[Modpack] 3D Armor [0.4.13] [minetest-3d_armor]

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by stu » Post

Glad you found the cause of the problem, that would do it, thanks for letting me know.
ak399g wrote:Regular nodes do not show up in the wieldview still, but the armor no longer glitches out and tools do show up.
You can enable 'node-tiles' by setting wieldview_node_tiles = true in your minetest.conf
This is disabled by default because I don't think it looks very good and it does not really contribute to gameplay.

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by ak399g » Post

Next on my agenda is to create two pairs of boots.
Assuming I set the default player physics to "sneak_glitch = false", the first pair should override that and set it to true when equipped.
The second pair should set the player's default speed multiplier to 2 when equipped.
No clue how to do this. I'd ask in the mod questions thread but since it's specific to 3d_armor I figured I should ask here.

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by stu » Post

ak399g wrote:Next on my agenda is to create two pairs of boots.
Assuming I set the default player physics to "sneak_glitch = false", the first pair should override that and set it to true when equipped.
The second pair should set the player's default speed multiplier to 2 when equipped.
No clue how to do this. I'd ask in the mod questions thread but since it's specific to 3d_armor I figured I should ask here.
Support for physics override was added a while back by BrandonReese, however, this only works for speed, jump and gravity. sneak and sneak_glitch are boolean so it may require a bit more work. Unfortunately setting either of these appears to have zero effect on my current build so I can't offer much assistance at the moment as I can't really test anything. Any idea when these were added? (anyone)
Things like this are probably best posted in modding general as you will get more knowledgeable people reading it and maybe a little more exposure time, no big deal though.

Edit: You can try this, it does not work for me but maybe it'll work for you.

Note that you will also need add a group flag to the armor definition: physics_sneak=1, physics_sneak_glitch=1

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by Megaf » Post

Hi, I added gold armor and shields, they are equivalent to bronze ones, added more for their look as players were requesting them.


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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by stu » Post

Megaf wrote:Hi, I added gold armor and shields, they are equivalent to bronze ones, added more for their look as players were requesting them.

Looked fine so I just merged it, though I don't really get why anyone would use gold as an armor material, it would be very impractical in RL. I do listen to those actually using this on their servers, if that is what people want then, why not.

Thank you.

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by Megaf » Post

stu wrote:
Megaf wrote:Hi, I added gold armor and shields, they are equivalent to bronze ones, added more for their look as players were requesting them.

Looked fine so I just merged it, though I don't really get why anyone would use gold as an armor material, it would be very impractical in RL. I do listen to those actually using this on their servers, if that is what people want then, why not.

Thank you.
stu, yep, I think the same, just made that because of requests :)
Another request is mese armor... Now I'm thinking in using this yellow for mese and making another yellow for gold, maybe a little darker.

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by MirceaKitsune » Post

Nice idea, totally for this! But it's broken and doesn't work with latest Minetest GIT master:

Code: Select all

15:56:13: ACTION[main]: [MOD]inventory_plus -- loaded from /home/mircea/.minetest/mods/inventory_plus/inventory_plus
15:56:13: ERROR[main]: ========== ERROR FROM LUA ===========
15:56:13: ERROR[main]: Failed to load and run script from 
15:56:13: ERROR[main]: /home/mircea/.minetest/mods/3d_armor/3d_armor/init.lua:
15:56:13: ERROR[main]: ...me/mircea/.minetest/mods/3d_armor/3d_armor/armor.lua:252: attempt to call field 'player_register_model' (a nil value)
15:56:13: ERROR[main]: stack traceback:
15:56:13: ERROR[main]:  ...me/mircea/.minetest/mods/3d_armor/3d_armor/armor.lua:252: in main chunk
15:56:13: ERROR[main]:  [C]: in function 'dofile'
15:56:13: ERROR[main]:  ...ome/mircea/.minetest/mods/3d_armor/3d_armor/init.lua:2: in main chunk
15:56:13: ERROR[main]: ======= END OF ERROR FROM LUA ========
15:56:13: ERROR[main]: Server: Failed to load and run /home/mircea/.minetest/mods/3d_armor/3d_armor/init.lua
15:56:13: ERROR[main]: ModError: ModError: Failed to load and run /home/mircea/.minetest/mods/3d_armor/3d_armor/init.lua

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by Krock » Post

MirceaKitsune wrote:But it's broken and doesn't work with latest Minetest GIT master:
Easy to solve, add the API here to your current game.
https://github.com/BlockMen/minetest_ne ... yer.lua#L9

EDIT: ninja'd stu
Last edited by Krock on Sun Jun 15, 2014 13:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by stu » Post

MirceaKitsune wrote:Nice idea, totally for this! But it's broken and doesn't work with latest Minetest GIT master:

Code: Select all

15:56:13: ACTION[main]: [MOD]inventory_plus -- loaded from /home/mircea/.minetest/mods/inventory_plus/inventory_plus
15:56:13: ERROR[main]: ========== ERROR FROM LUA ===========
15:56:13: ERROR[main]: Failed to load and run script from 
15:56:13: ERROR[main]: /home/mircea/.minetest/mods/3d_armor/3d_armor/init.lua:
15:56:13: ERROR[main]: ...me/mircea/.minetest/mods/3d_armor/3d_armor/armor.lua:252: attempt to call field 'player_register_model' (a nil value)
15:56:13: ERROR[main]: stack traceback:
15:56:13: ERROR[main]:  ...me/mircea/.minetest/mods/3d_armor/3d_armor/armor.lua:252: in main chunk
15:56:13: ERROR[main]:  [C]: in function 'dofile'
15:56:13: ERROR[main]:  ...ome/mircea/.minetest/mods/3d_armor/3d_armor/init.lua:2: in main chunk
15:56:13: ERROR[main]: ======= END OF ERROR FROM LUA ========
15:56:13: ERROR[main]: Server: Failed to load and run /home/mircea/.minetest/mods/3d_armor/3d_armor/init.lua
15:56:13: ERROR[main]: ModError: ModError: Failed to load and run /home/mircea/.minetest/mods/3d_armor/3d_armor/init.lua
Sorry, this requires minetest_game or at least a game with a compatible player.lua

Edit: Looks like krock beat me to it

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by MirceaKitsune » Post

Ugh, sorry about that. I'm running minetest_game, but had payer.lua disabled and forgot. Re-activated the file and now it works, will experiment with the mod now.

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by MirceaKitsune » Post

Alright, I tested this for a bit and looked at the code. The idea and implementation are very good and this is well done!

There's only one thing which I'm inclined to strongly disagree with; The handling of wielded items. Excluding armor and shield, which were added as extra surfaces / materials to the player model exactly as I agree they should. I'm only referring to the representation of the item selected on the hotbar, which has three major problems:

1 - It only works for a few items, apparently just tools (sword, pickaxe, etc). IMO visible wielded items are too incomplete and of little use if they don't automatically work for all and every item.

2 - They update too slowly. When pressing F7 to go into third person view, you can see that it takes about a second until the wielded item changes. I understand that constantly checking the selected item might be a little costly for the server, and I'm not sure if the API can call a Lua function efficiently when the hotbar selection changes. Still, I believe the update should be done at least every 0.1 seconds.

3 - While it's easier to add a square surface to the hand of the player mesh and texture it with the material being held, this limits the appearance of wielded items to a 2D image. I also disagree with stacking so many squares in order to create depth... here is a screenshot of what I mean. My suggestion is removing those surfaces completely, and using a Lua entity attached to the right hand bone (spawned when the player joins the server and removed when the player disconnects). This entity assumes the exact drawtype and texture of the item held, which allows any visual type (2D, torchlike, nodebox, block, etc) to be shown.

Other than this, I only have a few little suggestions: Firstly, don't allow items which aren't armor into the armor slots, nor any inventory stacks (just single items). Players can seemingly use this to gain extra inventory space, which IMO isn't a good thing. You also can't wear golden boots and diamond boots at the same time for example, so only one item of each type should probably be allowed. I'm not sure what the current Lua API can do about this, so if it's not possible I understand.

Second, there seem to be 6 armor slots, but 4 types of armor + a shield, making this 5 categories of armor items. What if the player could wear two shields simultaneously, one on the left hand and one on the right? Since shields are worn on the arm and not held in hand, it also makes sense that the player can keep using their arms while wearing shields.

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by stu » Post

Many of these points have been discussed before so I suggest you read back through some old topics
MirceaKitsune wrote:1 - It only works for a few items, apparently just tools (sword, pickaxe, etc). IMO visible wielded items are too incomplete and of little use if they don't automatically work for all and every item.
They currently work for all items that have an inventory image, see: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4654&start=275#p144286
MirceaKitsune wrote:2 - They update too slowly. When pressing F7 to go into third person view, you can see that it takes about a second until the wielded item changes. I understand that constantly checking the selected item might be a little costly for the server, and I'm not sure if the API can call a Lua function efficiently when the hotbar selection changes. Still, I believe the update should be done at least every 0.1 seconds.
This is also configurable by adding an armor.conf (see armor.conf.example) 0.1 seconds may be fine in singleplayer but I don't think it will work well on a busy server.

Correction: that is for armor update, the wield item update is still configured in minetest.conf > wieldview_update_time
MirceaKitsune wrote:3 - While it's easier to add a square surface to the hand of the player mesh and texture it with the material being held, this limits the appearance of wielded items to a 2D image. I also disagree with stacking so many squares in order to create depth... here is a screenshot of what I mean. My suggestion is removing those surfaces completely, and using a Lua entity attached to the right hand bone (spawned when the player joins the server and removed when the player disconnects). This entity assumes the exact drawtype and texture of the item held, which allows any visual type (2D, torchlike, nodebox, block, etc) to be shown.
See my answer here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4654&start=250#p142691
MirceaKitsune wrote:Other than this, I only have a few little suggestions: Firstly, don't allow items which aren't armor into the armor slots, nor any inventory stacks (just single items). Players can seemingly use this to gain extra inventory space, which IMO isn't a good thing. You also can't wear golden boots and diamond boots at the same time for example, so only one item of each type should probably be allowed. I'm not sure what the current Lua API can do about this, so if it's not possible I understand.
I guess I could make it more strict re. adding non armor items to the armor slots but you can do that already with the craft grid (at least you could last time I tried)
MirceaKitsune wrote:Second, there seem to be 6 armor slots, but 4 types of armor + a shield, making this 5 categories of armor items. What if the player could wear two shields simultaneously, one on the left hand and one on the right? Since shields are worn on the arm and not held in hand, it also makes sense that the player can keep using their arms while wearing shields.
This was mostly a tradeoff to include support for unified inventory, I couldn't fit the old slot formation into the available space (without a lot of extra work). I considered having 6 slots would allow for the possible inclusion of capes.

PS: I don't have much spare time to work on this at the moment but If you think you can improve this mod then you are quite welcome to make a pull request, thank you again for your comments.

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by MirceaKitsune » Post

stu wrote:They currently work for all items that have an inventory image, see: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4654&start=275#p144286
I understand. It still feels weird and wrong that it only works for some items though. Maybe the system used by the inventory / hotbar to generate previews could be involved here, so all items are visible even if blocks would look flat. If not, how bad would it be if it simply used the item texture as-is... so if you're holding cobblestone the wielded item area assumes the cobblestone texture? I think any way that works for all items is better than nothing personally.

Code: Select all

Item handling:
minetest.inventorycube(img1, img2, img3)
^ Returns a string for making an image of a cube (useful as an item image)
stu wrote:This is also configurable by adding an armor.conf (see armor.conf.example) 0.1 seconds may be fine in singleplayer but I don't think it will work well on a busy server.

Correction: that is for armor update, the wield item update is still configured in minetest.conf > wieldview_update_time
Armor updates appear to be instant, so I assume they're triggered by changes in the armor inventory list. As for the wielded item, I'll try 0.1 if it can be added as a setting, thanks for the info. I think the best way to fix this would be implementing a Lua function that's triggered when the player changes hotbar selection slot, and a hook to trigger a function if changes are made in the "main" inventory of players. I shall make a feature request for this perhaps.
stu wrote:See my answer here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4654&start=250#p142691
Weird... I'm sure I tried bone attachments when 3D models were implemented, and they worked. Maybe someone can explain in more detail what fails exactly and show the Lua line used to attach the entity? But if it's an engine problem and it doesn't work, it's understandable... maybe this can happen someday later on.
stu wrote:I guess I could make it more strict re. adding non armor items to the armor slots but you can do that already with the craft grid (at least you could last time I tried)
The Bags mod appears to do this easily and lag free. You can only place bags in the bag slots, while other items are instantly rejected. That would make sense here too, since it's not a good idea for players to use the armor system to get themselves a bigger inventory.

Also, it appears item stacks are possible to place in these slots. If you select a stack and left-click the armor inventory, only one item is dropped as desired. But if you right-click to place individual items from a stack, you can still add stacks there.
stu wrote:This was mostly a tradeoff to include support for unified inventory, I couldn't fit the old slot formation into the available space (without a lot of extra work). I considered having 6 slots would allow for the possible inclusion of capes.
I see. I don't know if capes are still planned and happening, and even if they are they'll probably be a player skin property and unrelated to armor. I guess the 6th slot can be used for various other ideas however. 2 shields would be a nice one, but if not we can probably think of one more later on.
stu wrote:PS: I don't have much spare time to work on this at the moment but If you think you can improve this mod then you are quite welcome to make a pull request, thank you again for your comments.
I'll keep that in mind. And thank you for the quick reply also... as well as for making this mod which is probably one of the coolest and biggest features that can be added to Minetest servers right now! I wish to help improve this, although it feels like a few more tweaks might be needed for it to be fully ready.

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by MirceaKitsune » Post

I made two feature requests, aimed at fixing the wielditem issue. Mentioning them here in case they're of interest and use:

on_wielditem_change Lua function

Ability to use item preview images as textures

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by addi » Post

hi stu,

just a question, can u move the armor.conf into the world dir? so armor can configured in each world separate.

also its a bit anoying that armor drop is enabled by default. i deleted the bones mod, because its anoying. Now i keep my items, but ill lose my armor :-(
can this setting just can depend on if the bones mod installed or not?


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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by stu » Post

addi wrote:hi stu,

just a question, can u move the armor.conf into the world dir? so armor can configured in each world separate.

also its a bit anoying that armor drop is enabled by default. i deleted the bones mod, because its anoying. Now i keep my items, but ill lose my armor :-(
can this setting just can depend on if the bones mod installed or not?

Done. Note that armor.conf can now be placed in the mod directory or the world directory, were worldpath configs override those set in the modpath.

Armor drop on die now defaults to false if the bones mod is not present.

Thanks for the good suggestions.

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by Achilles » Post

This is a good mod however I disagree with the protection levels each armor adds to your own, It is slightly over the top and makes PvP a wearisome combat rather than a demonstration of skill...

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by stu » Post

Achilles wrote:This is a good mod however I disagree with the protection levels each armor adds to your own, It is slightly over the top and makes PvP a wearisome combat rather than a demonstration of skill...
The current version allows you to disable this feature, simply set ARMOR_HEAL_MULTIPLIER = 0 in armor.conf. If you have not done so already then you should create this file in your 3d_armor mod or world directory. See armor.conf.example for more details.

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by Achilles » Post

stu wrote:
Achilles wrote:This is a good mod however I disagree with the protection levels each armor adds to your own, It is slightly over the top and makes PvP a wearisome combat rather than a demonstration of skill...
The current version allows you to disable this feature, simply set ARMOR_HEAL_MULTIPLIER = 0 in armor.conf. If you have not done so already then you should create this file in your 3d_armor mod or world directory. See armor.conf.example for more details.
That is not my complaint with this mod, My complaint is that when hit by a diamond sword the best armor only allows the one to have half a lives damage inflicted on him, this means that even without the armors healing processes it will take at least 20 strikes with a diamond sword to kill someone, which is extremely unreasonable...

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by Achilles » Post

stu wrote:
Achilles wrote:This is a good mod however I disagree with the protection levels each armor adds to your own, It is slightly over the top and makes PvP a wearisome combat rather than a demonstration of skill...
The current version allows you to disable this feature, simply set ARMOR_HEAL_MULTIPLIER = 0 in armor.conf. If you have not done so already then you should create this file in your 3d_armor mod or world directory. See armor.conf.example for more details.
That is not my complaint with this mod, My complaint is that when hit by a diamond sword the best armor (Diamond) only allows a player to have half a lives damage inflicted on him, this means that even without the armors healing processes it will take at least 20 strikes with a Diamond Sword to kill someone with Diamond Armor: Extremely Unreasonable...

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by stu » Post

Achilles wrote:That is not my complaint with this mod, My complaint is that when hit by a diamond sword the best armor only allows the one to have half a lives damage inflicted on him, this means that even without the armors healing processes it will take at least 20 strikes with a diamond sword to kill someone, which is extremely unreasonable...
Then you should use ARMOR_LEVEL_MULTIPLIER to weaken armor in general or override the armor definitions with your own custom versions.

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by Achilles » Post

stu wrote:
Achilles wrote:That is not my complaint with this mod, My complaint is that when hit by a diamond sword the best armor only allows the one to have half a lives damage inflicted on him, this means that even without the armors healing processes it will take at least 20 strikes with a diamond sword to kill someone, which is extremely unreasonable...
Then you should use ARMOR_LEVEL_MULTIPLIER to weaken armor in general or override the armor definitions with your own custom versions.
I intend to ask the owner of the server I play on, Clip Public Server, to do that.

Thanks for the help :)

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by stu » Post

Achilles wrote:I intend to ask the owner of the server I play on, Clip Public Server, to do that.

Thanks for the help :)
Sorry, I thought you must be the one running the server. I agree that some of the levels could use some balancing, however, it is impossible to keep everyone happy and I do think a full set of diamond armor should offer a good deal of protection, maybe it would be easier just to make the diamond sword a bit stronger ;-)

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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by FASTPACEDMAN2000 » Post

Does the armor give protection or is it just for show?
Is it the same crafting recipient as Minecraft armor?
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Re: [Modpack] minetest-3d_armor [0.4.1] [minetest-3d_armor]

by Minetestforfun » Post


- Yes, armor give protection
- It's the same recipe from Minecraft (in Minetest, we have also "shields")

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