For players:
1. Craft the compass as before using the crafting recipe.
The new compass points to the origin / Zero point and is already usable.
2. Punch the compass to a compatible node (all by default) and enter the target name
3. Now this compass leads you allways to this location. You can give it away to allow other users to find this place.
For server owners:
The mod support the next settings:
- static_spawnpoint - use this position instead 0,0,0 as initial target
- ccompass_recalibrate (enabled by default): If disabled each compass can be calibrated one time only
- ccompass_restrict_target (Disabled by default): If enabled, only specific nodes are allowed for calibration (usable with any type waypoint nodes for example)
- ccompass_restrict_target_nodes: List of technical node names allowed for compass calibration, separated by ','
- ccompass_aliasses: If enabled the compas:* items will be aliased to the ccompass:* items for compatibility
It is possible to change the settings, pre-calibrate or re-calibrate compass from other mod's. Some hooks exists too. Please have a look to ... developers for more informations.
Obligatory things:
License - as the original mod: Code: MIT, textures: CC BY-SA, sound: CC0.
Dependencies: none
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