[Mod] Emerge World [lib_emerge][git]

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[Mod] Emerge World [lib_emerge][git]

by ShadMOrdre » Post

This mod provides two commands for emerging an area of the world. These can be used to grow a world map with the need for a person to travel to a given area. Best used during low traffic periods, or at world creation. Larger areas take longer to generate.

As an example, an area of 400x400 nodes includes 25 80x80 blocks. Searching for an area 400x400x400 nodes requires 125 blocks to be generated. This takes time.

Feed back is given in chat, to the person issuing the chatcommand, stating which block generated, and how long the process has been running.

The following chat command will emerge an area from x1y1z1 to x2y2z2. Any area larger than 400 nodes on a side can take a while.

Code: Select all

/emerge_area x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
The following chat command will emerge an area x number of nodes from a point centered on the user. Any value for x larger than 200 will take a while.

Code: Select all

/emerge_radius x
DOWNLOAD: https://github.com/ShadMOrdre/lib_emerg ... master.zip
Browse Code: https://github.com/ShadMOrdre/lib_emerge


LICENSES: LGPLv2.1, for code by me, CC-BY-SA-4.0 for graphics by me. Other licenses apply for code and graphics done by others. Where found, those licenses included.

SCREENSHOTS: Not really applicable....

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Re: [Mod] Emerge World [lib_emerge][git]

by ThomasMonroe » Post

Huh, interesting, but I'm not sure exactly if this would be particularly useful in the long run of a server
I don't make messes, I just, er...disturb the local entropy!

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Re: [Mod] Emerge World [lib_emerge][git]

by the_raven_262 » Post

So one can use this to generate a map and then use the minetest mapper to see the results?
I shall try this.

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Re: [Mod] Emerge World [lib_emerge][git]

by ShadMOrdre » Post

The idea was, as a modder, to have my server emerge an area large enough to play in, and hopefully, speed up one aspect, which is alway that mapgen can get slow if one has explored far enough. Another reason, was to be able to use minetest mapper to "see" a world, and the effects of mapgen, either biome, or height. Some seeds are better than others, and it takes far less time to emerge a server before gameplay, than it would take multiple users exploring those areas to emerge the blocks.

This mod also helped in the development of my lib_sfinv_map mod.

Server owners could potentially use this to emerge specific areas for new use by players, or to encourage specific gameplay elements.

Also, emerged maps load quicker on clients. While a run a moderately powerful server, my clients tend to run leaner machines, and this helps in that regard. A player can explore relatively quicker and easier if the server has already run the emerge algorithms, meaning it can dedicate more processing power to the network and users.

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Re: [Mod] Emerge World [lib_emerge][git]

by ThomasMonroe » Post

Makes sense, thanks for explaining.
I don't make messes, I just, er...disturb the local entropy!

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Re: [Mod] Emerge World [lib_emerge][git]

by lilo » Post


I stand at the coordinates x0 y0 z0 and want all fields within 1000 fields to be uncovered.

If I run "emerge _ area 1000 1000 0 -1000 -1000 100 " only a narrow tape is revealed. Is your MOD not guided by the global coordinate system or how would I have to specify the coordinates?

I create my my map picture with MinetestMapper.


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Re: [Mod] Emerge World [lib_emerge][git]

by ShadMOrdre » Post


The coordinate system used here is x, y, z; where x = east/west, y = up/down, and z = north/south.

To emerge an area 1000 nodes in radius from the user, standing at origin 0 0 0, one would enter the following:

Code: Select all

/emerge_area -1000 0 -1000 1000 0 1000
This is equivalent to /emerge_area -x -y -z +x +y +z.

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Re: [Mod] Emerge World [lib_emerge][git]

by lilo » Post

Thx this will work for me :)


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