[Game] Carbone [carbone] – minetest_game, improved

Games that have been abandoned and no longer work properly with the latest version of Minetest.
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[Game] Carbone [carbone] – minetest_game, improved

by Calinou » Post

No longer maintained, please see Carbone NG instead.

An improved minetest_game. Focuses on optimization, game balance, fun and intuitiveness.

GitHub repository (includes issue tracker)

Rename the directory to “carbone” after extracting the .zip file.

Alternate download, use if Gitorious is down. This one is less up-to-date, so you should use the big download button if it works.


There are lots of things to list, but the most important changes are:
  • most textures redone;
  • bones reworked: shorter publish time, new look, less annoying; death coordinates are published when dying;
  • added 3D dropped items which decay in 10 minutes; they are destroyed in lava and kill blocks; they flow in water, spin around and are collected by walking near them;
  • creative inventory now has more items per page and allows wrap-scrolling;
  • sounds tweaked, with more consistent sound volumes; added player damage and fall damage sounds; added player join, leave and death sounds;
  • added snow biomes (above Y = 25), underground air springs, lava and water springs; tweaked ore and clay generation; added rare coin ore which drops a golden coin; mining an ore also gives cobblestone;
  • slightly more Nyan Cats, which also spawn at any height; added the very durable Nyan Tools; Nyan Cats and their rainbows can be used as long-lasting furnace fuels;
  • coins (which stack up to 10000) drop when doing stuff like mining, digging, farming or killing mobs; harder and risky actions give better coins;
  • added health bars and breath bars above players;
  • locked furnace added; chest logging improved; locked containers can now be bypassed by the player whose name matches the “name” entry in minetest.conf;
  • physics tweaked, most notably, movement speed increased and sneak glitch disabled by default;
  • added burned clay, obtained by smelting a clay block;
  • food balanced; tool speed and range increased; empty buckets are now stackable;
  • many mods included, see below.
Included mods

Most of the mods included are more or less tweaked, especially Simple Mobs.
  • More Blocks: more decorative nodes, Stairs+ functionality, some gameplay fixes;
  • Map Tools: tools for server administrators and custom map creators;
  • Simple Mobs: pet some fine mobs and fight the nasty ones;
  • Player Textures: change skin per-player;
  • Builtin Item and Item Drop: 3D items that decay after 10 minutes, which are destroyed by lava and kill blocks and flow in water.
  • Boats, Carts and Hovers: useful for transportation; crafted with 5 wood, steel ingots or mese crystals in a “U” shape; boats and hovers are up to 25 % faster than walking, carts are up to 100 % faster than walking; invisible and unbreakable rails are available;
  • Item Frames: place item frames and pedestals for showing off items;
  • Protector: lock areas from editing by other players (25 × 25 ×25); craft with 8 brick blocks and 1 ingot block¹ in the center;
  • WorldEdit: edit the world easily and quickly (GUI is not included);
  • Snow: generates snow biomes, adds snow bricks crafted with 4 snow blocks.
  • Mesecons (partial): use Mesecons to power doors, pistons, lights and many more.
  • Throwing: throw stuff at players and mobs; regular arrows, golden arrows (more damage) build arrows (using obsidian glass), torch arrows, dig arrows (crafted with a wooden pickaxe) and teleport arrows (crafted with a diamond) are available;
  • TNT: crafted with 3 coal lumps and 1 gravel in any shape, it explodes when left-clicked with a torch or when activated by a Mesecons signal.
  • 3D Armor, Wield View and Shields: wearable armour, see item in other players' hands – and in your hands in third person mode – and use shields to reduce damage.
  • xBan: allows you to set temporary bans and to ban players which are not online currently.
¹: copper block, tin block, bronze block, iron block, silver block or gold block.

New commands
  • /clearinventory <inventory>: clears an inventory, “main” if unspecified, “craft” is another possible choice.
  • /hotbar [size]: changes hotbar size between 1 and 23. Resets to the default value if unspecified.
  • /suicide: kills yourself (use if stuck), only possible if damage is enabled.
  • /info: gives you an Infotool. Left-click a block to see info about it: description, node name and texture.
  • /say: broadcasts a message anonymously. [ban]
  • /sethome, /home: set your home and teleport to it. [home]
  • /spawn: goes to the spawn point, only works if a static spawn point is defined. [spawn]
  • /speed [factor], /jump [factor], /gravity [factor]: changes your movement speed (0 to 10.0), jump height (0 to 10.0) and gravity (-10.0 to 10.0). If no factor is specified, the default value will be set. [physics]
  • /whoami, /ip: tells your name and your IP address respectively.
  • /whois: tells a player's IP and other accounts associated with that IP. [whois]
Crafting changes

(green = added recipeblue = modified recipe)

Use a copper ingot and a tin ingot to make a bronze ingot. It's not possible to use a copper ingot and a steel ingot anymore.
Craft 1 dry shrub into 1 stick.
Craft 1 wooden plank into 9 sticks. Sticks stack up to 1000.
Craft 9 sticks into 1 wooden plank.
Uncraft clay into 9 clay lumps.
Craft clay and bricks using 9 clay lumps or clay bricks instead of 4.

minetest.conf settings

These settings are server-side.
  • health_bars: whether to show health bars and breath bars or not (always hidden when damage is disabled). [true]
  • hotbar_size: sets the default hotbar size (between 1 and 23); it's 8 in Minetest NeXt and the vanilla Minetest game. [16]
  • keep_items_on_death: whether to keep items on death, or to drop them into bones. Server restart is not required if used with /set. [false]
  • log_mods: whether to log mod loading in the console or not. [false]
  • monster_damage_factor: allows decreasing monster damage. Doesn't allow increasing it, though. A value of 0 disables monster damage. [1.0]
  • spawn_friendly_mobs: whether to naturally spawn friendly mobs (sheep, rats) or not. They can be spawned manually using /spawnentity or items. [true]
  • spawn_hostile_mobs: whether to naturally spawn hostile mobs or not. They can be spawned manually using /spawnentity or items. [true]
  • xray: lets all players see through the ground to see ores. Server restart is required if used with /set. [false]
Mob list


Hostile mobs slowly die if exposed to sunlight. They do not spawn outside, even at night, only in caves below sea level (Y coordinate 0). All hostile mobs spawn on stone and desert stone only.

No mobs spawn naturally in creative mode.

Dirt Monster: 25 HP, 4 damage
Fairly fast movement speed.

Stone Monster: 30 HP, 6 damage
Resistant to lava and water, is fairly slow.

Sand Monster: 15 HP, 2 damage
Moves very quickly, almost as fast as the player.

Tree Monster: 60 HP, 6 damage
Moves slowly.

Oerkki: 45 HP, 5 damage
Moves fairly quickly.

Dungeon Master: 50 HP, 10 damage using fireball (9 blocks/s movement speed, 1 fireball per 2.5 seconds)
Instantly dies in sunlight. Fireballs destroy most nearby nodes, except containers and bedrock (but do not cause fire to appear). Spawns at -50 and deeper.

Rhino: 25 HP, 2 damage using bullets (18 blocks/s movement speed, 1 bullet per 0.5 seconds)

Trooper: 20 HP, 2 damage (3.2 blocks/s movement speed)
Looks like a player. Attacks if nearby.


Rat: 1 HP
Can be cooked (15 seconds cook time), gives 3 HP when eaten. Left click to collect, can be placed after being collected. Also spawns on trees, jungle trees and cacti. Follows you when holding scorched stuff (which is obtained by smelting a cooked rat).

Sheep: 15 HP
Can be cooked (25 seconds cook time), gives 6 HP when eaten. Right click to shear. Follows you when holding wheat; right click with wheat to feed them, to make their wool regrow.

Other hazards

Acid: damages players by 2 HP per second. Does not set things on fire. Cannot be picked up.

Meze: looks similar to Mese, but with a “z” instead of a “s”. Kills players a few seconds after being dug. Spawns above sea level only.

Carbone's minetest.conf

This is the configuration file used by Carbone. The settings will be used if no settings of the same name are set in the server's minetest.conf:

Code: Select all

# 1 day-night cycle lasts 24 minutes instead of 20.
time_speed = 60

# Decreased acceleration compared to minetest_game.
movement_acceleration_default = 2.4
movement_acceleration_air = 1.2

# Very fast acceleration in fast mode for more control.
movement_acceleration_fast = 24

# Walking is 25 % faster than in minetest_next. Makes playing without the "fast" privilege less boring.
movement_speed_walk = 4.8

# Half the speed of walking, just like the animation.
movement_speed_crouch = 2.4

# 5 times faster than walking.
movement_speed_fast = 24

# Makes climbing speed faster than rising in the water. Also makes ladders more useful.
movement_speed_climb = 4.8

# Faster movement in liquids. Jumping at the water surface also speeds up swimming.
movement_liquid_fluidity = 1.6

# Slightly less gravity.
movement_gravity = 9.5

# Jump height slightly reduced.
movement_speed_jump = 6.25

# Give 1 wooden pickaxe, 10 torches, 10 saplings, 10 apples, 1 locked chest and 1 locked furnace to new players. Edit mods/give_initial_stuff/init.lua to change.
give_initial_stuff = true

# Give "home" and "spawn" privileges to new players.
default_privs = interact, shout, home, spawn

# Enable dungeons on new worlds.
mg_flags = trees, caves, dungeons
# Enable jungles on new worlds, disable biome blend and mud flow (faster, looks better).
mgv6_spflags = jungles, nobiomeblend, nomudflow
# Less deserts, more beaches.
mgv6_freq_desert = 0.6
mgv6_freq_beach = -0.15

# Higher player limit by default.
max_users = 32
# Server settings for improved performance:
max_block_generate_distance = 6
max_block_send_distance = 6
max_simultaneous_block_sends_per_client = 8
max_simultaneous_block_sends_server_total = 64
time_send_interval = 10
active_block_range = 1
server_map_save_interval = 15.3
Last edited by Calinou on Wed Jul 15, 2015 19:23, edited 85 times in total.
Reason: Information Stick → Infotool.

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by rubenwardy » Post

WooHoo! Another game! The more we have the better.

These improvements are very good. It is a shame about the minetest_game freeze.
Last edited by rubenwardy on Fri Apr 11, 2014 21:08, edited 1 time in total.
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by PilzAdam » Post

Calinou wrote:- compressed textures
The textures in minetest_game are already compressed. How many bytes have you saved (not counting the mods you added)?
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by Inocudom » Post

You could have added your moreores mod to this.

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by Calinou » Post

PilzAdam wrote:
Calinou wrote:- compressed textures
The textures in minetest_game are already compressed. How many bytes have you saved (not counting the mods you added)?
I ran latest OptiPNG development release on it (-o6 -strip all), I saved a few KB probably, better than nothing. ;)
Inocudom wrote:You could have added your moreores mod to this.
More Ores is considered as obsolete, now that there are enough ores in the default game.

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by twoelk » Post

For some reason the moreores mod is still very much alive. It is, for example, present on at least 12 public servers (Survey made by sfan5 on the 20th Feb.2014from data of the servers listed at http://servers.minetest.net/)
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by BlockMen » Post

Maybe you are interested since the name is carbone.


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by PilzAdam » Post

BlockMen wrote:Maybe you are interested since the name is carbone.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ga5 ... header.png
Shouldnt it be more like "Carbone" instead of "Minetest"?

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by Calinou » Post

PilzAdam wrote:
BlockMen wrote:Maybe you are interested since the name is carbone.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ga5 ... header.png
Shouldnt it be more like "Carbone" instead of "Minetest"?
I don't see it as an entire game so much, so that logo is fine. I added it. :)

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by philipbenr » Post

Looks Good Calinou! :)

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by Krock » Post

Yup, a nice game. I like it :)
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by rommiekerova » Post

twoelk wrote:For some reason the moreores mod is still very much alive. It is, for example, present on at least 12 public servers (Survey made by sfan5 on the 20th Feb.2014from data of the servers listed at http://servers.minetest.net/)
I for one use moreores on my Kalisae server though it is not on the public server list.
My Mods: Kerova - viewtopic.php?id=8054
My Server: Kalisae - viewtopic.php?id=9040 <--CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!

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by PilzAdam » Post

Calinou wrote:
PilzAdam wrote:
BlockMen wrote:Maybe you are interested since the name is carbone.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ga5 ... header.png
Shouldnt it be more like "Carbone" instead of "Minetest"?
I don't see it as an entire game so much, so that logo is fine. I added it. :)
Well, it is an entire game, if you see it as such or not. What other games do you know that put the name of the engine they run on in the title screen instead of their own name?
Last edited by PilzAdam on Sun Apr 13, 2014 21:49, edited 1 time in total.

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by paramat » Post

How about Minetest C14? heheh ...

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by Calinou » Post

PilzAdam wrote:
Calinou wrote:
PilzAdam wrote: Shouldnt it be more like "Carbone" instead of "Minetest"?
I don't see it as an entire game so much, so that logo is fine. I added it. :)
Well, it is an entire game, if you see it as such or not. What other games do you know that put the name of the engine they run on in the title screen instead of their own name?
Cube 2: Sauerbraten. ;)

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Re: [Game] Carbone [carbone] -- an improvement to minetest_g

by Calinou » Post

Mobs from Simple Mobs were added to the default installation of Carbone. If you want to disable them, rename the “mobs” directory inside the “mods” one to “.mobs”.

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Re: [Game] Carbone [carbone] – an improvement to minetest_ga

by cupofinsane » Post

Since your game focuses on balance (among other things) and since you added mobs, may be you would tweak it a little? Meat has cooktime=5 and restore 3.5 HP while bread has cooktime=15 (and overall harder to produce than meat) and restore only 3HP.

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Re: [Game] Carbone [carbone] – an improvement to minetest_ga

by Calinou » Post

cupofinsane wrote:Since your game focuses on balance (among other things) and since you added mobs, may be you would tweak it a little? Meat has cooktime=5 and restore 3.5 HP while bread has cooktime=15 (and overall harder to produce than meat) and restore only 3HP.
Git commit wrote:More drowning damage, less meat drops, longer cooking times for meat and rats.
Meat takes 25 seconds to cook and a sheep drops 2 meat instead of 3.

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Re: [Game] Carbone [carbone] – an improvement to minetest_ga

by cupofinsane » Post

thanks! survival shouldn't be easy xD

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Re: [Game] Carbone [carbone] – an improvement to minetest_ga

by Sokomine » Post

The description of the game is currently very short and empty due to the spoiler tag not working. Could you be so kind to change them to something else, i.e. quote or code?

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Re: [Game] Carbone [carbone] – an improvement to minetest_ga

by Calinou » Post

Sokomine wrote:The description of the game is currently very short and empty due to the spoiler tag not working. Could you be so kind to change them to something else, i.e. quote or code?
Fixed. Also rewrote the change log.

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Re: [Game] Carbone [carbone] – an improvement to minetest_ga

by Inocudom » Post

Inocudom wrote:I tested this mapgen with Carbone. Though the terrain does generate, the following appears:
[paragenv7] chunk minp (-32 -32 -32)
[paragenv7] 184 ms
[paragenv7] chunk minp (-112 -32 -32)
[paragenv7] 188 ms
22:44:50: ERROR[ServerThread]: Could not process soil information of node paragenv7:grass.
22:44:50: ERROR[ServerThread]: Could not process soil information of node paragenv7:grass.
22:44:50: ERROR[ServerThread]: Could not process soil information of node air.
22:44:50: ERROR[ServerThread]: Could not process soil information of node air.
22:44:50: ERROR[ServerThread]: Could not process soil information of node air.
22:46:13: ERROR[ServerThread]: Could not process soil information of node default:dirt_with_snow.
22:46:13: ERROR[ServerThread]: Could not process soil information of node default:dirt_with_snow.
22:46:13: ERROR[ServerThread]: Could not process soil information of node default:dirt_with_snow.
22:46:13: ERROR[ServerThread]: Could not process soil information of node default:dirt_with_snow.
...And it keeps spamming that without end. I must inform Calinou of this too.
I posted this in the topic for paramat's paragenv7 mapgen. The above happens when I use that mapgen in this game (it does not happen in the default game.) If you are wondering, the above errors appear in Minetest NeXt too when I use that mapgen. Obviously, paragenv7 would not work in a game like BFD, but Carbone and Minetest NeXt don't differ much from the default game in terms of their mapgens. I do hope that there can be a resolution.

On a side note, what do you think of the following fork of PilzAdam's carts mod?
It was made by Kilarin of these forums.

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Re: [Game] Carbone [carbone] – an improvement to minetest_ga

by Calinou » Post

Inocudom wrote:On a side note, what do you think of the following fork of PilzAdam's carts mod?
It was made by Kilarin of these forums.
The changes were added in, but without touring rails as these didn't work (they behaved exactly like boost rails).

I also added invisible, unbreakable rails (with very intense power and brake variations) for use by server admins and in custom maps.

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Re: [Game] Carbone [carbone] – an improvement to minetest_ga

by Inocudom » Post

Calinou wrote:
Inocudom wrote:On a side note, what do you think of the following fork of PilzAdam's carts mod?
It was made by Kilarin of these forums.
The changes were added in, but without touring rails as these didn't work (they behaved exactly like boost rails).

I also added invisible, unbreakable rails (with very intense power and brake variations) for use by server admins and in custom maps.
The touring rails should be slower than the boost rails. They were when I tested this mod.

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Re: [Game] Carbone [carbone] – an improvement to minetest_ga

by RealBadAngel » Post

If you are reworking bones, you could use waypoints to show bones postion to owner.

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