Angkor Wat floor plan

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Angkor Wat floor plan

by slopsbucket » Post

After brutalising Angkor Wat to make my pussy temple I decided to have a go at making a copy of the thing properly. This is going to be a massive project and it's going to take me a long time to finish, if I finish it.

So far all I've done is the floor plan of the inner/upper citadel but I thought someone else might be interested so I'm sharing it. The floor plan has been adapted very slightly to better fit the scale. You never know, if Cambodians had laser dumpies back then it might have been built like this in the first place.



Minetest version 0.4.11

Mods installed:

More Ores
Animals Modpack
Home Decor Modpack
Craft Guide

Note: although these mods were installed at the time I only used blocks from the base vanilla version of minetest_game.

File Name: Angkor
File Size: 3.5 Mb ... 7873586199

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Re: Angkor Wat floor plan

by cd2 » Post

wow, looks cool :D

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Re: Angkor Wat floor plan

by slopsbucket » Post

I had an even better idea and used the ImageLoader mod.

It works but it gave me a few problems, probably because it's such a large area.

The first time I ran it the image loaded perfectly but then when I started walking across it a wall of fire appeared and the whole lot turned into a hole in the ground. I tried this a few times and kept getting the same result so I removed the fire mod from minetest_game.

This time instead of a wall of fire I got a wall of stone topped with dirt and grass about 32 blocks high. When I explored a bit I noticed that the entire image except for the corner I was standing in at creation time was buried under stone.

I tried converting my image again, I made it a monochrome bitmap. Image loader couldn't read this image. Then I had another great idea and I converted the monochrome image into a 24 bit bmp.

It worked! But oh boy, this is one huge map.


File Name: Angkor Wat
File Size: 2 Mb ... 4488598000


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Re: Angkor Wat floor plan

by ExeterDad » Post

Huge is a understatement. Holy Cow!
But that was a brilliant idea. A layout of that size would be a nightmare pulling off while being accurate manually.

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Re: Angkor Wat floor plan

by slopsbucket » Post

A layout of that size would be a nightmare pulling off while being accurate manually.
My thoughts exactly, once I'd started. Thank god for Kaeza and his mod. But this is going to be even bigger than I thought, the scale works out to be about 1 block per cubic foot, not cubic meter. Should be able to get a reasonable rendition at that scale. In fact it should end up being to scale on the inside as well as the outside.

I started on one of the smallest buildings in the upper citadel and I've learnt a couple of things.

Firstly, it's going to look really crap if I keep going in desert_stone_brick.

Second, by constantly switching back and forth between photos and minetest I've disovered that the floor plan isn't entirely accurate, but I figure once I get one building worked out the pattern should pretty much repeat itself throughout.



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Re: Angkor Wat floor plan

by slopsbucket » Post

This is probably the best way to show the scale of the buildings, and the scale of the project I've taken on.

It also demonstrates the inaccuracy of the floor plan.



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Re: Angkor Wat floor plan

by slopsbucket » Post

For now I'm going to assume that the thicker lines of the building walls are drawn accurately. (I know they're not because of the failed symmetry) If so then I think this is a more faithful representation.

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Re: Angkor Wat floor plan

by RHR » Post

wow really cool project. I'm already curious to see the finished map. :D

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Re: Angkor Wat floor plan

by slopsbucket » Post

When I posted the Angkor Wat 2 map I forgot to give a few warnings, I'm posting them here instead of editing the previous post so that whoever already downloaded it notices.

Mods Installed:

World Edit
Image Loader

That's it, no other mods installed, but there's a trap for young players as well, in the area that was covered by flames or stone in the first 2 versions it's now covered by weird transparent blocks that you can move through but you can't build there because a block is always in the way and you can't delete them. Use the worldedit mod to convert the entire region to air and then it's all good. Takes a little while though - "Are you sure? This will affect 5.3 million nodes." Can't remember the exact figure but it's huge.



P.S. 20 of you downloaded my castle map but no one commented. Was it that bad?

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Re: Angkor Wat floor plan

by slopsbucket » Post

OK. This is the last updated map I'm going to be able to post because of file size. By the time it's finished I'll be lucky if I can fit it on a DVD.

As you can see in the picture I've got the sizes, dimensions and ratios mostly worked out, just a little more tweaking should make it right. Interestingly, it appears that the thicker lines for the buildings are accurate, the lack of symmetry is deliberate so that the facias, stair wells, etc have symmetry. Bet you wouldn't get that insight from a public tour.

Using what I've done so far should give others a bit of a head start if they want to have a go. Might make a fun community project on someone's server, or even a school project.


File Name: Angkor Wat
File Size: 8 Mb

Mods Installed:

World Edit
Image Loader

All the weirdo blocks have been removed. ... 6312199028


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Re: Angkor Wat floor plan

by slopsbucket » Post

And I'm back to square 1 again.

I was having trouble with symmetry again, to help find a solution I tried superimposing a copy of the floor plan over the top of a sattelite photo and it doesn't fit. No matter how you stretch it around if you get some areas to fit others won't.

In conclusion that floor plan is at best an approximation. I'm starting to believe that the original was drawn by a student. In a pub. On the back of a beer coaster. After sampling the local mushrooms.

So it's back to the beginning, almost. I've learnt a few things about the ratios used and I now know that the central/upper citadel is a square. A perfect square, religious doctrine at the time dictates this. From there it gets a little funky to work out but it can be worked out. I'm using the pillars as a guide, the floor plan does have the right number of pillars even if the spacing is a bit optimistic.

So it's start from the central tower in the upper keep, then work out the entire floor plan from there. The entire floor plan needs to be mapped out first because this will dictate the heights, once I have the heights I can get back to the central keep and start working my way out.

Maybe once it's finished it will be useful as an educational accessory, imagine that, Celeron55's little open source software package being used to teach architecture and design. It'll be interesting to see just what shape the floor plan is when it's done.



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Re: Angkor Wat floor plan

by slopsbucket » Post

Once I started mapping it out myself things got a lot better.

The gates are lining up with each other.

The bases for the towers are now square, this is rather important if you want to have a perfect circle on top of it.

All the pillars line up properly how you see them in photos and appear to make more sense in the design.

And now there's Fibronaci numbers showing up every where, as I expected to find when I very first started.

I can't say that my floor plan is accurate but in comparison with what I started with....

I'm using the same scale as the Image Loader map so it's still going to be huge. And I got the heights worked out, the floor of the inner most court yards need to be 25 blocks above the surrounding countryside, the floor of the next outer court needs to be 10 blocks above the rest of the land.

Once I've got the whole thing laid out properly and I'm happy with how the numbers add up I'll post it here.



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Re: Angkor Wat floor plan

by slopsbucket » Post

The numbers all add up. Posting it now before it gets too big. Everything lines up how it should. The floor heights might be inaccurate but I have little choice over the angle of the stairs, the floor heights fit how far out the stairs come from the wall. Useful either to build Angkor Wat or to use the framework to make a really cool castle. It's a flat map with no trees, caves, dungeons or jungles so there's no shortage of building room.

A little "martial lore" for you. The designs of all churches and temples have military origins, a place where people could defend themselves against religious persecution. Although built as a temple, the design of Angkor Wat is the design of a walled citadel with enough space for agriculture inside it's walls and a big enough water supply to sustain agriculture throughout simultaneous Dry Season and a seige. (the tropics don't do that summer and winter stuff) If they close the grates the central citadel itself becomes a giant cistern. Even with the grates open a tropical shower can fill those courtyards to over a meter deep, hence the raised walkways. No seige could starve out a citadel like this, it was completely self sustaining. If you wanted it you'd have to fight for the walls.

Back to the map.

Map has been made 9 blocks high deliberately. 1st, it's going to have to go a lot higher than that anyway. 2nd, you can muck around with how everything else fits down the bottom and you don't have to remove it afterwards and you can still clearly see where your walls are. Also 9 blocks is as deep as you can reach if you're standing on top and that works out nicely too, three nines is 27, the floor height of the uppermost buildings, plus another 9 for the walls of those buildings.

There's enough of it there that the patterns are repeating themselves. Someone experienced with WorldEdit could probably assemble the rest of the floor plan from there quite quickly. Where ever you're not sure of spacing remember the numbers 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, etc. Mostly 5, 8 and 13.

And here's my best guesses of all the other numbers.

Building wall heights: 9 blocks (this does not include floor and ceiling)

Doorway heights: 6 blocks (this does not include floor and ceiling)

(numbers say they should be 8 and 5 but it looks funny)

Big Steps beside stairs: 5 blocks high for big ones, 2 blocks high for the little ones at the top.

Floors inside buildings are 2 blocks higher than the floors of their courtyards. Check people's photos on google, the stairs in minetest actually correspond to the stairs in the photos at this scale. (mostly) Count the steps. 3rd outer wall needs shallower steps. Little buildings are a bit different.

Rooves maintain the same curvature everywhere, so as the walls get further apart the rooves get higher.

Further (northern) wall may have to go 1 block further north but we won't know until we build more. Do we use Fibronaci numbers for the length of the wall or for the space between the walls? Tough call. If you can achieve both then it WILL be right. May not be able to be matched because of the scale.




File Name: Angkor
File Size: 4.0 Mb

Mods installed: None. Bare bones vanilla minetest_game. Flying enabled. ... 2148722034


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Re: Angkor Wat floor plan

by Sokomine » Post

It's great that such a huge project is taking form. Rebuilding a real structure with limited information and no physical access to it can be quite a challenge. I've once built a tiny tower after a real one - and, although it is a tourist attraction, people tended to do photoes from the same angles over and over again and didn't show the other corners of the rooms :-)
A list of my mods can be found here.

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Re: Angkor Wat floor plan

by slopsbucket » Post

Thanks for the reply Sokomine.

You're exactly right about the photos, fortunately there's a fair bit of aerial photography for this one which helps. Then there's the bonus that once I get a few sections worked out properly WorldEdit will come in to it's own and cut the build time dramatically. Right now I'm playing around with the roof and no matter what I do it just doesn't work properly but I'll get it there eventually.


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