[game] Dreambuilder [20210626-0349]

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[game] Dreambuilder [20210626-0349]

by VanessaE » Post

Dreambuilder is my attempt to give the player pretty much everything they'll ever want to build with, and all the tools they should ever need to actually get the job done. Of course, needs change, but this game should be a pretty good start!

This game is in use on my Creative server and on my Survival server, which also have extra mods installed for their specific needs (admin stuff mostly). They should give you a pretty good idea nonetheless. Expect lag, as they're both significantly-developed multiplayer servers, after all.

What's it got?
  • The complete Plantlife Modpack along with More Trees add a huge amount of variation to your landscape (as a result, they will add mapgen lag, but you can configure the tradeoff between performance and lag). Active spawning of Horsetail ferns is disabled by default.
  • This game includes RealBadAngel's Unified Inventory mod, which overrides minetest_game's default inventory to give you a much more powerful user interface, with crafting guide, bags, and much more.
  • The default hotbar HUD holds 16 items instead of 8, taken from the top two rows of your inventory. You can use /hotbar ## to change the number of slots (range of 1 to 32). Your setting is retained across restarts.
  • The default lavacooling code has been supplanted by better, safer code from my Gloop Blocks mod. That mod also provides stone/cobble --> mossy stone/cobble transformation in the presence of water.
  • An extensive selection of administration tools for single-player and server use are included, such as areas, maptools, worldedit, xban, and more.
  • A few textures here and there are different from their defaults.
  • By way of Technic, all locked chests use a padlock in their recipes instead of a steel ingot.
    Most other locked items work this way, too.
  • The mapgen won't spawn apples on default trees, nor will they appear on a sapling-grown default tree. Only the *real* apple trees supplied by the More Trees mod will bear apples (both at mapgen time and sapling-grown). While on that subject, apples now use a 3d model instead of the plantlike version.
  • A whole boatload of other mods have been added, which is where most of the content actually comes from. To be a little more specific, as of Feb. 2021, this game has a total of 209 mods (counting all of the various sub-mods that themselves are normally as part of some modpack, such as Mesecons, Home Decor, Roads, etc.) and supplies over 3000 items in the inventory/craft guide, and tens of thousands of unique items in total (counting everything that isn't displayed in the inventory)!
  • A rudimentary user interface theming capability! See below for details.
Ok, ok, let's see the full content!
A complete list of mods is as follows: Modpacks:
Base game content imported from minetest_game:
  • beds
  • binoculars
  • boats
  • bucket
  • butterflies
  • carts
  • creative
  • default
  • doors
  • dungeon_loot
  • dye
  • env_sounds
  • fire
  • fireflies
  • flowers
  • game_commands
  • give_initial_stuff
  • map
  • player_api
  • screwdriver
  • sfinv
  • spawn
  • stairs
  • vessels
  • walls
  • weather
  • wool
  • xpanes
Your Inventory Display

This game, as previously mentioned, replaces the standard inventory with Unified Inventory, which almost defies description here. Unified Inventory includes waypoints, a crafting guide, set/go home buttons, set day/set night buttons, a full creative inventory on the right if you're playing in that mode - and you only have to click/tap the item once to get the it, instead of multiple clicks/drag and drop, a trash slot, a clear all inventory button, a search feature for the inventory, and more. Basically, you just need to use it a few times and you'll find yourself wondering how you ever got along with the standard inventory!

The Table Saw

This game uses the More Blocks mod, which comes with Sokomine's Stairsplus, with its table saw component. This mod replaces the traditional method of creating stairs, slabs, and the like: rather that crafting a stairs block by placing several of the material into your crafting grid, you must first craft a table saw, place that on the ground, and then use that to shape the material you had in mind. It can create dozens of shapes, including the standard stairs and slabs. Give it a try and see for yourself!

Land Ownership

This game uses ShadowNinja's areas mod for land protection, and also has cheapie's areasprotector, which supplies simple protection blocks, using areas as the backend. For more info on the areas mod, visit the forum thread for it. cheapie's mod can be found on her git repository. Of course, these mods are only useful if you're running a multi-player server.
Dreambuilder has user-installable themes!

To get a new theme going, just download and install a Dreambuilder theme mod, enable it in your world config like you would any other random mod, then go into the main menu's "Settings" page, then click "All Settings", and set dreambuilder_theme to the technical name of the theme you want to use. Or you can just put dreambuilder_theme = technical name in your minetest.conf.

If you don't change that setting, Dreambuilder will continue to use the default light theme regardless of what others you've installed. This way, it's possible to install as many themes as you want, and just select one by this config setting.

The official theme collection can be found at:


There are only two there at the moment: the "light" one, and a "high contrast" one. The latter one is meant to look like the "high contrast" themes you see in some desktop environments or window managers. It's kinda ugly 😛, but it's there as a sort of proof-of-concept, to show how different things can look (originally it was a debugging aid, but I decided to keep it).

The two themes in that repository have technical names of dbtheme_light and dbtheme_high_contrast, respectively.

Note that while colors usually update as soon as you start the game after changing your theme, due to how Minetest handles caching of images, filenames are usually remembered from one session to another, so you may have to dig and re-place some nodes here and there if they look wrong.

Contributors: if you want to extend the theme to additional nodes or to images/items not yet covered by the existing code, look in the dreambuilder_extras folder for the customizer script. This script makes in-line changes to the code in a number of mods to allow them to work with the theme and it is there that upgrades/changes must be made. In addition to any code updates you needed to add, if you also need to add new images, submit those as part of at least the "light" theme in the repository above.

I do things this way so that whenever I make a new stable release (or just random git updates), I always start from unmodified, clean, upstream versions of all of Dreambuilder's mods, and a clean, up-to-date version of its light theme, thus avoiding having a bunch of custom forks that I'd have to maintain individually, which will just confuse me. 😛

Of course, if it's your own mod that you're adding theming to, you can just make the proper changes to your mod using your usual development process, push your changes upstream, and then eventually they'll be brought into Dreambuilder during my usual update process. You don't need to bother with the above script at all, unless of course it's already making in-line changes to your mod, but your updates make those changes redundant.

If you just want to design a new theme without adding anything new, you can do so by simply copying one of the existing themes and modifying it. Once you have it to your liking, either submit it as a Merge Request against the themes repository above, or publish it yourself if you prefer.

For now, if a theme is missing a particular image, Minetest will employ its usual "dummy" image feature and insert a randomly-colored square to take its place.

Screen settings
Dreambuilder does not require anything special, however you should make sure you've set the GUI scaling and font size in Minetest to something that is appropriate for your screen. High resolution monitors may need the scaling to be turned down and font size to be turned up, otherwise GUI elements may be distorted or inaccurately positioned and spaced.

For example: a scaling of 0.57 and font size of 26 is about right for a 31 inch "4k" (16:9) screen, while a 20 inch 1600x1200 (4:3) screen does fine with the default scaling of 1.0 and a font size of 18.

This game requires Minetest 5.4.0 or later.

Hardware requirements:
This game defines a very large number of items and produces a well-detailed landscape, and so it requires a significant amount of resources. At least a 2 GHz dual core CPU and 4 GB free RAM are required for good performance. If you use my HDX texture pack, you'll need a LOT more RAM.

This game is NOT recommended for use on mobile devices (though some newer devices, say from mid-2018 or later, may work okay).

Get it as a ZIP: https://github.com/mt-mods/dreambuilder ... master.zip
... or browse the git repository: https://github.com/mt-mods/dreambuilder_game

If you downloaded the zip, just extract it and rename the resultant directory to "dreambuilder_game", if necessary. If you're using the git repository, just clone it and keep the name as-is.

Move it to your Minetest games directory. When you start Minetest, you'll notice a little red "house" icon at the bottom of the main menu. Click that to select Dreambuilder, then create or select a world as you see fit.

Depending on the conditions of the world, this game may take as much as 2 minutes to start, during which time you may see the hotbar and hand, but all-grey window content where the world should be. Just wait it out, it will eventually start.

Each of the base mods in this game retains the standard licenses their original authors assigned, even if the license file is missing from the archive. For all of my Dreambuilder-specific changes and their related assets, LGPL 3.0 for code, CC-by-SA 4.0 for media and such.

Open Source Software
This game is open source, or at least as much so as I have control over.
dreambuilder_title1.png (931.83 KiB) Viewed 15145 times
You might like some of my stuff: Plantlife ~ More Trees ~ Home Decor ~ Pipeworks ~ HDX Textures (64-512px)

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Re: [Game] Vanessa's Dreambuilder Game [dreambuilder_game]

by Sokomine » Post

Nice to see it documented here :-) The mod combination works very well on the survival and creative server. Builders can enjoy building without annoyances such as bones; instead, there are useful tools and a wide variety of nodes to select from. Unified inventory is also very practical.

The only disadvantage of the game is that it contains quite a lot of mods. Without preload_items_visuals, it would take a long time to connect to a local game. I think a lightweight version of this game for singleplayer would be great.

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Re: [Game] Vanessa's Dreambuilder Game [dreambuilder_game]

by Calinou » Post

Sokomine wrote:The only disadvantage of the game is that it contains quite a lot of mods. Without preload_items_visuals, it would take a long time to connect to a local game. I think a lightweight version of this game for singleplayer would be great.
You mean with preload_item_visuals, no?

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Re: [Game] Vanessa's Dreambuilder Game [dreambuilder_game]

by mike_dzl » Post

Hi Vanessa,
I really wanna try this, looks really cool. I am using Linux, minetest 0.4.9, I extracted the tarball and sudo cp'd to the /usr/share/minetest/games folder. When creating the server, (singleplayer), all is well, the dreambuilder_overlay is there, dreambuilder_game is an option, and it creates the world. When launching, I am getting this error: "...default/player.lua:144:attempt to call method 'set_local_animation' (a nil value).
I am not really good at lua scripting, but I took a look at player.lua, and there does seem to be a value there,
"player:set_local_animation({x=0, y=79}, {x=168, y=187}, {x=189, y=198}, {x=200, y=219}, 30)".
Do you have any suggestions about what I could change to fix this error?

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Re: [Game] Vanessa's Dreambuilder Game [dreambuilder_game]

by Amaz » Post

mike_dzl wrote:Hi Vanessa,
I really wanna try this, looks really cool. I am using Linux, minetest 0.4.9, I extracted the tarball and sudo cp'd to the /usr/share/minetest/games folder. When creating the server, (singleplayer), all is well, the dreambuilder_overlay is there, dreambuilder_game is an option, and it creates the world. When launching, I am getting this error: "...default/player.lua:144:attempt to call method 'set_local_animation' (a nil value).
I am not really good at lua scripting, but I took a look at player.lua, and there does seem to be a value there,
"player:set_local_animation({x=0, y=79}, {x=168, y=187}, {x=189, y=198}, {x=200, y=219}, 30)".
Do you have any suggestions about what I could change to fix this error?
I think that you need the latest dev version, because that error is related to the 3d view that was recently added... Either compile it yourself from github, or (if you're using Ubuntu/a derivative of Ubuntu/Mint) add this ppa and do sudo apt-get ect... https://code.launchpad.net/~minetestdev ... /+packages

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Re: [Game] Vanessa's Dreambuilder Game [dreambuilder_game]

by mike_dzl » Post

Thanks Amaz, am not on Ubuntu, running Arch. I will try to see if I can figure out how to get that, maybe in the AUR now. At least it gives me an idea of where to look.

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Re: [Game] Vanessa's Dreambuilder Game [dreambuilder_game]

by Amaz » Post

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Re: [Game] Vanessa's Dreambuilder Game [dreambuilder_game]

by mike_dzl » Post

Thanks again Amaz! Building it now.

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Re: [Game] Vanessa's Dreambuilder Game [dreambuilder_game]

by mike_dzl » Post

Update: THIS IS SO FREAKING COOL! Awesome job VanessaE!
My daughter and I were just talking about taking all these different mods and making a supermod, seems like we were not the only ones! I wouldn't recommend running this on wimpy hardware though. Makes my CPU and water cooler work hard. Obviously a lot of work went into putting this together, so thank you very much!

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Re: [Game] Vanessa's Dreambuilder Game [dreambuilder_game]

by Sokomine » Post

mike_dzl wrote: Makes my CPU and water cooler work hard.
Go and play on VanessaE's Survival or Creative server :-) Then you CPU may remain mostly cool, and we can enjoy your creations.
Last edited by Sokomine on Mon Apr 28, 2014 15:44, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Game] Vanessa's Dreambuilder Game [dreambuilder_game]

by twoelk » Post


I downloaded it at once and started playing - worked out of the box, quite in contrast to the last VanessaE_game I downloaded. I had to tweak that somewhat and update individuall parts for it to work on my low end setup. I am happy and will see to convert my old VE_game maps to this. Now I can start on fixing my old minetest_demo usb-stick again that I used to show off the beautifull server-worlds running a local version for people that don't have a stable enough internet.

Allthough it is demanding on the hardware, it is absolutely worth it as the landscape allone can be addictive and there are enough mods to play in any direction you want, be it creative, medieval or technic.

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Re: [Game] Dreambuilder [20140504-0342][dreambuilder_game]

by VanessaE » Post

Updates: Re-added and updated Maptools and Moreblocks, re-added Moreores (these three accidentally got dropped during the switchover to git). Updated Technic and Unified Inventory.

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Re: [Game] Dreambuilder [20140504-0635][dreambuilder_game]

by VanessaE » Post

Another update: I've been having issues trying to sort out the git history with this game. I wanted to properly retain the histories of the individual mods but that proved impossible in practice. That was the cause of the repository hiccup this morning. It has been cleaned up and re-created from scratch, and all of the content should be back to normal. You'll have to force-pull again though to update the next time you do. Zip-users shouldn't see anything unusual.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Chalk it up to learning. :-/

Also: Couple minor updates to moreblocks and maptools went in right after this fix.

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Re: [Game] Dreambuilder [20140504-0804][dreambuilder_game]

by philipbenr » Post

BTW Vanessa, isn't Dan's version of Castles the only one? Or did I just sign up too late to see the other one?

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Re: [Game] Dreambuilder [20140504-0804][dreambuilder_game]

by VanessaE » Post

Nope, there were/are a couple others. Dan referenced you as the originator of his mod :-) (viewtopic.php?f=11&t=7159), and then there's this castle wall mod by Nubelite, viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2460.

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Re: [Game] Dreambuilder [20140504-1803][dreambuilder_game]

by philipbenr » Post

Ok. Anyhow, I wanted mine closed, since me and Dan were working on his fork. So basically, shutdown the original. I didn't know of the other though...

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Re: [Game] Dreambuilder [20140505-0343][dreambuilder_game]

by VanessaE » Post

Updated Unified Inventory mod (engine waypoints support)

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Re: [Game] Dreambuilder [20140505-0513][dreambuilder_game]

by VanessaE » Post

Updated moreblocks again (bugfixes)

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Re: [Game] Dreambuilder [20140505-0513][dreambuilder_game]

by Calinou » Post

VanessaE wrote:Updated moreblocks again (bugfixes)
The latest updates make it much easier to craft Stairs+ nodes without a circular saw. You can craft almost any basic-looking Stairs+ node, it's also nicely intuitive.

_ X

The above recipe can be used to craft 12 panels, in addition to stairs and slabs (_ is empty space, X is the material).

Putting a stair, slab or panel in the crafting grid splits it into microblocks. Putting 2 to 8 microblocks in the crafting grid merges them into slabs, stairs (standard, inner/outer corner and half) and full blocks. Putting an half stair in the crafting grid mirrors it.

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Re: [Game] Dreambuilder [20140505-0513][dreambuilder_game]

by VanessaE » Post

Ok make that bugfixes and recipe improvements ;-)

I don't have a graceful way to import the actual commit messages from upstream mods aside from copy&paste (the whole git submodules thing was an epic fail) so I kinda resort to http://xkcd.com/1296/ :-)

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Re: [Game] Dreambuilder [20140505-0513][dreambuilder_game]

by Jordach » Post

VanessaE wrote:Ok make that bugfixes and recipe improvements ;-)

I don't have a graceful way to import the actual commit messages from upstream mods aside from copy&paste (the whole git submodules thing was an epic fail) so I kinda resort to http://xkcd.com/1296/ :-)
Even I've been there:

https://github.com/Jordach/big_freaking ... c52efa7049

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Re: [Game] Dreambuilder [20140508-0054][dreambuilder_game]

by VanessaE » Post

Updated carts, locks, maptools, and moreblocks mods.

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Re: [Game] Dreambuilder [20140508-0054][dreambuilder_game]

by VanessaE » Post

Updated unified_inventory, maptools, moreblocks, random_buildings

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Re: [Game] Dreambuilder [20140515-2036]

by VanessaE » Post

Updated plasticboxes mod.

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Re: [Game] Dreambuilder [20140515-2036]

by VanessaE » Post

Updated plantlife/plants_lib. Players should notice a significant increase in map generation speed with this update.

EDIT: Make that two updates to plants_lib and an unrelated one to worldedit. :-)

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