theFox wrote:
* * trading and building up an economy
The act of trading could be done by my mobf_trader mod. It provides all that's needed. The trades I've set up so far just aren't particulary intresting for players as most things cost as much or more as the crafting indigrents. The traders want to earn a bit after all..
theFox wrote:
* * building their houses
With my upcomming citybuilder mod all a mob willing to build a house would have to do is to scan the area where the house will be built for "dig here" indicators and (configured) scaffolding nodes and then either dig or just call the on_rightclick-function of the scaffolding node in the right way. The purpose of the scaffolding nodes is to give the player a vague idea about the dimensions of the building project, to allow placement of house nodes by the player and to fascilitate "helping" for players. And it just looks good if there's some scaffolding instead of a house beeing built bottom-up by a mob waving hands nearby :-)
theFox wrote:
* * working / doing their jobs
* Jobs: builder, miner, farmer and many more
Very good! Such workers are very welcome :-)
theFox wrote:
* home markers to save the position of the door and the bed
In the version I've tested, doors and beds required manual setup. Scanning for them would be better. citybuilder can certainly provide positions of doors and beds (and other things the workers might be intrested in?). It doesn't do so yet but that would be a minor change. Most of the mg_villages houses built by me would probably be problematic for mobs as there's not much space between all the furniture and even normal players may get stuck by accident sometimes.
theFox wrote:
* * some jobs will let the villagers return home at night
* * at home the villagers will go to bed
Very good! I'd love to have such a feature. zorman2000 seems to work on something similar, and ErrorNull provides diffrent clothing and appearance for his mobs.
theFox wrote:
* * woodcutter/lumberjack (cutting trees and planting saplings, not night active)
The first lumberjack in the first version of this mod who started his work did something not entirely unexpected: The tree logs of a nearby house where just too tempting :-) He took those from the house first - and only afterwards started searching for real trees. I'm wondering if it might be a good idea to assign a certain area to the lumberjack where he can dig all trees he may find.