[Game] Lord Of The Rings [Lord-of-the-Test] [1.2.0]

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[Game] Lord Of The Rings [Lord-of-the-Test] [1.2.0]

by fishyWET » Post

Lord of the Test is a Minetest LOTR-inspired subgame;
Explore the world of Middle-Earth with custom races, mobs, mapgen, trees, plants, potions, armour, weapons and much more!
Hire mob guards, enter Mordor and fight the orcs with your army, explore abandoned structures and loot the precious items.
Side with the evil side and become an orc, and venture the rest of the world, slaying all that cross your path.
Find old hidden forges and craft the rings of power!
This is the one subgame to rule them all!

The Road goes ever on and on
Out from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
Let others follow it who can!
Let them a journey new begin,
But I at last with weary feet
Will turn towards the lighted inn,
My evening-rest and sleep to meet.

Lord of the Test has reached End of Development. For more information; see the latest update notes.

Github | Issue Tracker | Website | ContentDB | Download | Outdated Wiki - As of latest version, use the guides instead.
License: LGPL v2.1 for Code | CC BY-SA 3.0 for textures | Refer to README.txt in each mod folder
Got any questions? Contact the minetest-LOTR team at libera #lordofthetest or at discord.
Download file and extract contents to ...<minetest_folder>/games
If you are having additional trouble, refer here
If you found a bug, please open a new issue here, please attach the last few lines of your debug.txt along or a screenshot of the crash.
Issues opened without such attachments will be either be ignored or closed.
Last edited by fishyWET on Sun Jul 17, 2022 19:58, edited 120 times in total.

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by Traxie21 » Post


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by nextmissinglink » Post

yay lordoftherings
IF in doubt hit it with a hammer
This is a signature virus. Add me to your signature so that I can multiply id10t ERROR
do not abuse me i am 11 and i like hitting things with a hammer that may include you
this is ment to be secret http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php ... 467#p86467

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by nextmissinglink » Post

yes ents and this should be in games

plus a golemses and smeagles they should just say on chat what has it got in its pocketses
IF in doubt hit it with a hammer
This is a signature virus. Add me to your signature so that I can multiply id10t ERROR
do not abuse me i am 11 and i like hitting things with a hammer that may include you
this is ment to be secret http://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php ... 467#p86467

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by fishyWET » Post

Traxie21 wrote:Ents
nextmissinglink wrote:yes ents and this should be in games

plus a golemses and smeagles they should just say on chat what has it got in its pocketses
Thanks for the comments maybe i will try to add them in if possible.

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by issa » Post

di u have some screens

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by fishyWET » Post

issa wrote:di u have some screens
it is still under development so no, but some stuff are done, some screenshot will be available soon.

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by fishyWET » Post

Screenshots are available and modpack is released with ores, sea ores and ithildin.
P.S. Do anyone know how to make a object follow you, something like a pet or is there a mod like this created before, apart from slimes mod as i don't want the animal to jump but walk beside you but also jump sometimes when they are block by something. And i also don't want that animal to spawn but can only be taken out of inventory or crafted.
Last edited by fishyWET on Tue May 14, 2013 08:59, edited 1 time in total.

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by Inocudom » Post

There hasn't been any activity with this modpack for some time. Is it still being worked on?

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by fishyWET » Post

Inocudom wrote:There hasn't been any activity with this modpack for some time. Is it still being worked on?
Yes there is, but it is very slow as i am the only developer and i am quite busy this few months.

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by fishyWET » Post

Update: Mobs added, additional slabs, stairs and panels added.
Sorry for the slow update, was quite busy.

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by ak399g » Post

Is this a modpack? Or, can I enable part of it but not all of it? I'm only asking because I like the Ithildin, but other than that I don't want to add that many other textures/ores to my world.

Also, Github?
Last edited by ak399g on Sun Sep 08, 2013 16:41, edited 1 time in total.
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by fishyWET » Post

ak399g wrote:Is this a modpack? Or, can I enable part of it but not all of it? I'm only asking because I like the Ithildin, but other than that I don't want to add that many other textures/ores to my world.
Yes, it is a modpack, you can enable part of it, and the ithildin mod itself is available here: viewtopic.php?id=5183
and no, sorry, i currently don't have Github.
Last edited by fishyWET on Sun Sep 08, 2013 16:45, edited 1 time in total.

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by ak399g » Post

Thanks. I guess part two is this: I'd like it if ithildin_stone was solid by default and ithildin was unpointable and able to be walked through. At night, players could pass through ithildin_stone and ithildin would become solid and pointable. Stone walls would become doors, and invisible paths would solidify.

The other problem is, since there are 14 different versions of each node depending on level of light, digging two seemingly identical nodes can yield multiple different stacks. This is incredibly useless. It'd be better if it were simply two settings: stone on and stone off. Or, on digging any of the 14 nodes, it overrides the drop and gives the digger ithildin_0 or ithildin_stone_0 no matter what.

The third issue is that it's dependent on light, not on time. This means that if you have a group of ithildin, if a few of them turn on, they shed enough light to prevent the others from turning on. It should be dependent on time of day, not light.
Last edited by ak399g on Sun Sep 08, 2013 19:15, edited 1 time in total.
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by ak399g » Post

ak399g wrote:Thanks. I guess part two is this: I'd like it if ithildin_stone was solid by default and ithildin was unpointable and able to be walked through. At night, players could pass through ithildin_stone and ithildin would become solid and pointable. Stone walls would become doors, and invisible paths would solidify.

The other problem is, since there are 14 different versions of each node depending on level of light, digging two seemingly identical nodes can yield multiple different stacks. This is incredibly useless. It'd be better if it were simply two settings: stone on and stone off. Or, on digging any of the 14 nodes, it overrides the drop and gives the digger ithildin_0 or ithildin_stone_0 no matter what.

The third issue is that it's dependent on light, not on time. This means that if you have a group of ithildin, if a few of them turn on, they shed enough light to prevent the others from turning on. It should be dependent on time of day, not light.
I've gone ahead and done this. I've used the textures and initial register.node info from your mod, I've incorporated switching between two nodes from the solar panel of the mesecons mod, and I've taken the get.timeofday from qznc's zombies mod. I'll post it here with your permission.
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by fishyWET » Post

I've gone ahead and done this. I've used the textures and initial register.node info from your mod, I've incorporated switching between two nodes from the solar panel of the mesecons mod, and I've taken the get.timeofday from qznc's zombies mod. I'll post it here with your permission.
Thanks, it is fine, you can post it here and i will add them in the next update

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by ak399g » Post

fishyWET wrote:
I've gone ahead and done this. I've used the textures and initial register.node info from your mod, I've incorporated switching between two nodes from the solar panel of the mesecons mod, and I've taken the get.timeofday from qznc's zombies mod. I'll post it here with your permission.
Thanks, it is fine, you can post it here and i will add them in the next update
Github: https://github.com/ak399/minetest_mods/ ... ldin-ak399
rename to "ithildin"
The craft recipes are a little different and now dependent on the moreores mithril, but you know how to change those.
There are three nodes: an invisible/unpointable/nonsolid-by-day, visible/pointable/solid-by-night node, a visible/solid-by-day, visible/nonsolid-by-night node, and a simple stone node. All glow at night and don't during the day. The outer ring of 8 in the craft is the same, but the middle node is " "/"default:cobble"/"default:stone" for each of the aforementioned nodes respecively. Emitted light is set at 8, but that can of course be toggled.
Last edited by ak399g on Mon Sep 09, 2013 14:06, edited 1 time in total.
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by fishyWET » Post

Github: https://github.com/ak399/minetest_mods/ … ldin-ak399
rename to "ithildin"
The craft recipes are a little different and now dependent on the moreores mithril, but you know how to change those.
There are three nodes: an invisible/unpointable/nonsolid-by-day, visible/pointable/solid-by-night node, a visible/solid-by-day, visible/nonsolid-by-night node, and a simple stone node. All glow at night and don't during the day. The outer ring of 8 in the craft is the same, but the middle node is " "/"default:cobble"/"default:stone" for each of the aforementioned nodes respecively. Emitted light is set at 8, but that can of course be toggled.
Thanks for the help, i appreciate it, i will be adding this to the next update and with both ithildin at night walkable as the original concept of ithildin is a gateway that can only be entered at night.

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by fessmK » Post

this mod is really incredible!

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by fishyWET » Post

Update: Added farming, plants, trees, new mobs, redo ores and mobs
Farming is the same as default farming, seeds can be found on wild plants.
Plants spawn randomly in grass across the world, brambles of mordor spawns in desert
Friendly mobs spawn on grass/ leaves/ stone (e.g. rohan /gondor guard, elf, ent, dwarf, hobbit) Unfriendly mobs spawn in desert (e.g. uruk-hai, orc, half-troll(sunlight kills it), battle-troll), some underground in stone (troll (sunlight kills it), dead men (not killable, is only damaged by sunlight), witch-king (boss, hp=50), balrog (boss, hp=100), nazgul (mini-boss, hp=25)), and dunlending is the only unfriendly mob to spawn in grass.
Couple of new ores and uncraftable stuff like tilkal (unbreakable material)
Introduction of trees, sapling available via creative, i do not wish to randomly spawn the trees until i can find a suitable mapgen to generate them on (need help on this), so they will only be available via creative.
Help Needed for these stuff:
Models (Ent, Balrog, Horse, Warg and couple more)
Mob Behavior(Attacks only particular mobs)
Rideable mobs
Map generation(With specific biomes)
Note that i may take a few days to reply to a comment as i am rather busy with school-life, but feel free to tell me any bugs or suggestion.
Edit: Thanks for the encouragement fessmK, sry didn't saw that until three months later :P.
Edit 2: Forgotten to say mushrooms only grow on decaying wood and only in dark places.
Last edited by fishyWET on Tue Jan 28, 2014 13:13, edited 1 time in total.

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by AMMOnym » Post

XD u use my texture for troll . Good modpack. That trees are awesome but i have error with replacing air and i cant find any .
Last edited by AMMOnym on Mon Jan 27, 2014 15:18, edited 1 time in total.

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by Inocudom » Post

fishyWET wrote:Update: Added farming, plants, trees, new mobs, redo ores and mobs
Farming is the same as default farming, seeds can be found on wild plants.
Plants spawn randomly in grass across the world, brambles of mordor spawns in desert
Friendly mobs spawn on grass/ leaves/ stone (e.g. rohan /gondor guard, elf, ent, dwarf, hobbit) Unfriendly mobs spawn in desert (e.g. uruk-hai, orc, half-troll(sunlight kills it), battle-troll), some underground in stone (troll (sunlight kills it), dead men (not killable, is only damaged by sunlight), witch-king (boss, hp=50), balrog (boss, hp=100), nazgul (mini-boss, hp=25)), and dunlending is the only unfriendly mob to spawn in grass.
Couple of new ores and uncraftable stuff like tilkal (unbreakable material)
Introduction of trees, sapling available via creative, i do not wish to randomly spawn the trees until i can find a suitable mapgen to generate them on (need help on this), so they will only be available via creative.
Help Needed for these stuff:
Models (Ent, Balrog, Horse, Warg and couple more)
Mob Behavior(Attacks only particular mobs)
Rideable mobs
Map generation(With specific biomes)
Note that i may take a few days to reply to a comment as i am rather busy with school-life, but feel free to tell me any bugs or suggestion.
Edit: Thanks for the encouragement fessmK, sry didn't saw that until three months later :P.
Paramat can help you out with the mapgen.
Last edited by Inocudom on Mon Jan 27, 2014 16:00, edited 1 time in total.

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by AMMOnym » Post

Models (Ent, Balrog, Horse, Warg and couple more)
For horse u can use donkey model from mobf.

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by RHR » Post

The game failed when I tried to use the hoe. I got following error:

Code: Select all

21:04:40: ACTION[ServerThread]: singleplayer uses farming:hoe_stone, pointing at
 [node under=-40,1,13 above=-40,2,13]
21:04:40: ERROR[main]: ServerError: ...t-0.4.9\bin\..\games\minetest_game\mods\f
arming\init.lua:123: attempt to call field 'hoe_on_use' (a nil value)
21:04:40: ERROR[main]: stack traceback:
21:04:40: ERROR[main]:  ...t-0.4.9\bin\..\games\minetest_game\mods\farming\init.
lua:123: in function <...t-0.4.9\bin\..\games\minetest_game\mods\farming\init.lu

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by Evergreen » Post

RHR wrote:The game failed when I tried to use the hoe. I got following error:

Code: Select all

21:04:40: ACTION[ServerThread]: singleplayer uses farming:hoe_stone, pointing at
 [node under=-40,1,13 above=-40,2,13]
21:04:40: ERROR[main]: ServerError: ...t-0.4.9\bin\..\games\minetest_game\mods\f
arming\init.lua:123: attempt to call field 'hoe_on_use' (a nil value)
21:04:40: ERROR[main]: stack traceback:
21:04:40: ERROR[main]:  ...t-0.4.9\bin\..\games\minetest_game\mods\farming\init.
lua:123: in function <...t-0.4.9\bin\..\games\minetest_game\mods\farming\init.lu
^ has nothing to do with this mod
Back from the dead!

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