[Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

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[Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by Sokomine » Post

This modpack contains all you may need in order to get intresting villages added to your world. You can use it as a normal modpack alongside your favorite game. You might wish to add a mod that adds mobs!

Download the villages modpack here.
Mods included: Image
The normal Minetest Game already looks quite fine and produces nice medieval villages with this modpack.

A medieval village with the ethereal mod installed. Ethereal comes with a huge amount of intresting biomes.

A lumberjack village in the RealTest game. RealTest is quite diffrent from Minetest Game and might be something for you if you seek more realism/challenge. Getting high-quality metal tools requires some effort.

The DreamBuilder game is based on Minetest Game but comes with a huge amount of diffrent mods and good presets for people who prefer building over survival. It also includes very rich plantlife and thus creates beautiful villages. It is also more demanding on your hardware.
village_modpack_dream.jpg (191.37 KiB) Viewed 5590 times
village_modpack_rt.jpg (272.89 KiB) Viewed 5590 times
village_modpack_ether.jpg (210.21 KiB) Viewed 5590 times
Last edited by Sokomine on Mon Nov 16, 2015 21:58, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by Sokomine » Post

As the posting above is limited to three attachments, I need to use this posting for another texture and the actual download.

Note: You might wish to add a mobs mod as well so that the village feels more populated. The traders which are spawned do not move around.
(571.76 KiB) Downloaded 5359 times
village_modpack_mtg.jpg (241.01 KiB) Viewed 5590 times
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Re: villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by benrob0329 » Post

I am SO trying this tomorrow!

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Re: villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by benrob0329 » Post

This is epically awesome!!!

Sokomine, you have made my day.

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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by Fixer » Post

This is excellent modpack, I recommend it: very nice looking villages, traders, useful construction blocks and tools.

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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by benrob0329 » Post

I featured this modpack in my most recent YT video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aZ9NEz3Oi0

I'm still editing it (adding music using the YT tools), so the sound will change within the next hour or so.

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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by Neuromancer » Post

Would be nice if this mod could use (depend? on ) x-decor to decorate it's structures to make them even more detailed and varied.

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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by blert2112 » Post

I love this mod!... but... I now get continual 'Lua OOM' crashes within seconds of loading the game. Running mods: MineTest_Game, handle_schematics, mg_villages... that's all. Damn LuaJit and it's memory restriction. If I compile without LuaJit support it works, but that introduces other problems with other mods. It can't be just my build as I get the same issue when using sfan5's latest.

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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by Neuromancer » Post

I was looking at two elk's viewtopic.php?f=12&t=12680 roman buildings and am wondering if these could be incorporated into this modpack? These are simply amazing and would really add even more character to the game.

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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by twoelk » Post

Neuromancer wrote:I was looking at two elk's viewtopic.php?f=12&t=12680 roman buildings and am wondering if these could be incorporated into this modpack? These are simply amazing and would really add even more character to the game.
hehe - this has been suggested before and is being explored ----

-the first issue is that the privat houses often share walls and use different grid sorts and sizes - I was planning to change this.

-another issue is that these are structures for a dense urban sort of settlement. The Sandcity seems to be the best suited at the moment for such a town but my experiments with this have been less than convincing until now (I guess I just need more time for this).

-and a third issue is to find a working grid with the right buildings at the right places as most roman colonial towns where rather well planned and followed certain rules. I must admit that I never really planned my roman settlement but rather just started adding here and there and as such it doesn't really work well or at least it doesn't live up to the historicall accuracy I had aimed for.

-as a little teaser - I have been building some of the modules of the "Olynthos New-City Grid" as these buildings are well documented and the variations according to location in the street grid are relative easy to apply - but no promises as the new year appears to start with a lot less free time than I had last year.

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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by Fritigern » Post

I keep running into this error whilst exploring my world:

Code: Select all

2016-01-10 19:33:31: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'mobf_trader' in callback luaentity_Activate(): ...ages-for-minetest-modpack/mobf_trader/mob_basics.lua:508: bad argument #2 to 'random' (interval is empty)
2016-01-10 19:33:31: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback:
2016-01-10 19:33:31: ERROR[Main]:       [C]: in function 'random'
2016-01-10 19:33:31: ERROR[Main]:       ...ages-for-minetest-modpack/mobf_trader/mob_basics.lua:508: in function 'initialize_mob'
2016-01-10 19:33:31: ERROR[Main]:       ...s/villages-for-minetest-modpack/mobf_trader/init.lua:264: in function 'trader_entity_on_activate'
2016-01-10 19:33:31: ERROR[Main]:       ...s/villages-for-minetest-modpack/mobf_trader/init.lua:128: in function <...s/villages-for-minetest-modpack/mobf_trader/init.lua:126>
2016-01-10 19:33:31: ERROR[Main]:       [C]: in function 'func'
2016-01-10 19:33:31: ERROR[Main]:       ...e/balaam/Minetest/bin/../builtin/game/deprecated.lua:40: in function 'add_entity'
2016-01-10 19:33:31: ERROR[Main]:       ...ages-for-minetest-modpack/mobf_trader/mob_basics.lua:560: in function 'spawn_mob'
2016-01-10 19:33:31: ERROR[Main]:       ...for-minetest-modpack/mobf_trader/village_traders.lua:42: in function 'part_of_village_spawned'
2016-01-10 19:33:31: ERROR[Main]:       ...villages-for-minetest-modpack/mg_villages/mapgen.lua:23: in function 'part_of_village_spawned'
2016-01-10 19:33:31: ERROR[Main]:       ...villages-for-minetest-modpack/mg_villages/mapgen.lua:1107: in function 'place_villages_via_voxelmanip'
2016-01-10 19:33:31: ERROR[Main]:       ...villages-for-minetest-modpack/mg_villages/mapgen.lua:1201: in function '?'
2016-01-10 19:33:31: ERROR[Main]:       ...ome/balaam/Minetest/bin/../builtin/game/register.lua:361: in function <...ome/balaam/Minetest/bin/../builtin/game/register.lua:341>
Should I report this here or elsewhere?
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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by blert2112 » Post

"Bad argument #2 to random". You get this error when you are not using LuaJit.

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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by Fritigern » Post

I checked my build environment, and as it turned out, luajit was indeed not installed.
I don't know why, because I know that I installed it a long time ago. I have (re-)installed luajit-dev and and recompiled and now all appears to be honky-dory.
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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by blert2112 » Post

It is because the number being passed to math.random is getting too large and Lua5.1 wraps it around into the negatives. LuaJit, on the other hand, has an upgraded function, much like Lua5.2, allowing it handle larger numbers. Sokomine may want to put some error checking in there to keep this from happening. The maximum number is 2,147,483,647. Add one (+1) to that and you get -2,147,483,648.

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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by MangleFox70 » Post

Fritigern wrote:I checked my build environment, and as it turned out, luajit was indeed not installed.
I don't know why, because I know that I installed it a long time ago. I have (re-)installed luajit-dev and and recompiled and now all appears to be honky-dory.
I am also getting Minetest crashes with this error since installing mg_villages:

Code: Select all

Runtime error from mod 'mobf_trader' in callback luaentity_Activate()
I could not find luajit-dev but installed luajit from repository and the problem still exists, so if you think it's luajit-dev that was the fix, can you please provide a link on where you obtained it?

Or is something else a fix for this?

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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by burli » Post

is it possible that this mod is incompatible with valley mg? Looks a little bit strange


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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by burli » Post

Another example with valley mg

screenshot_20160321_135045.jpg (326.39 KiB) Viewed 5590 times

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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by Nathan.S » Post

That guy just wanted nice quite place to escape from the world.
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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by Napiophelios » Post

Are you using Darkage mod? that also might cause a problem.
I use Blert2112's mapgen for Darkage but had to edit it alot to work with the built in vmg,

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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by KCoombes » Post

burli wrote:Another example with valley mg

You don't need valley mg, or any other mg at all - I've seen this running a straight v6 map with villages modpack

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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by burli » Post

KCoombes wrote: You don't need valley mg, or any other mg at all - I've seen this running a straight v6 map with villages modpack
You are right. Strange

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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by cimbakahn » Post

I personally don't think that problem is resolved yet. I don't even have that file mg_all_villages.data and i have the message: ERROR[Main]: mod "village_canadian" has unsatisfied dependencies: "hdb" "nbu"

I have 3 files that mentions that file, but that is it:

What do you suggest i do?

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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by cimbakahn » Post

The only things i can think of is either removing hdb & nbu from the depends.txt file or installing the hdb & nbu mods. Problem is i can not find those mods anywhere on the internet. I've searched in google like crazy.

I am having a very bad time with minetest today. I was told that it is best if i have the newest up to date version of minetest. Ok, i agree, but i am not messing around with any -dev versions again. My mods have never worked correctly in -dev versions. I installed .14 as soon as it came out. I created a folder on my DESKTOP, and put the contents of .minetest into it, then i completely purged all of minetest, then i installed a brand new fresh copy of .14, then i put those previously mentioned contents back into the .minetest folder.

I really do believe that the mods, and subgames are not being updated enough for the current version of minetest. For example, if i was able to go back to .13 i would have less messages, but now it is worse than it has ever been. This is what i am talking about ----> http://hastebin.com/nocahopuga.coffee And here is a screenshot of my mods: https://imgur.com/57gvSuh This is overwhelming! I have got the newest versions of each mod that i could find. I don't really know what to do except for take each message one at a time.

Another thing. Can i delete the moresnow folder inside villages-for-minetest-modpack? Minetest has more than enough snow for me. I just need enough snow for the Yeti, or for a christmas scene, that is if i have those mods installed at the time. Here is an example of a perfectly balanced minetest world, to me ----> https://imgur.com/rjMZJhj Also they tend to go way overboard on the default grass.

Sorry about my ranting! Help me with what you can, then send me to someone else for what you can't.

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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by cimbakahn » Post

Well, i have went from 690 messages to 387 messages. Maybe by tomorrow i'll have some more fixed.

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Re: [Modpack] Villages modpack (contains mg_villages)

by Don » Post

When you copied .minetest did you overwrite minetest_game? Try downloading a fresh copy and see if that helps.


You just need to download, unzip and put it in .minetest/games.
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