Big Freaking Dig is exactly what it says on the tin: get as many ores as possible, while fighting mobs and creating tools from new materials, such as cobalt - which can double the durability of a tool when adding a Mese Pickaxe Head onto a Cobalt Stick.
The refined tools allows users to make brand new tools which means Iron Tools can dig at Mese Level, and even further, or one could possibly triple durability of their tools. The choice is up to the user.
Another addition is the use of Oil, this useful material only generates underground in all layers. Oil can be used in the Oil TBM (based from TBM Reloaded), and can dig at double the speed, Oil may also be used to power furnaces, allowing people to remove their dependance from coal and use that for torches. Oil might also have more uses than people realize. It might also burn itself away if it generates next to lava.

https://github.com/Jordach/big_freaking ... master.zip
Or, alternatively;


Soapstone hills bordering on a evergreen forest.

Floral hills bordering on a beach.

The Mapgen V6 biome - this biome is a homage to what happens when BFD is ran under Mapgen V6.

Another shot of the Mapgen V6 biome.

Another evergreen forest bordering on a beach.

In BFD, there isn't just life, but also, the dead - featuring the desert and dead forest.

A oak forest bordering on a dead forest.

A small beach with two nearby birch forests.

Eden's garden and a wheat grass on a large hill.

A floral oak forest.

Intriguing mountainous area with an oak forest.

Two waterfalls coming from a small mountain.

No minetest_game derived mods will work within BFD, this is because I based BFD from my own code and not code from the original Minetest Game.
This game is more geared towards self-containment of it's own content - which means everything within BFD will work with BFD.
Why does the fist / tools take so long compared to minetest_game?
I did this to make the first day wooden tools only, and it makes it more of a challenge when mobs are surrounding you.The second day should be stone tools, and the next week Steel, but until a few weeks (ingame), you should be able to make the first set of custom tools.
As soon as you reach Steel, the tool speed should match the old fist speed from Minetest, and the wooden tools (namely wooden pickaxe for stone)