As an example, an area of 400x400 nodes includes 25 80x80 blocks. Searching for an area 400x400x400 nodes requires 125 blocks to be generated. This takes time.
Feed back is given in chat, to the person issuing the chatcommand, stating which block generated, and how long the process has been running.
The following chat command will emerge an area from x1y1z1 to x2y2z2. Any area larger than 400 nodes on a side can take a while.
Code: Select all
/emerge_area x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
Code: Select all
/emerge_radius x
Browse Code:
LICENSES: LGPLv2.1, for code by me, CC-BY-SA-4.0 for graphics by me. Other licenses apply for code and graphics done by others. Where found, those licenses included.
SCREENSHOTS: Not really applicable....