minetest_game soundpack [was: Footstep sound replacements]

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minetest_game soundpack [was: Footstep sound replacements]

by Ingar » Post

Since I've been replacing more than footstep sounds alone, I'm calling this a soundpack. Most of my previous sounds have been replaced with new recordings, I payed some more attention to noise, artifacts and volume.

There's still work to be done: snow and sand footsteps still need new recordings, and I'm not sure about the dirt and stone footsteps yet either.

I had some fun today recording footstep sounds and while it turned out far more exhausting than I imagined,
I ended up with 4 footstep sounds for each surface type.

I have no idea how to get them properly into the game. I guess I could just replace the default files,
but I noticed not every surface type actually has 4 sounds. Editing the source might be required to get that working.

GitHub (based on master)
https://github.com/IngarKCT/minetest_ga ... /soundpack

Old downloads
http://ingar.satgnu.net/files/minetest/ ... netest.zip
http://ingar.satgnu.net/files/minetest/ ... netest.zip
http://ingar.satgnu.net/files/gtkradian ... -10-18.zip
Last edited by Ingar on Sun Nov 08, 2015 11:33, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Footstep sound replacements

by Ingar » Post

I did some quick testing:
- the dirt effects are too loud
- the glass effect is awful
- the snow effect is too loud and distorted
- one of the grass effects sounds out of place

- the gravel effect might be a bit loud, but is generally ok
- the hard surface effect (stone, ...) sounds ok to me
- the sand effects volume might be a bit low, but sounds ok to me
- the wood effects sound rather hollow, not sure if I want a more flat sound or not

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Re: Footstep sound replacements

by jp » Post

Your gravel sound is certainly an improvement. The current default one has a subtle, awful sound in background coupled with the gravel's clatter. Nobody seems have noticed this...

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Re: Footstep sound replacements

by AccidentallyRhine » Post

I like your grass_4 piece. But with the glass ones, try to only capture a single surface collision per step.

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Re: Footstep sound replacements

by kaadmy » Post

Hmm, nice.
Maybe a little too quiet, and stone sounds like a someone tapping a piece of wood :)
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Re: Footstep sound replacements

by Joz » Post

Some of them are way better than the default sounds, especially the gravel! The sand could be a bit louder, though.

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Re: Footstep sound replacements

by Ingar » Post

After some more reading and snooping I have the git version running now. The game sourcecode defines a gain for each sound, solving volume issues should not be too hard. Having 4 variants for each footstep doesn't seem to be an issue either, the engine loads the variants as it finds them. I'm stuffing everything in git branches now, then I can just push everything to github.
kaadmy wrote:Hmm, nice.
Maybe a little too quiet, and stone sounds like a someone tapping a piece of wood :)
That's my sports shoes on a concrete garden path :-)

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Re: Footstep sound replacements

by Ingar » Post

Updated version:
http://ingar.satgnu.net/files/minetest/ ... netest.zip

- new stone sound
- new wood sound
- used previous stone sound as glass sound
- tweaked dirt, grass and snow

It is starting to sound playable, grass and dirt need new recordings though.

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Re: Footstep sound replacements

by AccidentallyRhine » Post

Ooh, these are really good. I hope they get merged. Ingar, do you live in an area that gets snow? I'm not sure if it would be easy to replicate but snow steps really should have a muffled sound of snow compressing underneath your feet. This is the best example I could find.

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Re: Footstep sound replacements

by Ingar » Post

I made a branch on GitHub, it contains the sounds and the gain adjustments.I also ran all OGG files through vorbisgain, this seems to improve the overall sound quality a lot.
AnxiousInfusion wrote:Ooh, these are really good. I hope they get merged. Ingar, do you live in an area that gets snow? I'm not sure if it would be easy to replicate but snow steps really should have a muffled sound of snow compressing underneath your feet. This is the best example I could find.
Chances for snow are 50-50, but not for another two months. I once saw a DVD extra where the sound guy
used a box of (clean) cat litter to simulate the sound, but my box was too small, resulting in a 'drain pipe' effect when the pellets hit the side of the container.

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Re: Footstep sound replacements

by Ingar » Post

Updated grass footstep sounds.

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Re: minetest_game soundpack [was: Footstep sound replacement

by Ingar » Post

New GitHub branch.

I've noticed some mods use the dirt footstep sound as grass fotostep sound, best to test this in a vanilla world.

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