This very simple mod can fix some map errors (light and flow problems) simply by typing "/mapfix <radius>". Radius is by default 24. Il you haven't the "server" privilege, you can't exceed 32.
It corrects most of light and flow bug.
Feel free to work on this project. The code is so short that I think it is simpler to copy the lines of the file directly on the forum, instead of making a fork and a pull request.
View on Github
EDIT : there are now 3 settings, in minetest.conf :
- mapfix_default_size (by default 24) : size used when <radius> is omitted
- mapfix_max_size (by default 32) : maximum size allowed for players
- mapfix_delay (by default 15) : minimal delay in seconds between 2 "/mapfix" (to avoid server freezing)
Note: for recent Minetest versions (as of 0.4.16), there is a builtin command /fixlight that does the exact same job with shadows.