Ugh, that demonstrates how hard we still sometimes have to fight against the engine to get things working. :-(
I've had movement_gravity set to 9.81 in my minetest.conf, which resulted in a much weaker trampoline. This lead to some confusion:
At least I can write it in the README. It is a real bummer that the game's `minetest.conf` becomes useless once the player has set a config. Some settings should not be player-overridable IMHO.
In the case of gravity, you could use physics overrides to "normalize" gravity to what you expect (since it is a single player game): player:set_physics_override{gravity = expected_gravity / (minetest.settings:get_float"movement_gravity" or 9.81)}
It's a hack, but it might be a hack that might actually work with no real downside. Good idea, I check it out.
You could use items for abilities, on_use is more reliable than player_control stuff in server-step.
True, but I don't want to have a hotbar. And on_use sadly only detects the punch key. Punching to use an ability feels wrong. I rather wait until Minetest has something better; I don't want to spend my time with this game forever anyway, it seems the controls work "well enough" for now (unless someone still finds a serious problem). All I really need to do now is to clarify that keys need to be held down (rather than just pressed briefly). In this case, it seems to work 100% now (but correct me if I'm wrong).
So before I add any more hacks, I just wait for the real solution: Minetest offers a better input detection (issue was posted).
Disable clouds. x)
Nah. It's cloud computing! XD But for real: I just wanted to have some simple outside decoration, and not having any decoration just looked too bland for me. I might add some other decorations in a later version, too.
You could place some sort of invisible liquid on top of platforms, and different ones on trampolines, and again different ones in mid-air. The ability items (as mentioned above) would then be liquids_pointable. The client then sends the pointed thing, so you can detect client-side if the player was still on ground or on a trampoline when the item was used.
I don't like this hack because the nodes are literally pointable then, the client will see the pointed outline. And if you add this node everywhere, you could no longer interact with the helpers since you can no longer point them. Very very hacky.
Edit: Otherwise, to be more forgiving against running off trampolines, you could set the jump player attribute when on trampoline, and remove it when off it.
Also, you could allow powerslide if the player was on ground in *last or current* (as opposed to only current) globalstep.
You mean the launchpads? Your solution doesn't sound too reliable tho because the launch might be available even if you have completely slided off. I want to be strict with the launchpads, after all. But what I *could* do is to increase the area in which you are still counted as "on the launchpad".
And checking for only 1 extra globalstep might be too short to make a difference (not tested, however).
Yeah the awkward ice-like sliding is known and annoys me as well:
I can't do anything about it for now.
It seems that Minetest thinks you're in air (and thus applies air movement physics) if you hold down the jump key, even if jump strength is 0:
Setting disable_jump=1 to solid nodes does not help either (and also prevents you to climb to the top for some reason).
Yes, the weaker launchpads in Tower are intentional.