regardless of outcome, the loosing option can still be an opt-in feature, no?

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Re: [Mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

by kestral » Post

Here's what the two versions look like when animated.

Image Image

I wasn't sure whether texmex could make the 16-dir version as smooth as his original, but it certainly looks like he did it. Excellent job!

Original 12-dir textures
Original 12-dir textures
ccompass12.gif (28.88 KiB) Viewed 2311 times
New 16-dir textures
New 16-dir textures
ccompass16.gif (36.58 KiB) Viewed 2311 times

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Re: [Mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

by Merak » Post

bell07 wrote:I personally like the 12 directions version because each wielded item change triggers hand gesture, so the 12 direction version is less fidgety.
That only happens if you make it the wielded item. You do not need to do that when navigating because the compass you watch is in the tool bar.

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Re: [Mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

by bell07 » Post

According the poll (2 votes=100%) moved the 16dirs version to master, and the previous master to 12dirs branch.

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Re: [Mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

by FaceDeer » Post

Thought users of this mod might like to know about the personal log mod I just put together, it integrates with this mod. You can log information about a location in your personal log and then later on you can calibrate a compass to that location. You can also share locations by copying them into books.

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Re: [Mod] Calibrated Compass [ccompass]

by TechnoWolfTV » Post

Big fan of this mod, but wanted to advise that as of Minetest 5.1.1 the needle does not spin. It remains in the "North" position regardless of movement. It still allows setting coordinates to a node and naming the location, etc. but just won't spin.

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