[csm] simple hurt, die, and inventory sounds

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[csm] simple hurt, die, and inventory sounds

by Oil_boi » Post

Just as the title says! You have to put the sounds_client in your clientmods folder (make sure loading sounds clientside is enabled in settings) and put sounds_server in the regular mods folder!

Download is attached. License: Public Domain (It's literally 15 lines of code with cc0 sounds)

A video: https://youtu.be/ZuEJ9DTnnDQ
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Re: [csm] simple hurt, die, and inventory sounds

by Enrikoo » Post

Sorry it does not work, and if you can't programm a Clientside Mod, then why you don't post it in mods section?

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Re: [csm] simple hurt, die, and inventory sounds

by Oil_boi » Post

Enrikoo wrote:Sorry it does not work, and if you can't programm a Clientside Mod, then why you don't post it in mods section?
That was pretty rude.

Do you have:
  • *Minetest daily ppa or minetest github latest?
    *A distro of Linux?
Did you:
  • *Install the clientside part into the clientmods section and enable mod sounds in the mod.conf in the clientmods folder?
    *Install the server part into the mods section?
    *Enable client mods in your client section?

    *Edit: I found out something! You also need to add the line "load_mod_sounds_client = true" to the clientmods mod.conf for the mod to load or the client side of it will not load at all.
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Re: [csm] simple hurt, die, and inventory sounds

by Desour » Post

@Oil_boi: Welcome to the minetest forums! (This might sound a bit ironic and pejorative after that rude comment… >_<)

Actually, there's another way of adding sounds client side. You can use sound packs. (See http://wiki.minetest.net/Sound_Packs.) This way, the users wouldn't have to add their sounds again if the mod is updated.

Public Domain is not in all countries a valid license.

Using git is better than only giving the zipped mod to download.
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Re: [csm] simple hurt, die, and inventory sounds

by Lone_Wolf » Post

Nice CSM. Might want to use the method suggested above though
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Re: [csm] simple hurt, die, and inventory sounds

by paramat » Post

This is essentially a 'server-sent CSM mod' but done manually before that feature has been coded.
The server owner has to install the serverside stuff and convince all players to download and install the clientside stuff. Might work if you have a small number of well-informed players on a server.
So this mod will not work if only installed clientside and used when joining a server that isn't also using it.

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