Hume2 wrote:Unfortunately, these 3D plots are unreadable because the distance from the screen isn't displayed.
Indeed. I wanted to plot it in perspective view rather than isometric, but if there's an option within gnuplot, it's well hidden. Also 2D works, but there will be much less space to group similar servers.
Hume2 wrote:How did you get the data? I needed to copy-paste the mod lists manually.
You can grab the JSON from the server list here: (just like Minetest does)
Hume2 wrote:Some servers sometimes don't display the mod list for no apparent reason,
Server list or Minetest bug. It's constantly reported but the origin of this problem is not known yet.
sorcerykid wrote:Interesting results. It's probably worth noting that going based on mod names alone might not be the most reliable indicator of uniqueness.
Thank you. I am well aware that mod names alone do not indicate the effective uniqueness of the server. As of now, all mods are weighted equally to compensate the following extreme differences:
* Administrative tools do not change the player's impression of the server
* A custom server-provided texture pack is not a mod but adds a lot to the server's uniqueness
sorcerykid wrote:So I'm wondering, how this would effect the plots if these differences were factored in.
From your example, the server would be way further away from the center. "technic", "moretrees" and "advtrains" would also have a much higher impact due to the amount of content added to the server.
EDIT: About the grouping in my plots: The difference of two server's mods cause a higher distance, and a higher distance causes less impact of the mod difference. It's like a spring-steel physics simulation.