[Mod] PvP Areas [pvp_areas]
- everamzah
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[Mod] PvP Areas [pvp_areas]
Description: Mark areas for PvP, but disallow elsewhere by default. The inversion of this can be achieved by setting Settings -> Mods -> pvp_areas -> PvP by Default.
Usage: /pvp_areas pos1 and /pvp_areas pos2, following by /pvp_areas set. /pvp_areas without argument lists areas. /pvp_areas remove n removes that entry.
Bugs: https://github.com/everamzah/pvp_areas/issues
Requires: 403dada (Sep. 9 2016) or later.
Areas are stored in the world path as "pvp_areas_store.dat".
This mod is a reply to viewtopic.php?f=10&t=15479
Git repository: https://github.com/everamzah/pvp_areas
License: LGPL v2.1+
Usage: /pvp_areas pos1 and /pvp_areas pos2, following by /pvp_areas set. /pvp_areas without argument lists areas. /pvp_areas remove n removes that entry.
Bugs: https://github.com/everamzah/pvp_areas/issues
Requires: 403dada (Sep. 9 2016) or later.
Areas are stored in the world path as "pvp_areas_store.dat".
This mod is a reply to viewtopic.php?f=10&t=15479
Git repository: https://github.com/everamzah/pvp_areas
License: LGPL v2.1+
Last edited by everamzah on Fri Sep 09, 2016 15:52, edited 4 times in total.
- taikedz
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Re: [Mod] PvP Areas [pvp_areas]
I added some things and sent a PR
When testing I found that I could not inflict damage either inside or outside the area... though looking at protector mod's code, it should indeed work.... will look further into that later....
When testing I found that I could not inflict damage either inside or outside the area... though looking at protector mod's code, it should indeed work.... will look further into that later....
- taikedz
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Re: [Mod] PvP Areas [pvp_areas]
Some additional changes have been made and my dev branch seems funcitonal..... beta tests to now be done ;-)
- everamzah
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Re: [Mod] PvP Areas [pvp_areas]
taikedz dev branch is here: https://github.com/taikedz/pvp_areas/tree/dev
I haven't made any changes to my version yet, still waiting to see if I can get the total number of entries in an AreaStore without tracking it separately. get_area(n), where n does not exist, crashes Minetest without error: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/4507
I haven't made any changes to my version yet, still waiting to see if I can get the total number of entries in an AreaStore without tracking it separately. get_area(n), where n does not exist, crashes Minetest without error: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/4507
- everamzah
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Re: [Mod] PvP Areas [pvp_areas]
Some preliminary management of the areas has been implemented. You may now /pvp_area remove n, where n is some AreaStore id number. For now, you'll have to count from 0 using the output of /pvp_areas with no arguments (sent to console). /pvp_areas now lists areas to chat, when issued without argument.
This update requires a change to the engine, for which there is a PR: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/4508
Update: This change was merged. 403dada or later is required.
Also, PvP is now on off by default, and disallowed in set areas only. This can be toggled by going to Settings -> Mods -> pvp_areas and setting `PvP by Default' to false true, or by setting pvp_areas_enable_pvp = false true in minetest.conf.
Edit: I should probably invert that default so the name of the mod makes sense.
Edit: Done.
This update requires a change to the engine, for which there is a PR: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/4508
Update: This change was merged. 403dada or later is required.
Also, PvP is now on off by default, and disallowed in set areas only. This can be toggled by going to Settings -> Mods -> pvp_areas and setting `PvP by Default' to false true, or by setting pvp_areas_enable_pvp = false true in minetest.conf.
Edit: I should probably invert that default so the name of the mod makes sense.
Edit: Done.
Re: [Mod] PvP Areas [pvp_areas]
Downloads available here:
mod: https://github.com/taikedz/everamzah-pv ... master.zip
repo: https://github.com/taikedz/everamzah-pvp_areas
mod: https://github.com/taikedz/everamzah-pv ... master.zip
repo: https://github.com/taikedz/everamzah-pvp_areas
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Re: [Mod] PvP Areas [pvp_areas]
i found an error in the init.lua file.
does not work - the error i found is in the minetest.register_on_punchplayer(function(player, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir, damage) -
the return value is the final KILL_NO or KILL_OK i changed this.
a second thing i found - mos does no damage so i check if the hitter is a player or a mob
here is my code
Code: Select all
local safemode = minetest.setting_getbool("pvp_areas.safemode") or false
the return value is the final KILL_NO or KILL_OK i changed this.
a second thing i found - mos does no damage so i check if the hitter is a player or a mob
here is my code
Code: Select all
-- pvp_areas
-- Original : Copyright 2016 James Stevenson (everamzah)
-- Additional : Copyright Tai Kedzierski (DuCake)
-- LGPL v2.1+
local pvp_areas_worlddir = minetest.get_worldpath()
local pvp_areas_modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
local hasareasmod = minetest.get_modpath("areas")
local safemode = minetest.setting_getbool("pvp_areas.safemode") or false
local area_label = minetest.setting_get("pvp_areas.label") or "Defined area."
local pvp_areas_store = AreaStore()
pvp_areas_store:from_file(pvp_areas_worlddir .. "/pvp_areas_store.dat")
local pvp_default = minetest.is_yes(minetest.setting_getbool("pvp_areas_enable_pvp"))
minetest.log("action", "[" .. pvp_areas_modname .. "] PvP by Default: " .. tostring(pvp_default))
local pvp_areas_players = {}
local pvp_areas = {}
local function update_pvp_areas()
local counter = 0
pvp_areas = {}
while pvp_areas_store:get_area(counter) do
table.insert(pvp_areas, pvp_areas_store:get_area(counter))
counter = counter + 1
local function save_pvp_areas()
pvp_areas_store:to_file(pvp_areas_worlddir .. "/pvp_areas_store.dat")
local function areas_entity(pos,num)
if hasareasmod then
local obj = minetest.add_entity(pos, "areas:pos"..tostring(num))
local ent = obj:get_luaentity()
ent.active = true
-- Register privilege and chat command.
minetest.register_privilege("pvp_areas_admin", "Can set and remove PvP areas.")
minetest.register_chatcommand("pvp_areas", {
description = "Mark and set areas for PvP.",
params = "<pos1> <pos2> <set> <remove>",
privs = "pvp_areas_admin",
func = function(name, param)
local pos = vector.round(minetest.get_player_by_name(name):getpos())
if param == "pos1" then
if not pvp_areas_players[name] then
pvp_areas_players[name] = {pos1 = pos}
pvp_areas_players[name].pos1 = pos
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Position 1: " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
elseif param == "pos2" then
if not pvp_areas_players[name] then
pvp_areas_players[name] = {pos2 = pos}
pvp_areas_players[name].pos2 = pos
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Position 2: " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
elseif param == "set" then
if not pvp_areas_players[name] or not pvp_areas_players[name].pos1 then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Position 1 missing, use \"/pvp_areas pos1\" to set.")
elseif not pvp_areas_players[name].pos2 then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Position 2 missing, use \"/pvp_areas pos2\" to set.")
pvp_areas_store:insert_area(pvp_areas_players[name].pos1, pvp_areas_players[name].pos2, "pvp_areas", #pvp_areas)
table.insert(pvp_areas, pvp_areas_store:get_area(#pvp_areas))
pvp_areas_players[name] = nil
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Area set.")
elseif param:sub(1, 6) == "remove" then
local n = tonumber(param:sub(8, -1))
if n and pvp_areas_store:get_area(n) then
if pvp_areas_store:get_area(n + 1) then
-- Insert last entry in new empty (removed) slot.
local a = pvp_areas_store:get_area(#pvp_areas - 1)
pvp_areas_store:remove_area(#pvp_areas - 1)
pvp_areas_store:insert_area(a.min, a.max, "pvp_areas", n)
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Removed " .. tostring(n))
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Invalid argument. You must enter a valid area identifier.")
elseif param ~= "" then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Invalid usage. Type \"/help pvp_areas\" for more information.")
for k, v in pairs(pvp_areas) do
minetest.chat_send_player(name, k - 1 .. ": " ..
minetest.pos_to_string(v.min) .. " " ..
local KILL_NO = true
local KILL_OK = false
local savemodeToString = "FALSCH" -- only for debugging
if safemode then
savemodeToString = "WAHR"
-- Register punchplayer callback.
minetest.register_on_punchplayer(function(player, hitter, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir, damage)
local isPlayer = hitter:is_player()
local IsPlayerToString = "PLAYER" -- only for debugging
if isplayer then
IsPlayerToString = "PLAYER" -- only for debugging
IsPlayerToString = "MOB" -- only for debugging
return false -- if this is a MOB then give Damage
local playername = player:get_player_name()
for k, v in pairs(pvp_areas_store:get_areas_for_pos(player:getpos())) do
if k then
--minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "in loop - safemode"..savemodeToString.." isPlayer "..IsPlayerToString)
--minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "after - safemode"..savemodeToString.." isPlayer "..IsPlayerToString)
if hasareasmod then
if areas.registerHudHandler then
local function advertise_nokillzone(pos, list)
for k, v in pairs(pvp_areas_store:get_areas_for_pos(pos)) do
if k then
table.insert(list, {
id = "PvP Control Area "..tostring(k),
name = area_label,
} )
minetest.log("info","Your version of `areas` does not support registering hud handlers.")
- taikedz
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Re: [Mod] PvP Areas [pvp_areas]
I added fix for the setting erroneously assigned
For the extra code, can you make a pull request on github, or send URL to your own git repository ? If not able, I'll have a look over it when I get a moment
For the extra code, can you make a pull request on github, or send URL to your own git repository ? If not able, I'll have a look over it when I get a moment
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Re: [Mod] PvP Areas [pvp_areas]
now my code is on my github
- taikedz
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Re: [Mod] PvP Areas [pvp_areas]
Hi Downad,
Thanks for proposing changes, always good!
The proper way to submit a change through Github (both parties using Github) is to "fork" the original, then copy your changed files in, and then make a pull request - makes communication easier.
I've put your changes in to a separate branch, unfortunately they're too inconsistent for me to pull them into master, see review
As you can see, I'm essentially communicating with myself on this pull request. Ideally you would make the pull request from your fork of the same repo and we could engage in the discussion more appropriately there.
Thanks for proposing changes, always good!
The proper way to submit a change through Github (both parties using Github) is to "fork" the original, then copy your changed files in, and then make a pull request - makes communication easier.
I've put your changes in to a separate branch, unfortunately they're too inconsistent for me to pull them into master, see review
As you can see, I'm essentially communicating with myself on this pull request. Ideally you would make the pull request from your fork of the same repo and we could engage in the discussion more appropriately there.
Re: [Mod] PvP Areas [pvp_areas]
I would like to set the area of pvp for only the Y axis, for use with Huge caves at deep depth and some mods: Nether [nether], Underground Realms [0.8] [caverealms], Hallelujah Mountains [cloudlands] etc.
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Re: [Mod] PvP Areas [pvp_areas]
Changed your mod a bit. Added PVP Protector Block and API, added support for ranged_weapoons. Tested on Minetest 5.1.1
- Nininik
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Re: [Mod] PvP Areas [pvp_areas]
There needs to be an inverse
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- Nininik
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Re: [Mod] PvP Areas [pvp_areas]
Like where pvp can be disabled but the whole world enabled
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