License: X11
Dependencies: Zenity(optional, but highly recommended), ImageMagick
Platform: Linux (most likely won't support other platforms)
- Download this file: ...
- Extract the file
- Run the script that was extracted
Code: Select all
You will need to have bash, ImageMagick, Zenity and unzip, to run the script. These are fairly standard on all Linux machines, but may be difficult to get for other OSes. The script checks beforehand whether you have the required programs.
After the conversion is done, the converter prints out all found MC texture and resource packs, and displays how well the conversion went, giving you an indication of how many of the Luanti blocks will be covered with new textures from this resource pack.
As of right now, it can convert about 400 textures from MC resource packs to Luanti. This covers almost all basic in-world blocks, and should be very pleasing to most players. If you spot a missing block, please ask in this forum thread or post an issue on GitHub.
Unlike other converters, this converter can handle chests, doors, grasses, leaves, fences, and even health hearts, breath bubbles, the hotbar textures, Sun, Moon and digging cracks! It also correctly converts any px size texture without issues, whether it's 16px or 256px! It even converts the default character skin!
Code: Select all
$ ./
Automatically converting resourcepacks and texturepacks found...
Scanning for texture/resourcepacks...
Found: /home/sofar/.minecraft/resourcepacks/
- Importing as PixelDaydreams17
- Conversion quality: 238 / 380
- Pixel size: 16px
Found: /home/sofar/.minecraft/resourcepacks/
- Importing as ravands32
- Conversion quality: 348 / 378
- Pixel size: 32px
Found: /home/sofar/.minecraft/resourcepacks/
- Importing as Lodecraft-Survival-V017d
- Conversion quality: 354 / 380
- Pixel size: 32px
Found: /home/sofar/.minecraft/resourcepacks/LIFE 128x (Vers. 81).zip
- Importing as LIFE128xVers81
- Conversion quality: 248 / 362
- Pixel size: 128px
Found: /home/sofar/.minecraft/resourcepacks/
- Importing as Wayukian_pack_v63
- Conversion quality: 352 / 380
- Pixel size: 16px
Found: /home/sofar/.minecraft/resourcepacks/Tiny Pixel's - Pavo's Edit - 25th
- Importing as TinyPixels-PavosEdit-25thOctober
- Conversion quality: 354 / 380
- Pixel size: 16px
Found: /home/sofar/.minecraft/resourcepacks/[1.6] Dokucraft TSC
- Importing as 16DokucraftTSCLight
- Conversion quality: 340 / 378
- Pixel size: 32px
Found: /home/sofar/.minecraft/resourcepacks/
- Importing as lithos
- Conversion quality: 282 / 378
- Pixel size: 32px
Found: /home/sofar/.minecraft/resourcepacks/
- Importing as PIXIE
- Conversion quality: 354 / 380
- Pixel size: 16px
Found: /home/sofar/.minecraft/resourcepacks/
- Importing as MorayHills-v12
- Conversion quality: 316 / 362
- Pixel size: 32px
Found: /home/sofar/.minecraft/resourcepacks/
- Importing as Sanity
- Conversion quality: 354 / 380
- Pixel size: 16px
Found: /home/sofar/.minecraft/resourcepacks/
- Importing as Dandelion-v11
- Conversion quality: 340 / 370
- Pixel size: 16px
Found: /home/sofar/.minecraft/resourcepacks/
- Importing as Isabella_II_17c
- Conversion quality: 354 / 380
- Pixel size: 16px
Found: /home/sofar/.minecraft/resourcepacks/
- Importing as ElvelandLight_v163
- Conversion quality: 354 / 380
- Pixel size: 32px
Found: /home/sofar/.minecraft/resourcepacks/
- Importing as Dtipack
- Conversion quality: 354 / 380
- Pixel size: 32px
Found: /home/sofar/.minecraft/resourcepacks/
- Importing as OCD-pack-172
- Conversion quality: 222 / 362
- Pixel size: 16px
Found: /home/sofar/.minecraft/resourcepacks/Pixel Perfection
- Importing as PixelPerfectionV33
- Conversion quality: 388 / 396
- Pixel size: 16px
Found: /home/sofar/.minecraft/resourcepacks/
- Importing as Architects-Dream-32x32-172
- Conversion quality: 176 / 366
- Pixel size: 32px

(As always, patches and fixes welcome in github!)
So which texture pack would you recommend?
Well, the converter gives a score to each texture pack. The higher the score the more likely that the texture pack looks better in the game, so we can look at the score to see which texture packs are going to look better by looking at the scores. I've made a quick list of the best texture packs by comparing scores for packs that I've converted, and the list looks like this:
Code: Select all
Score Px Name
[99%] 32px Crafteryadav0100
[99%] 32px AD_Reforged_19_v1
[99%] 16px mc-default-19
[99%] 16px PixelPerfectionV33
[99%] 16px LordTrilobitesNorsecraft19v1
[98%] 128px PERSISTENCE
[97%] 128px PureBDcraft128xMC19
[97%] 32px Lodecraft-Survival-V017d
[97%] 32px ElvelandLight_v163
[97%] 32px Dtipack