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by Don » Post

This mod makes it so you have to craft light bulbs.
You craft 30w, 60w, 90w and 120 watt bulbs.
Then you use the bulbs to craft light fixtures.
The light value is dependent on the size of bulb you use to craft it.
You craft a machine to make the light bulbs.
You can also make a machine to craft light boxes and light cubes.

Depends - default
Download - https://github.com/minetest-mods/myligh ... master.zip
Github - https://github.com/minetest-mods/mylights
Licence - DWYWPL


Last edited by Don on Wed Mar 23, 2016 21:14, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Mod]mylights[mylights]

by Don » Post

I added support for Industrial Lights.
When you craft an industrial light it does not give any light. you have to add a light bulb to make it shine.
In the crafting grid put an industrial light in the top left corner and a light bulb beside it. The brightness depends on the wattage of the bulb.
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Re: [Mod]mylights[mylights]

by OldCoder » Post

Don wrote: "I just posted mylights on the forum. I would love it if you could give your opinion on there."

I'll cross-post this response to my thread and to Don's.

Don's MyLights haven't seen enough use in my worlds for me to comment much yet. However, here's a screenshot of some basic lights in use on the Moon. This is just a couple of the supported types, but they seem clean in design and functional.

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Re: [Mod]mylights[mylights]

by Don » Post

I was looking around Wizards School yesterday. Noticed you have mylights on there too. The buildings on there are amazing.
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