Creating Sky biome?

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Creating Sky biome?

by Oil_boi » Post

How would I go about creating sky biomes?
I tried everything and they still will not spawn for me.

I had to resort to this ... nit.lua#L3 to create floating island "biomes" in the sky.

If anyone knows how it would be appreciated!
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Re: Creating Sky biome?

by DrFrankenstone » Post

The bug in the aether mod is that the blockseed you are passed in the on_generated() is not the worldseed, it's something unique to the voxelarea you are generating in that call. So every time you recreate the PerlinNoise object you are creating it with a different seed and so the edges of every area are misaligned as they're all drawing different landscapes.

Aether example when using the same seed everywhere:

As for sky biomes, it's not clear from the question what it is you want to spawn.

If you use mapgen V7 and go into settings -> All settings -> Mapgen and turn on floatlands, this will cause some sky lands to be generated at about y = 1200. There are also mods that will generate different styles of sky lands, e.g. Hallelujah Mountains (in my sig below) generates island-like shapes.

"Sky lands" consist of two things: some kind of landform in the sky, and some kind of biome in the sky. The biomes determine which blocks the landform is made from, and the landform determines the shape of the islands in the sky. What you are doing in Aether is the land generation part, and that will require either V7 or a mod, Aether could be that mod. Biomes are optional - e.g. in Aether the blocktypes are currently hard-coded and don't depend on any biomes.
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Re: Creating Sky biome?

by paramat » Post

A biome registered using the Biome API can only add biome nodes to stone that is already placed by a core mapgen.
Biome generation doesn't create terrain, it only replaces stone with the defined biome nodes.

If you decide to use mgv7 floatlands you will probably want to change the biomes that are registered for them. Currently the biomes registered for floatlands are simple placeholdrs and are found here ... .lua#L1409

In MT 5.0.0 there is an API for unregistering single biomes. In a mod you should use that to delete the MTGame floatland biomes, then register your desired set of biomes for the floatlands.

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