We are in a situation where the linux community is split between too many projects, dividing labour and time which is under-resourced. This makes no sense. In addition the linux community has the most foul-minded people in it, who think they are good when they suck at fundamentals. We see this across many releases of linux and here, Minecraft style games.
These developers think they can work at a slow pace "just like the commercial developers". This is insane. They have financial and early start advantages. The way to benefit on that is to have the late start advantage but also don't copy their lazy pace. I've never seen linux have the proper mentality. This problem is avoidable.
Minetest seems closed source? Because people can't update it? Isn't that a stupid move? In that case every other "clone" should collect together and leave Minetest in the dust.
It's not worth waiting around for 12 developers working on 12 forked or same games imo. Someone needs to get through to these devs or collect together the other devs into one group and have it work hard at feature sets.
ABJ wrote:The attitude of quite a lot of Minetesters and devs is just sad. "Minetest is not Minecraft. STFU and GTFO. Period. We don't give a damn what you 12-year-old creeperheads want."
ShadMOrdre wrote:Polish. This is the only area lacking for MT.
MC "feels" more involving, immersive, because it is. Background music, ambient sound, games that aren't just a sandbox.
We have CTF, Mineclone and Minetest Game (both of which aren't applicable, since they both are derivitives of MC), and a few other games, (Survivaltest, Mars, LOTT, Adventuretest, GrailTest, InsideTheBox, Flux); but, I really don't see anything compelling enough to harass my friends into playing.
The games made for MT all just seem to be lacking depth. This is not a slam on the games. Just an honest observation. Most games made for MT seem to regurgitate the same mods, expecting some dramatic difference in gameplay. This is called insanity....
Instead of breaking immersion, MT should take the leap, and use inworld items for everything. You do not craft, but have to make machines and mechanisms to manufacture. Awards and quests have actual depth, beyond, "mine a stone". Instead of having to dl 15 different mods to have a decent "Player", this should just be included. I should never have to track down why my avatar is half buried. We need MUSIC!!!! (And this coming from someone who really dislikes in game music). We need the things in the world that make noise, to make noise, instead of dl a mod that attempts to provide ambience. MT needs consistent look and feel. TPs are ok, but I can't help but think of all the time wasted recreating the same thing, just with a different look, instead of creating something new. How many default trees do we need? How about a new tree?
This utter lack of immersive depth is why MC has lost appeal, and why MT will suffer even worse. MT is a game engine. MC is a game. One is written in a low-level language, providing the best performance on metal. The other is written in a crappy script language that is infamous for it's utterly crappy performance. And yet, MC, in Java, runs better, has more depth, and well, has the marketing arm of a tech giant.
MT lacks nothing except polish. And the only way it will get any polish, is for those of use who want polish, to start "wax on...wax off"