[Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

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[Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by Casimir » Post

You start swimming in the middle of an infinite ocean. Take your time and build.

github: https://github.com/CasimirKaPazi/unternull

zip: https://github.com/CasimirKaPazi/untern ... master.zip
tar.gz: https://github.com/CasimirKaPazi/untern ... ter.tar.gz

No screenshot because of ocean. Everything else is up to you.


Code: Select all

output: Lava
input: Stone
type: cooking

Code: Select all

output: Crushing Furnace
S = Stone (group)
/ = Stick
_ = Noting

Code: Select all

output: Papyrus Roots
P = Papyrus

Code: Select all

output: Dirt
R = Papyrus Roots
depends: default
licence/license: GPLv3 or later
Last edited by Casimir on Sat Jun 23, 2018 00:37, edited 4 times in total.

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by Casimir » Post

Now it also works with minetest_game.

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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by Me Me and Me » Post

I found a solid!....


Now I can build an underwater settlement!



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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by Laser0073 » Post

Cool! This will be fun to play.... :D
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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by garpu » Post

This looks really cool. Is there a way to get more than wood, papyrus, cobble, and dirt?

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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by Casimir » Post

Well, one can build this ;)

But you are right. And I am planing to rework most of this game mode.

What I want to do is:
  • Improve the cushingfurnace call it and texture it as a grinding stone.
  • Make lava also cooling down to metals, instead of stone only.
  • Use a chest at 0,0,0 instead of initial stuff, which will make it usable for servers.
  • Add the compost mod to make dirt.
  • Make it somehow compatible with several subgames.

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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by Sokomine » Post

Casimir wrote: Use a chest at 0,0,0 instead of initial stuff, which will make it usable for servers.
Good idea. New players seem to be quite lost regarding what to do next. Perhaps a book or other ways of giving instructions (there! take that papyrus root. plant it in water. harvest) might be helpful.

There's also the "the sea is my life"-server that is running this subgame. It works very fine, but...that bug (can't really call it any other way) of "die on logout" needs to be fixed.
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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by Casimir » Post

"die on logout" is a separate mod.

Adding instructions is a good suggestion. I always forget those kind of things.

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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by Sokomine » Post

Screenshots from my island on the Sea is my Life server (which uses unternull):
The part below the surface is for attracting mobs. It's the only way to get started with ores.

The papyrus root, wooden planks and the various doors have very nice textures:
unternull3.jpg (348.18 KiB) Viewed 3649 times
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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by twoelk » Post

seems I need to check on the "the sea is my life" server again :-)

Sokomine, I really like the look of that house!
is that "half slab" technique under your island there? looks familiar :-D

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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by Sokomine » Post

twoelk wrote: seems I need to check on the "the sea is my life" server again :-)
The island maikaumine and you live on is very close by. That was a nice surprise after settling down there.
twoelk wrote: Sokomine, I really like the look of that house!
is that "half slab" technique under your island there? looks familiar :-D
:-) Your building was an inspiration for that technique.
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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by Joz » Post

This sounds fun, but I don't really know what to do with the blocks I got.
And I cannot look on this server because my 'protocol version' is too new. (I use a self compiled minetest)

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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by Sokomine » Post

Joz wrote: This sounds fun, but I don't really know what to do with the blocks I got.
Put the papyrus root somewhere into water. It will grow more papyrus. 9 of them will allow you to craft another papyrus root. 4 roots together can be crafted into dirt. Stone can be cooked (takes a loong time) into a lava source. Ores can be obtained by killing 2d mobs which spawn on i.e. cobble. Be sure to place your items into locked chests before logging off as there's a stupid die-on-logout-mod installed.
Joz wrote: And I cannot look on this server because my 'protocol version' is too new. (I use a self compiled minetest)
Strange. I'm working with the latest version from github and have no such problems. Maybe that rolling release version has another version string attached.
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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by bell07 » Post

Just for reference: I wrote a small mod "singlenode" viewtopic.php?f=9&t=17493 that can be a nice addon for undernull. If singlenode is installed your first spawn is above a solid block (stone). This single block is above water. So you can directly start your build without searching for anything solid.

EDIT: The nodetest:papyrus_roots collides in crafting recipe with mtg_plus:papyrus_block :(

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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by burli » Post

Just a suggestion. Instead of pure ocean make a normal underground with ores, but everything is below see level and hard to reach. You can add rare chests with special items like new saplings and so on

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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by bell07 » Post

How I can get cobble? I do not see any recipes :(

@burli, you can try the combination with geomoria + tsm_geomoria + treasurer ;)

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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by burli » Post

Is it possible that papyrus only grows one node high on papyrus roots? I run the game for nearly an hour but all plants was just one node high

@bell07: hint: you can make lava. Look at the recipes ;-)

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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by burli » Post

Is it normal that everything grows so slow? It takes forever until one papyrus or a tree is grown. I need hours until I get enough papyrus roots to start crafting dirt

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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by bell07 » Post

The same here. Already dead hunger because of 4 apples in 6 days are not enough. :-(

@burli: Try out the crushingfurnace capabilities ;-) Recipe seems to be wrong in first post:

Code: Select all

		{'default:cobble', 'default:cobble', 'default:cobble'},
		{    '',     'default:stick',     ''    },
		{'default:cobble', 'default:cobble', 'default:cobble'},
Hm, the available items count is limited because of no generated ores, stones or flora decorations in such game. I am think about the next mod "mutagen_furnace" to be able to "mutate"
- saplings to other sapling types (should be usefull for moretrees)
- leaves to other flora things (flower)
- dirt to dirt_with_*
- sand to other sand (silver, red)
- stone to stone_with_ore
- cobble to other solids that usually added by mapgen to the world

The Idea is the furnance that give in 90% nothing and in 10% something random mutated according defined item group.
Now I only need to find the time to do it :(

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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by burli » Post

I found the recipe for the crushingfurnace in the mod files. Without that I would never be able to create dirt in a useful amount

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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by burli » Post

I can see dirt_with_grass and flowers on the screenshots, but how can I get dirt_with_grass? As far as I know the code it needs other spreading_dirt_type or grass nodes as neighbors to convert dirt to dirt_with_grass

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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by burli » Post

burli wrote:Is it normal that everything grows so slow? It takes forever until one papyrus or a tree is grown. I need hours until I get enough papyrus roots to start crafting dirt
Well, papyrus can't grow on papyrus roots. It only grows on dirt and dirt_with_grass. Doesn't makes sense and one reason I don't like Minetest Game.

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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by Sokomine » Post

bello07 wrote: If singlenode is installed your first spawn is above a solid block (stone). This single block is above water. So you can directly start your build without searching for anything solid.
That's nice - but not really necessary here. You can put the papyrus root into water - you don't need any other nodes to place it. It acts more like a water bucket than a normal node there.
burli wrote: Just a suggestion. Instead of pure ocean make a normal underground with ores, but everything is below see level and hard to reach. You can add rare chests with special items like new saplings and so on
Ores can be obtained from mods. It's hard to get started. But once you've got 3 copper ores and 5 iron ores you're done - craft one ore extractor, place it at least 25 nodes below water, and you'll be able to turn the famous papyrus root into ores :-)
bello07 wrote: How I can get cobble? I do not see any recipes :(
You need to start with some cobble. Cook one to get a lava source - and make sure to place it somewhere below water level and with water reaching not too close to it so that the source will not be turned into stone immediately. Where water and flowing lava meet, new cobble will be generated. 4 cobble can be crafted into rocks, from which tools can be crafted.
burli wrote: I can see dirt_with_grass and flowers on the screenshots, but how can I get dirt_with_grass? As far as I know the code it needs other spreading_dirt_type or grass nodes as neighbors to convert dirt to dirt_with_grass
That spreading of grass was introduced after this game was created. Maybe it still generatetes dirt_with_grass the old way. Plants can be obtained by crafting tree saplings into seedlings and placing the seedlings on dirt. They'll turn into a random flower/grass/etc. plant.
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Re: [Modpack] Unter Null [unternull]

by burli » Post

It seams that papyrus roots are also made before minetest game changes something, because papyrus only grows one node high.

Papyrus roots have no use except that you can place them on water to start a base. Once you have some resources they are useless.

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