[Modpack] Home Decor [git] [homedecor_modpack]

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by kaeza » Post

sajukimoto wrote:its windows 7 minetest, just installed it the other day, and I tried to install the home decor modpack, and got the error i posted above and I followed the instructions, and it happens to me with different mods, and I don't know why....
That screenshot does not say anything about the error other than "an error occurred".

You need to paste the last 20 lines or so of your `debug.txt' file as explained in that topic.
Your signature is not the place for a blog post. Please keep it as concise as possible. Thank you!

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by VanessaE » Post

Your copy of Minetest is probably out of date. As the first post indicates, this modpack only works with the current development version of Minetest, not the 0.4.9-release, which is outdated. Please update to a recent "git" development build, e.g. one of the "unofficial" builds on the Minetest website.

Also do not install this modpack from the mod store, the copy there is equally out of date.

If the problem persists, please pastebin your debug.txt. That screenshot does not show the real error.

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by VanessaE » Post

Also, Sokomine and Inocudom: Actually I'm still not 100% satisfied with the texture used for the default sign background. So far every attempt I've made has either lost too much color of the wood, or came out too light, or too dark, etc. If someone can suggest a better one, I might consider it :-)

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by Inocudom » Post

Have you ever seen the jukebox in BFD? I think it would be wonderful if your stereos could do something similar (and speakers to, in a sense.) Of course, I am referring to the playing of music either in a server's folder or a client's folder (or both, I suppose.)

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by TenPlus1 » Post

I like the coloured text and bookshelf additions to your mod... I did notice that the lighting.lua nodes can bypass protection mods because of the way minetest adds instead of placing nodes when using minetest.rotate_node, so I changed each node to the following and it works:

Code: Select all

on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
	if not minetest.is_protected(pointed_thing.under, placer:get_player_name()) then
		minetest.rotate_node(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
		return itemstack
Also, since you are using minetest.rotate_node, doesn't this mean you can remove the abm's in lighting.lua as it works ok without them ?

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by VanessaE » Post

Inocudom: I did want to make them play music, but never got around to adding that feature. Audio files take up a LOT of space and network bandwidth. The only sane way to handle it that would be with a client-side "sound pack", which is similar to what Technic's jukebox uses. Now, if Minetest could play MIDI or Mod/XM/etc, or some other condensed music format, it might be doable. Alas, it cannot.

For TenPlus1, we discussed his issues in IRC. Those things are due to his Minetest version being out of date and not entirely understanding the purpose of those ABMs.

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by Inocudom » Post

VanessaE wrote:Inocudom: I did want to make them play music, but never got around to adding that feature. Audio files take up a LOT of space and network bandwidth. The only sane way to handle it that would be with a client-side "sound pack", which is similar to what Technic's jukebox uses. Now, if Minetest could play MIDI or Mod/XM/etc, or some other condensed music format, it might be doable. Alas, it cannot.

For TenPlus1, we discussed his issues in IRC. Those things are due to his Minetest version being out of date and not entirely understanding the purpose of those ABMs.
I prefer .mod music over .midi music. Unless you have a good synthesizer, .midi music sounds pretty bad (I know this thanks to Zelda Classic.)

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by VanessaE » Post

When played with Timidity and either the current "Freepats" or the old "EAWpats" patch sets, a well-done MIDI file actually sounds pretty good, and any ordinary PC can handle it without any synth hardware.

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by VanessaE » Post

Update: Signs can now hang from ceilings. Simply point at the ceiling when you place one and it, well, hangs. :-)

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by VanessaE » Post

Another small update: I finally fixed that G*d-forsaken toilet flushing sound!

Also, Minetest has shading on all node faces now, so those old second- and third-shade textures for 3dforniture have been phased out.

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by VanessaE » Post

And another small update: flower pots are now round-looking by way of nodeboxes.

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by crazyginger72 » Post

i need the following things now!!!! :D

few house plants, i small potted tree or bonzi tree table settings (plates cups etc) welcome mat blinds bathroom mirror tub better tv (small flat screen) a sofa, nicer rugs bean bag chair newer model tower pc fish tank ( with fisk) a tp roll on the wall towles on the wall hangers a mantel for over a fireplace paintings plunger window ac unit survaliance cams a rack server a fan or 2 taoster medicine cabenet

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by VanessaE » Post

See first post, "TODO" for the ongoing list of stuff this modpack needs.

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by VanessaE » Post

Update: added washing machine, dryer, stainless steel oven and fridge, bathroom/kitchen tiles in four shades, table lamps in several colors to match the curtains, welcome mats in three colors, granite-, steel-, and marble-topped kitchen cabinets, white and mahogany colors for the "3dforniture" tables, and brick chimneys. Also gave "3dforniture" wooden objects a better wood texture in the process.

No craft recipes for any of the new objects, yet.

Fridges, ovens, and cabinets work as usual and can be locked, and lamps have multiple light levels (punch to change), as usual.

Granite and marble textures borrowed shamelessly from technic and modified to suit. :-)

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by TenPlus1 » Post

Since the moreores mod is only needed for brass ingots to make poles & fences and a single tin ingot for refrigerators, wouldn't it be easier to remove the dependency and change it to gold since it is now one of the default ores in the game ?

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by VanessaE » Post

Nope, I prefer to keep it this way.

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by VanessaE » Post

Another update: added some wall clocks, an alarm clock, and a whole bunch of decorative wall paintings from my and my husband's stock of photography. No crafting recipes yet, and the clocks don't do anything - all are decorative only. Just trying to whittle-down the To-do list a bit.

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by Inocudom » Post

These updates fill me with joy. They have so many possibilities, and I hope that ShadowNinja will use them.

This mod does not seemed to be worked on anymore. Perhaps some of its nodes are of interest to you? Below is a link to a download of it:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/654 ... lub-19.zip
At least the author of it specified a license.

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by VanessaE » Post

Regarding that nightclub mod, actually yeah I'd have liked to have imported parts of it into homedecor, as some of the nodes defined by it are things others have requested be added to homedecor, but the license is not compatible, so that's out.

Meanwhile, more updates: added decorative electrical outlet and light switch, cardboard box with small inventory, DVD/VCR combo, DVD/CD cabinets, filing cabinet and medicine cabinet with small inventories, dishwasher, two types of windowpanes, two types of horizontal blinds, a towel rod with towel (yes, this mod is Douglas Adams compliant), and gave the existing kitchen chair several new seat colors to match the armchairs.

Filing cabinet can lock, medicine cabinet and box don't. No craft recipes as usual. :P

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by Inocudom » Post

I see that you added sdzen's building_blocks mod to this modpack. To improve upon it, you could consider making its nodes compatible with default's screwdriver and moreblock's stairsplus. It does sound like you gave the fireplace a sound effect.

I am finding your new nodes for this modpack to be very useful on your creative server. They allowed me to build a laundromat in my small village. Thank you for them.

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by VanessaE » Post

More updates: Added crafting recipes for several of the recently-added objects - tables, kitchen chairs, fishtank, steel oven and fridge (the default recipe that crafted white ones now crafts these, then you dye them white), and a few more. See the commit log for details.

Inocudom: Yep, indeed I imported sdzen's old building_blocks mod into this modpack, primarily because I needed a few nodes from it to get a couple of those recipes done right (better this than re-inventing those nodes, especially since that mod predates this one by a fair bit). In the process, I made a few minor bugfixes and removed the spleef stick. I also changed the name of the bundle of sticks to something a bit less...controversial (but with an alias to avoid unknown items).

However, those stairs items use facedir, so they should already work with the screwdriver at the very least. They just don't use the auto-rotate function yet. The slabs don't, but that won't be hard. Remind me later and I'll fix both.

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by crazyginger72 » Post

VanessaE wrote:Regarding that nightclub mod, actually yeah I'd have liked to have imported parts of it into homedecor, as some of the nodes defined by it are things others have requested be added to homedecor, but the license is not compatible, so that's out.

Meanwhile, more updates: added decorative electrical outlet and light switch, cardboard box with small inventory, DVD/VCR combo, DVD/CD cabinets, filing cabinet and medicine cabinet with small inventories, dishwasher, two types of windowpanes, two types of horizontal blinds, a towel rod with towel (yes, this mod is Douglas Adams compliant), and gave the existing kitchen chair several new seat colors to match the armchairs.

Filing cabinet can lock, medicine cabinet and box don't. No craft recipes as usual. :P
windowpanes and blinds by me VanessaE lol :D
Last edited by crazyginger72 on Sat Jun 28, 2014 05:24, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by Inocudom » Post

VanessaE wrote:More updates: Added crafting recipes for several of the recently-added objects - tables, kitchen chairs, fishtank, steel oven and fridge (the default recipe that crafted white ones now crafts these, then you dye them white), and a few more. See the commit log for details.

Inocudom: Yep, indeed I imported sdzen's old building_blocks mod into this modpack, primarily because I needed a few nodes from it to get a couple of those recipes done right (better this than re-inventing those nodes, especially since that mod predates this one by a fair bit). In the process, I made a few minor bugfixes and removed the spleef stick. I also changed the name of the bundle of sticks to something a bit less...controversial (but with an alias to avoid unknown items).

However, those stairs items use facedir, so they should already work with the screwdriver at the very least. They just don't use the auto-rotate function yet. The slabs don't, but that won't be hard. Remind me later and I'll fix both.
The regular nodes and the fireplace can't be rotated with facedir nor the screwdriver (for the furnace, I would recommend having both, while the others can be rotated by just the screwdriver.)

There are two grate textures, but only the first one is used. Would you consider making a node for the second one?

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by VanessaE » Post

Already fixed the furnace in git. I'll look at that second grate texture and the other stuff later on.

Meanwhile, check the other commits in git, I've been hard at work. :D Lots of craft recipes have been added, and everything so far that has a recipe or where the recipe has changed has, as far as I can tell, been documented on the Home Decor Wiki.

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Re: [Modpack] Home Decor [20140126] [homedecor_modpack]

by JPRuehmann » Post

Since the last Update of minetest today I get the following error.

ERROR[main]: The following mods could not be found: "homedecor"

how do I get it back to work?

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