Hello, today I have a problem with keybinding. I can't use all lowercase letters to modify the default keybinding. I need to do it because it does nothing when I press the alphabet keys except when I press the shift key along with them, but if I press the shift key along with the WASD keys, it can't stop moving. Also, when I try to put in the lowercase alphabets, it doesn't appear. I also tried to edit the minetest.conf file by adding these lines of code.
Code: Select all
keymap_forward = KEY_KEY_W
keymap_backward = KEY_KEY_S
keymap_left = KEY_KEY_A
keymap_right = KEY_KEY_D
My Minetest version is 5.6.1. I install Minetest with the flatpak file. I use Debian Linux. My keyboard layout is an American keyboard (QWERTY) and this is a fresh Minetest install.
Here are some screenshots.
Before putting in the lowercase alphabets (Default settings) :
After putting in the uppercase alphabets :
Please help me :(