Jordach's Lamps.
This mod allows the user to create lamps with a sudo-bloom or glowing effect around them. WARNING: This mod requires a latest Git build of Minetest, Linux and Mac users, you know what to do, while Windows users will require Krock's build:
viewtopic.php?p=159467#p159467 Notes:
Due to a bug with transparency issues, the mod will look best with shaders turned on, but with no fancy features enabled.
This mod does not create colours based on the lamps placed, they act as larger torches.
Installing this mod is slightly different, as the folder that contains the mod itself is it's own directory, so just drag jdc_lamp into the /mods/ directory as usual.
The version number always updates to current stable + minor patch. (It's a joke.) Dependancies:
- Dye
- Default
- OR -
Minetest Game / Carbone / Derivative of Minetest Game / Carbone Crafting:
There are several steps you must do before even crafting the actual lamp:


This recipe is shapeless, so you can craft it as you please.

Note: Surronding the framed glass with any dye will colour it to that. Doing so is irreversable. Download: ...
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