Upcoming update: NPC API
I started work last night, on the NPC framework api. I was going to base the code off the mod, NPC Frameworks but then i figured since im making an entire API, why dont i just make my own, since it was already pretty easy to do it. So, i started work on a custom system, winch will also give NPCs pathfinding so they can get to you without you realizing it! There will be 3 types of mobs.
1: ground
This will include things like zombies, caravans, and a ton of other things
2: flying
This will include things like giant flying eyes, bats, harpies, etc...
3: swimming
Swimming will not only be bound to water, i can also make it so there can be a "desert sand worm" winch is a giant worm that swims in the sand in the desert! so, be careful when you go there >: D
If you want to join teamspeak, feel free to join here:
Teamspeak IP: error22.com
Current version: PreAlpha-0.0.1-R1
This mod is a WIP. The purpose of this mod is to spawn towers in the world, that have loot chests inside them, as well as hostile creatures. The system will be an API, so you can create your own tower types as well. The mod is designed after a popular minecraft mod, battletowers, hince the mod's name, battletowers.
This mod will be a fun mod to play with, with your freinds, however by yourself, it may be a little challenging to take over a tower. Future updates will include things like custom mob spawners, custom mobs, configurable mob spawners, configurable loot chests, and much more. enjoy the mod and have fun!
Download here(ADFLY) if you want to help raise money to put on a server!
I need 8$/month to start off!
Direct downloads:(Specific versions)
demo screenshot:

Planned features:
Tower spawning
Loot chests spawning in towers
Loot chests
more loot
Loot chests scale with the more loot gained on that floor
loot API
Progressive loot gain(The next floor gives more loot than the last)
[Next update] Spawners spawning in towers
[Next update] NPC Creation
[Being worked on] Mob drops
[Being worked on] Boss spawns
[Being worked on] More world mob spawns
[Being worked on] Random merchant that wanders around the world
Ability to sell loot to the merchant
Ability to buy resources from the merchant.
PreAlpha - 0.1.1-R1
This update was oriented twords the loot chests for the towers. The loot system now comes with a fully stocked API for letting you add new loot that spawns in towers!
Loot chests spawning in towers
Loot chests
more loot
Loot chests scale with the more loot gained on that floor
loot API
Progressive loot gain(The next floor gives more loot than the last)
loot API:
To start using the loot api, first you must run dofile like so
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
addLoot(item, weight, minamm, maxamm)
Code: Select all
_G.battletowers:addLoot({name="default:dirt"}, 20, 2, 5)
_G.battletowers:addLoot({name="default:stone"}, 10, 2, 5)
Code: Select all
_G.battletowers:addLoot({name="default:dirt"}, 20, 2, 5)
_G.battletowers:addLoot({name="default:stone"}, 10, 2, 5)
_G.battletowers:addLoot({name="default:iron_lump"}, 5, 2, 15)
_G.battletowers:addLoot({name="default:copper_lump"}, 5, 2, 15)
_G.battletowers:addLoot({name="default:gold_lump"}, 4, 2, 5)
_G.battletowers:addLoot({name="default:coal_lump"}, 10, 2, 15)
_G.battletowers:addLoot({name="default:diamond"}, 1, 1, 3)
If there are any features you would like to see in the game, let me know!
Got back on today and started adding in chests and spawners to the battle towers, they dont work yet, but its a WIP, i will fix it in the future! at least for now, you can have pre-made buildings to live in!
Released pre-alpha-0.0.1-R1
Towers spawning in world
Code getting ready to add spawners
Code getting ready to add loot chests
Code getting ready to add boss mobs
Hello everyone! i am developing a new mod for minetest, that will bring the minecraft mod, battletowers, to minetest! I just started working on this today, and already got the towers randomly generating in the world! right now mobs do not spawn in them, however I will add spawners and and loot chests into them in the future, so it will be more fun to raid! I will post the progress of battle towers here! I plan to release it within the next few days in open alpha!