secboard - transform text to encrypted text.

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secboard - transform text to encrypted text.

by IGuess933 » Post

Edit: Warning already found a flaw.

Hides your text you manually choose from anyone that does not have your encryption phrase.
The text is always copy/pastable, meaning you could place it in books for safekeeping.

Dont use these symbols in your text '{}<>/\;:'
Limit yourself to alphabetic text and these puncutation '.,!?'.

The automated process to generating the secure text is 1) compress 2) encrypt 3) encode with base64

Whether you have text to decrypt or encrypt use .secboard and paste/type the text into the form shown. Press save button. Then use either .encGo to encrypt or .decGo to decrypt.

The .confsec command will let you see encryption phrase. I suggest you read and edit the init.lua file if you want a persistent new phrase.

Now here are the guarantees:
-The encryption is kind of weak so do not make a habit of never changing over to new encryption phrase. Always backup/write-down old ones or you will not be able to recover past encrypted text.
-You are an idiot if you don't change the encryption phrases in init.lua
-Your encryption phrases should have around 50/50 lower to capital letters. Doesn't need to be exact.
-This is an imperfect boutique crypto and will NOT protect you from state actors (government). However it will stop other players from knowing what the text means, and probably the server admin from caring to find out.
-This is still in alpha.

for installation you just unzip the secboard.7z in your clientmods folder.
password: csmisfun

to view the source directly:
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Re: secboard - transform text to encrypted text.

by azekill_DIABLO » Post

hmm? what is that?
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Re: secboard - transform text to encrypted text.

by ManElevation » Post

hum dont get what this is
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Re: secboard - transform text to encrypted text.

by ChimneySwift » Post

As far as I can tell is it secures your text with a weak encryption scheme, meaning in order for the other players to read it, they must have the same mod and encryption code.

Well that's what it sounds like anyway.

Edit: Woops, that made no sense, reworded
Last edited by ChimneySwift on Fri Oct 13, 2017 00:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: secboard - transform text to encrypted text.

by azekill_DIABLO » Post

pms? :3
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Re: secboard - transform text to encrypted text.

by ManElevation » Post

azekill_DIABLO wrote:pms? :3
hum good idea!
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Re: secboard - transform text to encrypted text.

by red-001 » Post

looks like they used a simple xor encryption which is pretty trivial to crack for strings that aren't close to the length of the password.

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Re: secboard - transform text to encrypted text.

by azekill_DIABLO » Post

red-001 wrote:looks like they used a simple xor encryption which is pretty trivial to crack for strings that aren't close to the length of the password.
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