[Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

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[Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by Calinou » Post

Another bedrock mod. Fast (using C++ ore generation), also has deepstone (harder to dig, but still diggable) before the bedrock.


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No dependencies on non-default mods.
License for code: zlib
License for textures: CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported

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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by gsmanners » Post

Does this work with nether, or will that need to be modified to work with this?

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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by PilzAdam » Post

gsmanners wrote:Does this work with nether, or will that need to be modified to work with this?
It doesn't cause problems, but I would raise the height of the berock.

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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by gsmanners » Post

Yeah. Actually, I was thinking about raising bedrock to -512 in my own game. That seems fairly sensible, even with the nether.

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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by PilzAdam » Post

gsmanners wrote:Yeah. Actually, I was thinking about raising bedrock to -512 in my own game. That seems fairly sensible, even with the nether.
The never is generated at -5000 by default, so I would set the bedrock height to the same level.

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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by PilzAdam » Post

Calinou wrote:Fast and reliable
It's not reliable. Caves, gravel fields and ores "cut" through the bedrock layer.

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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by Calinou » Post

PilzAdam wrote:
Calinou wrote:Fast and reliable
It's not reliable. Caves, gravel fields and ores "cut" through the bedrock layer.
It's reliable as in, you won't be able to get too near the bottom layer (to avoid all the related issues). No single cave goes down more than ~200 blocks...

I made it that way to make it simpler and not ugly (it probably shouldn't be all flat).

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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by gsmanners » Post

Hahaha. Wow. And to think you have to put up with such a thin layer of everything in Minecraft. I love this game.

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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by gsmanners » Post

I kind of see what can happen with this mod. Pretty cool. You can find yourself suddenly going from a regular cave into a cave lined with bedrock walls.


The above is from this modification:

Code: Select all

	ore_type       = "scatter",
	ore            = "bedrock:bedrock",
	wherein        = "default:stone",
	clust_scarcity = 1*1*1,
	clust_num_ores = 5,
	clust_size     = 2,
	height_min     = -4500,
	height_max     = -500,

minetest.register_node("bedrock:bedrock", {
	description = "Bedrock",
	tile_images = {"bedrock_bedrock.png"},
	groups = {unbreakable=1},
	sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),

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Re: [Mod] Bedrock

by balthazariv » Post


Why not change the name of the mod is the same as A simple bedrock mod [20120316] [bedrock].
This would allow us to settle here the two versions.


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Re: [Mod] Bedrock

by Desour » Post

I need your help. I want to know, how this
direct link works.
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Re: [Mod] Bedrock

by Calinou » Post

balthazariv wrote:Hello,

Why not change the name of the mod is the same as A simple bedrock mod [20120316] [bedrock].
This would allow us to settle here the two versions.

That mod isn't made to be installed with this one. Don't install several mods that do the same thing.
DS-minetest wrote:I need your help. I want to know, how this
direct link works.
It's a public link. Right click → “Copy public link…”.

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Re: [Mod] Bedrock

by twoelk » Post

Calinou wrote:...
Don't install several mods that do the same thing.
but I do like using different kinds of marble (all called simply marble) from different mods in one building :-(

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Re: [Mod] Bedrock

by HeroOfTheWinds » Post

twoelk wrote:
Calinou wrote:...
Don't install several mods that do the same thing.
...but I do like using different kinds of marble (all called simply marble) from different mods in one building :-(
The difference is this: if there is a component that is shared by multiple mods with different names, it might be OK, provided the actual nodes and functions don't overlap. You can have a mod with marble blocks as well as technic (which includes marble with its many other things), but you shouldn't install, say, floatindev and skylands on the same server, since those cause huge problems for both. (I once had a line of lava blocks floating in mid-air...)
But if two mods have the exact same function with the only difference being the texture of the nodes, it is pointless...
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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by LodeRunner » Post

After looking at the lua code for this, I think I may have answered my own question, but I'm not sure, being new to lua.

I tried to generate a bedrock layer for my existing singleplayer world--no dice. In the lua file, I noticed that the method called was something like "register_on_generated" or close to that. Does this mean that bedrock can only be created when the world is first generated but not afterward?

Is there a way to change this so that it CAN be generated after the fact? I've played just long enough that I don't really want to ditch my world, but I'm working on modding in such a way that bedrock would solve a few problems. Being new to lua, I don't know quite how to code a change that would allow this and not screw up my existing map.

Any help is appreciated, folks!
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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by twoelk » Post

there is always WE

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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by LodeRunner » Post


Hello and thanks for the tip. I'm not sure that this is exactly the solution that works best in this case, but I may have a use for WE with a related issue.

Thanks again!
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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by Marshall_maz » Post

How can I find some info on how deep the deepstone spawn and then how deep the bedrock spawn after that when the mod is in default settings ? And maybe pics of how the two looks.


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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by Calinou » Post

Marshall_maz wrote:How can I find some info on how deep the deepstone spawn and then how deep the bedrock spawn after that when the mod is in default settings ?
Look at the source code of the mod:

Code: Select all

	ore_type       = "scatter",
	ore            = "bedrock:bedrock",
	wherein        = "default:stone",
	clust_scarcity = 1 * 1 * 1,
	clust_num_ores = 5,
	clust_size     = 2,
	height_min     = -30912, -- Engine changes can modify this value.
	height_max     = -30656, -- This ensures the bottom of the world is not even loaded.

	ore_type       = "scatter",
	ore            = "bedrock:deepstone",
	wherein        = "default:stone",
	clust_scarcity = 1 * 1 * 1,
	clust_num_ores = 5,
	clust_size     = 2,
	height_min     = -30656,
	height_max     = -30000,

minetest.register_node("bedrock:bedrock", {
	description = "Bedrock",
	tile_images = {"bedrock_bedrock.png"},
	drop = "",
	groups = {unbreakable = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 1}, -- For Map Tools' admin pickaxe.
	sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),

minetest.register_node("bedrock:deepstone", {
	description = "Deepstone",
	tile_images = {"bedrock_deepstone.png"},
	drop = "default:stone", -- Intended.
	groups = {cracky = 1},
	sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(),
Deepstone is from -30000 to -30656.
Bedrock is from -30656 to -30912.

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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by Marshall_maz » Post

Thanx Calinou ,

Ah so what I found was deepstone. Needs to go a little deeper then.

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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by Wuzzy » Post

Calinou, your bedrock is likely to be breakable in a lot of events. I know for sure it is breakable by Minetest Game's TNT (0.4.12) as well as Carbone's TNT (unknown version), and your mod does not even bother to try using on_blast.
Minetest Game's TNT supports on_blast, but only in development version, not in 0.4.12 yet.
I don't know about Carbone's current state, but you may want to update your TNT mod in Carbone as well.

People have discovered other ways to destroy bedrock in my mod, so I fixed most of them. Your bedrock is probably vulnerable to the node swapper, the mining lasers from Technic, a jackhammer from some unknown mod. It could be moved by the sticky piston from Mesecons (you can defend against that!).

Your bedrock does not even use the immortal group.

Have a look into my Bedrock mod [bedrock2] thread here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11271
It has many infos, especially regarding “hostile” mods.

Long story short, I was able to defend my bedrock against most destructions (not everything yet!) with this code:

Code: Select all

minetest.register_node("bedrock2:bedrock", {
	description = "Bedrock",
	tiles = {"bedrock2_bedrock.png"},
	groups = {immortal=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
	sounds = { footstep = { name = "bedrock2_step", gain = 1 } },
	is_ground_content = false,
	on_blast = function() end,
	can_dig = function() return false end,
	diggable = false,
	drop = "",

if minetest.get_modpath("mesecons_mvps") ~= nil then
Well, unless you intended for your bedrock to be actually be breakable. ;-)
But I wouldn't understand why.
No dependencies on non-default mods.
Please don't write stuff like that, because this does not tell exactly which dependencies are, in fact, required. In this case, it depends on default. Just write something like:
Depends on: default

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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by davidthecreator » Post

I think explosives will work on bedrock so people can go under bedrock bedrock should be explosion resistant but i dont think it is so bedrock is kinda useless if player has tnt and even if it will be tnt resistant explosives from other mods might beat it

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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by Wuzzy » Post

Yes, davidthecreator, TNT indeed blows up this kind of bedrock, even in Carbone. That's what I have basically said in my previous post. xD
if it will be tnt resistant explosives from other mods might beat it
That's a good concern. The solution is to implement on_blast on both sides (the affected node and the explosive). If the bedrock implements on_blast, it has done its part. Now it is up to other TNT mods to respect on_blast as well. By using on_blast, we have at least *some* degree of standardization. It is not perfect yet, but it is better than nothing.
And when a TNT mod does not respect on_blast, it is a bug in the TNT mod and should be treated there.

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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by Wuzzy » Post

Here's a bedrock mod which actually works:
[Mod] Indestructible Bedrock Layer [1.0.0] [bedrock2]


Calinou, do you still maintain Carbone NG? Because your bedrock mod is still kinda broken, sorry. It basically has the same issues I had with early versions of my bedrock mod.

Read the thread linked above for some common problems when creating indestructible blocks and how I have solved them. Feel free to re-use some code from this mod.

Basically, it boils down to this in the node definition:

Code: Select all

           groups = {immortal=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
           is_ground_content = false,
           on_blast = function() end,
           on_destruct = function () end,
           can_dig = function() return false end,
           diggable = false,
           drop = ""
And this to avoid pusing around with pistons (introduces optional dependency on mesecons_mvps):

Code: Select all

   if minetest.get_modpath("mesecons_mvps") ~= nil then
Your mod is still legit, however, since it takes a slightly different approach to generate bedrock.

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Re: [Mod] Bedrock [bedrock]

by eugene » Post

The Download link is dead.
Could you re-upload somewhere, please?

Thanks a lot.

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