Waterplus Mod
I have made a Finite water mod.Youtube video
For those of you who do not know, Finite water is water that runs down hills, spreads and does most of what real life water does.
video of the Minecraft equivalent, with a guy explaining it.
Using this mod
To get the finite water, pick up some water with a bucket and then drop it.You can also get finite water in the creative inventory, or by typing /giveme waterplus:finite_20
Is it a bit too slow for your liking? You can try to increase the speed of the abm by decreasing the interval of the abm in finite.lua
Not detailed enough? Increase the water_finite_steps property in init.lua
- v0.1 Stable
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or browse the code on GitHub
License: CC0
Dependencies: Nothing, but works even better with bucket
Speed testing
I have tested the speed of this mod on my system.No finite mod (control)
Just FiniteUsing the vanilla minetest_game
Frame per second: 40 FPS
Loop time: n/a
Finite OceanJust a few finite lakes and puddles
Frames per second: 35 FPS
Loop time: half a second
Loop time is the time it takes to cycle through all of the finite water nodes.All of default:water_source was converted to finite
Frames per second: 8-20 FPS
Loop time: 30sec - 1 min
Basically, it is how long it takes for a node to flow / drop again.
letting it rain:- water drops: on land make waterplus:finite_1
- puddles
- rain generator