A highly modular framework for the Minetest game engine, in order to allow the development of Capture the Flag / City vs City games. Good for any sort of game where players can join teams - flags are optional, everything is highly configurable.
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Latest Version = 1.0 - RC (Release Candidate)
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Created by: rubenwardy.
Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015
Code: LGPL 2.1 or later.
Textures: CC-BY-SA 3.0
- ctf
- core - adds saving, loading and settings. All modules depend on this.
- teams - add the concepts of teams and players. All modules except core depend on this.
- diplomacy - adds inter team states of war, peace and alliances. Requires ctf.teams
- gui - adds the team gui on /team. Allows tabs to be registered.
- hud - adds the name of the team in the TR of the screen, and sets the color of a player's name.
- ctf_chat - adds chat commands and chat channels.
- ctf_flag - adds flags and flag taking.
- ctf_protect - Adds node ownership / protection to teams. Requires ctf_flag.

Supports capture the flag style games, City vs City games (Players build fortresses, cities and outposts to combat each other and to get as rich as possible) and more!
- Players join teams; where they share node protection and a team gui
- The team gui provides news about the team, diplomacy, and more
- Every thing is configurable, and can be turned off

Please note that this game is not finished yet. Many things are in the todo list.Please feel free to request features!
License: LGPL 2.1 or later for code, CC BY-SA 3.0 or later for textures
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...or browse the code
- ClanWars - adds medieval style mods and NPCs.
Feature List
There is no guarantee that this is complete, but I do try.- Flags
- Use GUI to name or remove flags (team owner only)
- Players respawn at their flag.
- Flags can be captured immediately, or need to be taken to the attacking players flag
- Nodes are protected around the flag.
- Team GUI (do /team):
- About - (coming soon) an article board describing rules, etc
- News - alerts players to flag captures, war declaring and more
- Flags - Lists your team's flags. Teleport to these flags, or to spawn
- Diplomacy - see below
- Settings - change the settings for your team: flag color
- Players can be automatically assigned to teams.
- Diplomacy - Declare war, peace or alliance with other teams. (allied teams share node protection)
- Firearms, traps and automatic turrets to defend bases.
- Includes chat plus
- Chat is limited to team mates
- Can chat to every one using global channel: /all
- Easy API
- 100% configurable with minetest.conf:
- Don't like an aspect? Disable it or change it!
- See minetest.conf.example!
Chat Commands
Players- /team - view team panel
- /team all - list all teams and their statistics
- /team <team> - print team information (players, etc)
- /team player <name> - print player information (their team)
- /join <team> - join the team <team>
- /all <msg> - chat on the global channel
- /post <msg> - posts a msg to the news board (configurable: ctf_team_owners_post)
Uses priv "team"
- /post <msg> - posts a msg to the news board
- /team add name - add a team called name
- /team join player team - add 'player' to team 'team' (admin only)
- /team_owner <name> - make a player the mod or not off the team (toggle)
- /reload_ctf - reload the core and settings
- /ctf - run debug functions and clean functions
Included mods:All mods in default minetest_game are included plus:
- ctf (new mod by me)
- ctf_protector (new mod by me, node protection)
- ctf_turret (modified mod)
- Skins for players
- More colours
- Get flag taking working better:
- player can be seen holding the flag
- safer flag taking (bulletproof)
- Timers (only certain amount of time to return it.
- How the player is stopped - add tag, drop on death and return on death options
- Allow flags to be passed between players
- Items:
- Deco flags
- Flag finder / some way for a player to locate a flag
- Awards
- Add more settings etc
- Opening and closing teams to new members
- Use privileges for team_owners