this mod can also be used to display any number at any pos in the same way, refere to the API!

In-game feature working with a mob.
*code: GNU LGPL v2.1
*textures: CC BY-SA 3.0
No hard dependencies :)
I need download link!pinkysnow wrote:This mod adds a visiable temporary number above the player, entity or pos Upon damage. Code automaticly adds this feature for players but it can be added for any node or entity and can use any color! This feature is part of my EpicNode game as well :D
this mod can also be used to display any number at any pos in the same way, refere to the API!
In-game feature working with a mob.
*code: GNU LGPL v2.1
*textures: CC BY-SA 3.0
No hard dependencies :)