[CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
- sparky
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[CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
A friend of mine (chipgw) made a handler that receives client positional data from a csm and sends it to mumble for positional audio without having to make a custom build of minetest.
(I made a video tutorial if that's easier.)
Install the csm (/minetestmod/mumble/)
Start mumble, the handler will have an error otherwise. Make sure Positional Audio and Link is enabled in Settings -> Audio Output and Settings -> Plugins. (Both need advanced options to be shown.)
Run the executable (in the releases) with the minetest program as an argument. (can be done easily with shortcuts in windows, and .sh files in linux)
After a few seconds after joining a world the terminal for the handler/minetest should go a bit crazy, outputting your players location and heading. If it dosn't, the csm probably isn't correctly installed.
After that Mumble should say in it's chat "Minetest linked" If it dosn't, double check your Mumble settings and make sure Positional Audio is enabled both in Settings -> Audio Output and Settings -> Plugins.
Releases (you'll need both the CSM zip/tar as well as the executable for your respective OS)
If you want to connect with other users that use this, join the Discord
A friend of mine (chipgw) made a handler that receives client positional data from a csm and sends it to mumble for positional audio without having to make a custom build of minetest.
(I made a video tutorial if that's easier.)
Install the csm (/minetestmod/mumble/)
Start mumble, the handler will have an error otherwise. Make sure Positional Audio and Link is enabled in Settings -> Audio Output and Settings -> Plugins. (Both need advanced options to be shown.)
Run the executable (in the releases) with the minetest program as an argument. (can be done easily with shortcuts in windows, and .sh files in linux)
After a few seconds after joining a world the terminal for the handler/minetest should go a bit crazy, outputting your players location and heading. If it dosn't, the csm probably isn't correctly installed.
After that Mumble should say in it's chat "Minetest linked" If it dosn't, double check your Mumble settings and make sure Positional Audio is enabled both in Settings -> Audio Output and Settings -> Plugins.
Releases (you'll need both the CSM zip/tar as well as the executable for your respective OS)
If you want to connect with other users that use this, join the Discord
Last edited by sparky on Sat Nov 23, 2019 16:43, edited 3 times in total.
Re: [CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
Nice! This is something that should really be in the engine IMO, but a CSM is the next best thing. Tell your friend he rocks.
Lead dev of Exile, git repo: https://codeberg.org/Mantar/Exile
- sparky
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Re: [CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
I will :D
maybe if it's popular someone will take another look at adding it to the engine, who knows.
btw if anyone wants to do a demonstration video with me; let me know. It would be nice to have one for here as well as the tutorial video.
maybe if it's popular someone will take another look at adding it to the engine, who knows.
btw if anyone wants to do a demonstration video with me; let me know. It would be nice to have one for here as well as the tutorial video.
- Nathan.S
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Re: [CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
I love making Minetest videos, I'd be down to making a demo video with you.
Here's the video, https://youtu.be/6AsHD9h8IE8
Here's the video, https://youtu.be/6AsHD9h8IE8
I record Minetest videos, Mod reviews, Modding tutorials, and Lets plays.
Check out my website, and brand new Minetest Modding Course
Check out my website, and brand new Minetest Modding Course
- benrob0329
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Re: [CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
This is the kind of stuff CSM should be used for.
- sparky
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Re: [CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
lol yea, though it would be nice if there was some way to do this without the extra handler program without creating a possible security issue
- false_chicken
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Re: [CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
Finally xD. I am a bit late to this party but I was among some of the first users to request this feature on Github years ago. Finally got around to checking up on it to see it finally exists lol.
DISCLAIMER: I am probably wrong.
- sparky
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Re: [CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
Made a Discord for whoever wants to connect with other users of this mod, since the mod isn't much good with only one person. https://discord.gg/nG8ZgF9
- Miniontoby
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Re: [CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
Is this like proximity mod for mc????
- sparky
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Re: [CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
You can set it up as a Proximity Voice Chat, comparable to https://github.com/zsawyer/MumbleLink
Re: [CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
Hey sparky,
This unfortunately doesn't seem to work with the flatpak build of minetest. What do I do?
This unfortunately doesn't seem to work with the flatpak build of minetest. What do I do?
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Re: [CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
flatpak is in a sandbox so i guess it will not work (without modifying the flatpak minetest pakage )
this is a signature not a place to post messages also if i could change my username i would change it to sell_her_on55
Re: [CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
Check to see if your flatpack configs goes here: /home/$USER/.var/app/
And also see if your flatpack bin goes here: /var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin/
If it does then do any of the instructions but just point it to here:
I made a super easy bash script installer for myself but you can use it if you want: (Tested on Linux Mint)
(Copy paste into an empty file named install-minetest_mumble_wrapper.sh or whatever and right click Properties-Permission-Allow Executing as a Program then run it.)
Code: Select all
# Minetest with Mumble Wrapper Installer
# This mkdir is to make this script possible to run successfully even before installing the Minetest flatpack
mkdir /home/$USER/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest
mkdir /home/$USER/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest
echo -e 'debug_log_level = \nenable_client_modding = true' >> /home/$USER/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/minetest.conf
mkdir /home/$USER/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/clientmods
echo -e 'load_mod_mumble = true' >> /home/$USER/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/clientmods/mods.conf
mkdir temp-mumble-wrapper
cd temp-mumble-wrapper
wget -O minetest-mumble-CSM.zip https://github.com/Elkien3/minetest-mumble-wrapper/releases/download/0.2/minetest-mumble-CSM.zip
unzip minetest-mumble-CSM.zip
rm minetest-mumble-CSM.zip
mv mumble /home/$USER/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/clientmods/mumble
wget -O minetest-mumble-wrapper-0.2_linux_x86_64 https://github.com/Elkien3/minetest-mumble-wrapper/releases/download/0.2/minetest-mumble-wrapper-0.2_linux_x86_64
mv minetest-mumble-wrapper-0.2_linux_x86_64 /home/$USER/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/
cd ..
rmdir temp-mumble-wrapper
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\n# Minetest Mumble Wrapper\n/home/'$USER'/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/minetest-mumble-wrapper-0.2_linux_x86_64 /var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin/net.minetest.Minetest' >> /home/$USER/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/start-minetest.sh
chmod +x /home/$USER/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/start-minetest.sh
chmod +x /home/$USER/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/minetest-mumble-wrapper-0.2_linux_x86_64
echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nName=Minetest-Mumble\nExec=/home/'$USER'/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/start-minetest.sh\nComment=Play Minetest with Mumble Positional Audio\nTerminal=false\nIcon=minetest\nType=Application' >> /home/$USER/Desktop/Minetest-Mumble.desktop
chmod +x /home/$USER/Desktop/Minetest-Mumble.desktop
cp /home/$USER/Desktop/Minetest-Mumble.desktop /home/$USER/.local/share/applications
echo -e 'Categories=Game;Simulation;' >> /home/$USER/.local/share/applications/Minetest-Mumble.desktop
# This part creates startup scripts that you can use if you auto start Mumble, point to them (located in /home/$USER/) in your Startup Applications or wherever (I set the delay at 3 seconds in my settings)
# This script sets the volume at 100% if Mumble sets the volume to 0 every startup
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\n# Set volume to 100%\npactl set-sink-volume 0 100%\namixer -q -D pulse set Master 100% unmute' >> /home/$USER/.set-volume.sh
chmod +x /home/$USER/.set-volume.sh
# This script auto minimizes the screen including Mumble if you set them at startup
echo -e 'wmctrl -k on' >> /home/$USER/.show-desktop.sh
chmod +x /home/$USER/.show-desktop.sh
Re: [CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
Of-course as soon as I posted my script I found a flaw in it...
If your distro accepts capital usernames then $USER will be different from the directory path, I should have used $HOME.
So ignore my flawed script above and use this new and improved one instead:
(Copy paste into an empty file named install-minetest-mumble-wrapper.sh or whatever and right click Properties-Permission-Allow Executing as a Program then run it.)
If your distro uses $HOME'/.config/autostart then my script creates autostartup for Mumble and my other custom fixes.
This script sets up everything for you so all you need to do is install Minetest flatpak and Mumble.
I find the Mumble flatpak lacking the Link plugin in my Linux Mint distro so I used the non-flatpak version 1.3.4-1.
To configure Mumble go to the settings then Audio Output and check the Positional Audio in the Interface section. Make sure the Minimum Volume is zero in the Positional Audio section. And then in Plugins, check Link to Game and Transmit Position. Make sure that Link v1.2.0 is enabled in the list of plugins.
Here's my personal Positional Audio settings for reference:
Minimum Distance 1.0 m
Bloom 150%
Maximum Distance 30.0 m
Minimum Volume 0%
If your distro accepts capital usernames then $USER will be different from the directory path, I should have used $HOME.
So ignore my flawed script above and use this new and improved one instead:
(Copy paste into an empty file named install-minetest-mumble-wrapper.sh or whatever and right click Properties-Permission-Allow Executing as a Program then run it.)
Code: Select all
# Minetest with Mumble Wrapper Installer
mkdir $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest
mkdir $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest
echo -e 'debug_log_level = \nenable_client_modding = true' >> $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/minetest.conf
mkdir $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/clientmods
echo -e 'load_mod_mumble = true' >> $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/clientmods/mods.conf
mkdir temp-mumble-wrapper
cd temp-mumble-wrapper
wget -O minetest-mumble-CSM.zip https://github.com/Elkien3/minetest-mumble-wrapper/releases/download/0.2/minetest-mumble-CSM.zip
unzip minetest-mumble-CSM.zip
rm minetest-mumble-CSM.zip
mv mumble $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/clientmods/mumble
wget -O minetest-mumble-wrapper-0.2_linux_x86_64 https://github.com/Elkien3/minetest-mumble-wrapper/releases/download/0.2/minetest-mumble-wrapper-0.2_linux_x86_64
mv minetest-mumble-wrapper-0.2_linux_x86_64 $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/
cd ..
rmdir temp-mumble-wrapper
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\n# Minetest Mumble Wrapper\n'$HOME'/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/minetest-mumble-wrapper-0.2_linux_x86_64 /var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin/net.minetest.Minetest' >> $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/start-minetest.sh
chmod +x $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/start-minetest.sh
chmod +x $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/minetest-mumble-wrapper-0.2_linux_x86_64
echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nName=Minetest-Mumble\nExec='$HOME'/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/start-minetest.sh\nComment=Play Minetest with Mumble Positional Audio\nTerminal=false\nIcon=minetest\nType=Application' >> $HOME/Desktop/Minetest-Mumble.desktop
chmod +x $HOME/Desktop/Minetest-Mumble.desktop
cp $HOME/Desktop/Minetest-Mumble.desktop $HOME/.local/share/applications
echo -e 'Categories=Game;Simulation;' >> $HOME/.local/share/applications/Minetest-Mumble.desktop
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\n# Set volume to 100%\npactl set-sink-volume 0 100%\namixer -q -D pulse set Master 100% unmute' >> $HOME/.set-volume.sh
chmod +x $HOME/.set-volume.sh
echo -e 'wmctrl -k on' >> $HOME/.show-desktop.sh
chmod +x $HOME/.show-desktop.sh
echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nName=Mumble\nGenericName=Voice Chat\nGenericName[de]=Sprachkonferenz\nGenericName[fr]=Chat vocal\nGenericName[tr]=Sesle Sohbet\nComment=A low-latency, high quality voice chat program for gaming\nComment[de]=Ein Sprachkonferenzprogramm mit niedriger Latenz und hoher Qualität für Spiele\nComment[fr]=Un logiciel de chat vocal de haute qualité et de faible latence pour les jeux\nComment[tr]=Oyunlar için yüksek kaliteli ve düşük gecikmeli sesle sohbet programı\nExec=mumble %u\nIcon=mumble\nTerminal=false\nType=Application\nStartupNotify=false\nMimeType=x-scheme-handler/mumble;\nCategories=Network;Chat;Qt;\nKeywords=VoIP;Messaging;Voice Chat;Secure Communication;\nVersion=1.0\nX-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true\nNoDisplay=false\nHidden=false\nName[en_US]=Mumble\nComment[en_US]=A low-latency, high quality voice chat program for gaming\nX-GNOME-Autostart-Delay=0' >> $HOME/.config/autostart/mumble.desktop
echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nExec='$HOME'/set-volume.sh\nX-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true\nNoDisplay=false\nHidden=false\nName[en_US]=Set Volume 100%\nComment[en_US]=Auto set volume at 100%\nX-GNOME-Autostart-Delay=3' >> $HOME'/.config/autostart/Set Volume 100%.desktop'
echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nType=Application\nExec='$HOME'/show-desktop.sh\nX-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true\nNoDisplay=false\nHidden=false\nName[en_US]=Show Desktop\nComment[en_US]=Auto minimize programs on screen\nX-GNOME-Autostart-Delay=3' >> $HOME'/.config/autostart/Show Desktop.desktop'
This script sets up everything for you so all you need to do is install Minetest flatpak and Mumble.
I find the Mumble flatpak lacking the Link plugin in my Linux Mint distro so I used the non-flatpak version 1.3.4-1.
To configure Mumble go to the settings then Audio Output and check the Positional Audio in the Interface section. Make sure the Minimum Volume is zero in the Positional Audio section. And then in Plugins, check Link to Game and Transmit Position. Make sure that Link v1.2.0 is enabled in the list of plugins.
Here's my personal Positional Audio settings for reference:
Minimum Distance 1.0 m
Bloom 150%
Maximum Distance 30.0 m
Minimum Volume 0%
Re: [CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
Okay this is getting ridiculous but I figured if the beginner friendly minetest.mumble-helpers.zip for windows has the feature of auto opening and auto closing Mumble together with Minetest then why can't Linux have one as well?...
And so third time's the charm, here's once again the new new and improved beginner friendly Minetest-Mumble-Wrapper installer bash script:
(You know the drill, copy paste into an empty file named install-minetest-mumble-wrapper.sh or whatever and right click Properties-Permission-Allow Executing as a Program then run it.)
I made this script general purpose but if you want Mumble to automatically connect to the server of your choice either add the server in the Server Connection Dialogue and then in the Settings > Network check "Reconnect to last server on startup" though it will not always connect to your dedicated Minetest server if you use lots of servers OR just replace 3rd line in your $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/start-mumble-minetest.sh with this:
And so third time's the charm, here's once again the new new and improved beginner friendly Minetest-Mumble-Wrapper installer bash script:
(You know the drill, copy paste into an empty file named install-minetest-mumble-wrapper.sh or whatever and right click Properties-Permission-Allow Executing as a Program then run it.)
Code: Select all
# Minetest with Mumble Wrapper Installer
mkdir $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest
mkdir $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest
echo -e 'enable_client_modding = true\ndebug_log_level = ' >> $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/minetest.conf
mkdir $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/clientmods
echo -e 'load_mod_mumble = true' >> $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/clientmods/mods.conf
mkdir temp-mumble-wrapper
cd temp-mumble-wrapper
wget -O minetest-mumble-CSM.zip https://github.com/Elkien3/minetest-mumble-wrapper/releases/download/0.2/minetest-mumble-CSM.zip
unzip minetest-mumble-CSM.zip
rm minetest-mumble-CSM.zip
mv mumble $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/clientmods/mumble
wget -O minetest-mumble-wrapper-0.2_linux_x86_64 https://github.com/Elkien3/minetest-mumble-wrapper/releases/download/0.2/minetest-mumble-wrapper-0.2_linux_x86_64
mv minetest-mumble-wrapper-0.2_linux_x86_64 $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/
cd ..
rmdir temp-mumble-wrapper
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\n# Minetest Mumble Wrapper\nsleep 2\n'$HOME'/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/minetest-mumble-wrapper-0.2_linux_x86_64 /var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin/net.minetest.Minetest' >> $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/start-minetest.sh
chmod +x $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/start-minetest.sh
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\n# Start Mumble + Minetest\nmumble & '$HOME'/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/start-minetest.sh && killall -9 mumble' >> $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/start-mumble-minetest.sh
chmod +x $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/start-mumble-minetest.sh
chmod +x $HOME/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/minetest-mumble-wrapper-0.2_linux_x86_64
echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nName=Minetest-Mumble\nExec='$HOME'/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/start-mumble-minetest.sh\nComment=Play Minetest with Mumble Positional Audio\nTerminal=false\nIcon=minetest\nType=Application' >> $HOME/Desktop/Minetest-Mumble.desktop
chmod +x $HOME/Desktop/Minetest-Mumble.desktop
cp $HOME/Desktop/Minetest-Mumble.desktop $HOME/.local/share/applications
echo -e 'Categories=Game;Simulation;' >> $HOME/.local/share/applications/Minetest-Mumble.desktop
Code: Select all
mumble mumble://INSERTYOURMUMBLESERVERADDRESSHERE:INSERTYOURSERVERPORTHERE/?version=1.2.9 & /home/INSERTYOURUSERNAMEPATH/.var/app/net.minetest.Minetest/.minetest/start-minetest.sh && killall -9 mumble
This script sets up everything for you so all you need to do is install Minetest flatpak and Mumble.
I find the Mumble flatpak lacking the Link plugin in my Linux Mint distro so I used the non-flatpak version 1.3.4-1.
To configure Mumble go to the settings then Audio Output and check the Positional Audio in the Interface section. Make sure the Minimum Volume is zero in the Positional Audio section. And then in Plugins, check Link to Game and Transmit Position. Make sure that Link v1.2.0 is enabled in the list of plugins.
Here's my personal Positional Audio settings for reference:
Minimum Distance 1.0 m
Bloom 150%
Maximum Distance 30.0 m
Minimum Volume 0%
- Miniontoby
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Re: [CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
Hey elized,
Thanks for your script!
Am I allowed to use the script as a reference for the installer which I might make for the mtlauncher project?
Kind regards,
Thanks for your script!
Am I allowed to use the script as a reference for the installer which I might make for the mtlauncher project?
Kind regards,
Re: [CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
I'm getting this error when I try to execute the wrapper:
Minetest version: 5.7.0-dev-b3503e7
Mumble version: 1.5.0
Wrapper version: 0.2
Code: Select all
Access denied. Reason: Lua: Runtime error from mod '' in callback environment_step(): mumble:init.lua:30: attempt to compare nil with number
stack traceback:
mumble:init.lua:30: in function <mumble:init.lua:7>
*builtin*:client/register.lua:25: in function <*builtin*:client/register.lua:13>
Mumble version: 1.5.0
Wrapper version: 0.2
Re: [CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
Ok so I commented the lines from 30 till 34 in init.lua because I'm guessing the value of minetestversion on builds that are compiled from source has a nil value.
And positional audio works now
And positional audio works now
- sparky
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Re: [CSM] Mumble Positional audio w/ handler [mumble]
ok, thanks for report. I'll make some changes