All needed mods for this world are in the

Use WorldEdit to copy portions of maps to other worlds.linushsao wrote:Oh,my GOD...,It is beautiful. I know that minetest had a function about blueprint. for example spawn_building.lua in mod_npc of Sapier's animals modpack.
Is it available to have the kind of tools to clone this great Cathedral in other MAP. The atmosphere inside the Cathedral reminds me of the novel"Cathedral of the Sea". Maybe I will learn to add a npc priest in this Cathedral.
Thank you very much,hoodedice,I will try.
This is a *Map*. Not a *Mod*. You put this in your *world* directory. Not in your *mod* directory. You put the *Mod* inside the downloaded folder into your *Mod* directory.CheerfulCherub wrote:Got this error any help ,using Blockman's dev directX
20:25:24: ERROR[main]: ========== ERROR FROM LUA ===========
20:25:24: ERROR[main]: Failed to load and run script from
20:25:24: ERROR[main]: C:\Users\Maleta\Documents\minetest\minetest-0.4.9-dev20140226_directx\bin\..\mods\cathedral\init.lua:
20:25:24: ERROR[main]: cannot open C:\Users\Maleta\Documents\minetest\minetest-0.4.9-dev20140226_directx\bin\..\mods\cathedral\init.lua: No such file or directory
20:25:24: ERROR[main]: ======= END OF ERROR FROM LUA ========
20:25:24: ERROR[main]: Server: Failed to load and run C:\Users\Maleta\Documents\minetest\minetest-0.4.9-dev20140226_directx\bin\..\mods\cathedral\init.lua
20:25:24: ERROR[main]: ModError: ModError: Failed to load and run C:\Users\Maleta\Documents\minetest\minetest-0.4.9-dev20140226_directx\bin\..\mods\cathedral\init.lua