First of all, I'd like to link this topic: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9172. MirceaKitsune's main problem is the same as mine, Minetest feels empty or barren, even with mods. It's not barren though, as Kitsune said, it's got MORE features with the added mods. Quite a lot more, actually. But the point still stands, and that is, it does feel empty. And I am almost certain I know a big reason as to why. There's a lack of cohesion and aesthetic, as Kitsune was beginning to believe. Don't go full blast hipster and say graphics aren't everything, I know that. I don't even like new games, I hate bloom and lens flares. But imagine reading a book, completely flawless story, amazing writing and deep characters. And it's written in rainbow coloured comic sans text on a blackboard- You, WON'T like it.
Minetest needs to have an updated default texture with a cohesive, immersive design, and a defined design language for anyone to understand so that they can incorporate fitting textures into their mods. Even without mods, some things in the game just look like they aren't even from the same game. And don't get me started on the blend textures- blend textures are bad, really bad, almost as bad as gradients from the old days when flash was all the rage. Now I know it seems like a big thing to say, but the old default texture needs to go, and it needs to be replaced with a better one, and the new one should be cohesive and unified. Please don't say "if you don't like it change it yourself", because that doesn't help anything. It would be like if I ordered a steak at a restaurant and they served it green and told me "If you don't like it cook it yourself".
Alright, done with that. Time for a smaller one. Mob API and mobs in the default game. This is a no brainer. People on the Minetest forums have complained about "I can do all these things like in Minecraft, but why? I can do it but why would I do it?". Here's why you would do it in Minecraft- you need to build a shelter because monsters will get you. You need to build a farm hunt pigs because you will starve. You need to mine ore because monsters will be too poweful for you, and et cetera- Minecraft has had mobs since indev. Now, I know you are about to say "but that's Minecraft, Minetest ISN'T Minecraft". Yes, that's true, I understand that 100%. But Minetest NEEDS a baddie, something to be afraid of, something to avoid, or something like that. That's what gives people a reason to keep going. So how would this be implemented in Minetest? Maybe it doesn't need mobs. If really want to go full hipster and "stick it to the man" and just have nothing from Minecraft, maybe survival mode could have something like temperature, and you need a shelter to keep yourself warm. Just something to give purpose, some kind of difficulty.
Finally, for all the people who don't like the tediums of hunger, mobs, and difficulty, just play creative. If you play survival with the intent just just build un-hindered there is no reason to play surival. Creative has no tedious mechanics and is perfect for you.