An option for old move code (and therefore old sneak) has just been added (pull request details are here This gives us time to improve the new move code while keeping you happy.
The option has been added as an additional 'physics override' alongside the 'sneak' and 'sneak_glitch' overrides. The advantage of this is that the option can be either per-player or applied to all players dependent on what a server admin prefers.
To enable old move code for all players in a world use a mod with this code:
Code: Select all
local override_table = player:get_physics_override()
override_table.new_move = false
override_table.sneak_glitch = true
The default of 'sneak_glitch' was changed to false in 0.4.16 because in new move code it controls the now optional sneak ladder and sneak jump.
Alternatively you can write a mod to set the option per-player and controlled by player chat command.
We have approximately replicated sneak ladders and 2-node sneak-jump in an option in new move code. This option is controlled by the 'sneak_glitch' physics override and is currently enabled by default, however it will be changed to disabled by default before 0.4.16 feature freeze (21st May). You can then control the option in the ways described above.
General sneak behaviour in new move code is improving with only a few remaining issues which are mostly minor (see details here and here
So we are fairly successful in moving sneak side effects from being bugs (with many related inseperable bugs) to being intentional and optional. However the new behaviour of general sneak and the sneak side effects will not, and probably cannot, be absolutely identical to the old code.