Currently working on a RPG/MMORPG for the minetest engine. This game will have never before seen in minetest stuff as its almost a complete rewrite!!!
*new player races:
=>Human(new models)
=> Elf
=>*Tux(the secret race to unlock)
*mobs(with all new features)
*mesh trees
*new tools and weapons(most with mesh)
*awsome effects
*level, HP and XP system
*gender and race system(set gender and race sepertly)
*new way of player death! (ghost like untill respawn)
*torch walking light
*tons more mesh nodes!
*fishing(tweaked by me for this game)
*mobs-redo(tweaked by me for this game)
Game is taking a while as its almost a total rewrite and most is brandnew!
once things get a little more playable texture and character wise i will open the Survival PvP server this game is being built for to showcase the game in a epic setting!
look for "Shadow Quest" on the server list soon......

compass node

new Taurin (not to violate copyrights) player model!

New item group tabs in inventory

new war hammer in mesh

new mesh for swords, also can be placed on ground now!

new axe mesh

new pickaxe mesh

new doors

New stats hud bars!

Github page
###note my gpu took a crap so im running 8mb onboard video, reason to low fps on screenshot, average laptop we tested ran 24-40fps!