[Mod] Aotearoa [0.2][aotearoa]

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[Mod] Aotearoa [0.2][aotearoa]

by Dokimi » Post

Aotearoa, land of the long white cloud, New Zealand.

Welcome to a map with some real forests...


This mod replaces the default map biomes with Aotearoa, New Zealand. A land of dark towering forests, windswept mountains, and haunting bird song. This contains a large number of realistic native flora, biomes, and more.


Designed for use with mg_valleys. (Will work with other default mapgens but may not display well. )

Code is licensed under GNU LGPLv2+.
Textures are licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported.
See readme for sound files.

Mod dependencies:
ambience? (It can use the api to play NZ bird songs. https://notabug.org/TenPlus1/ambience)


View code at Github:

Database of plant species: http://www.nzpcn.org.nz/default.aspx

Database of Maori plant uses: https://maoriplantuse.landcareresearch. ... fault.aspx

Original bird song files:https://www.doc.govt.nz/nature/native-a ... and-calls/

"Forest Vines to Snow Tussocks - a book about NZ plant ecology: http://nzetc.victoria.ac.nz/tm/scholarl ... wFore.html

Resources from NZ's environmental research institute: https://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/resources

Resources from NZ's geology research institute:https://www.gns.cri.nz/Home/Learning/Sc ... NZ-Geology

Rocks of NZ: https://flexiblelearning.auckland.ac.nz ... index.html

Maori dictionary (includes proper pronunciations of plant names etc): http://maoridictionary.co.nz/

General info about NZ - Te Ara the Encyclopedia of NZ: https://teara.govt.nz/en
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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa 0.1 [aotearoa]

by Dokimi » Post

Some more screenshots...



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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa 0.1 [aotearoa]

by Dokimi » Post

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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa 0.1 [aotearoa]

by Dokimi » Post

This is based on real world stuff. So for those who want to learn more...

Learn about the plant species here: http://www.nzpcn.org.nz/default.aspx

Learn about traditional crafts here: https://maoriplantuse.landcareresearch. ... fault.aspx

Learn what birds are making those sounds here:https://www.doc.govt.nz/nature/native-a ... and-calls/

Pronouncing Maori plant names:
English speakers instinctively mangle Maori words (it's closer to Japanese in sound than English).

e.g. Karaka
Incorrect: Kar-acker
Correct: Kaa-raa-kaa.

e.g. Pohutukawa.
Incorrect: Po-hut-uk-awa
Correct: Po-huu-tuu-kaa-waa.

Something like that anyway!

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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa 0.1 [aotearoa]

by BirgitLachner » Post


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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa 0.1 [aotearoa]

by acidzebra » Post


Very lush, I love it.

I think the ore distribution might need a little tweaking, I'm getting fairly big deposits of obsidian at very shallow depths. Not sure if that's intentional though.

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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa 0.1 [aotearoa]

by Hume2 » Post

Looks nice! I'll try it.

EDIT: It looks nice with terrainbrot too. Here you have a few screenshots for your collection:
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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa 0.1 [aotearoa]

by texmex » Post

Impressive work, Dokimi. I especially like the larger trees. The beginnings of a game?

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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa 0.1 [aotearoa]

by acidzebra » Post

It's hard to overstate just how lush and rich these biomes are, they are amazing.

I was already working on my own biome mashup with ethereal+minetest-game 0.5+30biomes, I simply had to add this. Thanks for making it easy to read with sane substitutions like

Code: Select all

local beach_max = 2
local beach_min = ocean_max + 1
local dune_max = 5
local dune_min = beach_max + 1
--coastal forest etc
local coastf_max = 14
local coastf_min = dune_max + 1
--lowland forest etc
local lowf_max = 80
local lowf_min = coastf_max + 1
(I set them all to -2 instead of +1 because I like the overlap)

(screenshot features some other biome presence but A LOT of Aotearoa, carpathian mapgen on 0.5)

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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa 0.1 [aotearoa]

by PolySaken » Post

as a resident of New Zealand, I'm thoroughly impressed. this looks really similar to the bush around my grandparents house in the catlins!
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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa 0.1 [aotearoa]

by PolySaken » Post

idea: add damage_per_second to matagouri and make it not walkable.
that stuff hurts.

Idea 2: add a pounamu tool like an adze, that works on choppy and crumbly dig types?
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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa 0.1 [aotearoa]

by parasite » Post

I just briefly run this mod in minetest-0.4.16 version and what I can say?

It is awesome! I am impressed! The world is beautiful visually, with great textures, full of nature, full of different kinds of plants, dirt/soils, rocks/stones... with fantastic details (with valleys mapgen as recommended).

It is wonderful that different types of trees are unique - no other minetest mod has them. Here, the author did not just take a few trees from one or another existing for a long time mods, but it looks like he did everything himself as a new stuff. Well, almost everything, some elements are similar to what we know from other mods, but definitely their appearance is completely innovative. This also applies to new types of wood planks. And birds! You can hear different birds voices! Lovely! (if I understand how it works, the mod contains birds' voices, but do not play them - to hear birds, you must also install TenPlus1`s ambience mod, which serves here as a sound engine).

I like the abundance of different types of dirt. You take a few steps and you are already walking on different grass! Just like in ethereal, all these visually different types of dirt after you dig them out, in the inventory become one "default" dirt. I hope there is (or will be) some way to preserve the beauty of these various dirt blocks after placing them in the inventory (ethereal has a crystal shovel that allows it, and here I do not know if some tool with similar properties or other method for that exists, because I only played this mod very short time, I did not explore evrything yet). But in this world, there are not only different dirt textures. Here you can find much more different types of "surface blocks", different than dirt, stone and sand. For example, a player can wade in mud!


But what made the biggest impression on me? First time when I go under the surface. It just happened that in the place where I started to dig, there was not even single one default:stone! I found there clay, silver sandstone, coal blocks, quartz_with_gold blocks, volcanic sand, limestone blocks, coquina limestone blocks, siltstone... It was fantastic! Unfortunately, from the level of -34 and lower I found only default:stone :(((

What made me sad even more, there are many places on the map, where there is a default:stone from the very surface level, you can dig down and find only that kind of stone. I thought that erywhere under the surface are similar layers of different kind of stones that spawns instead default:stone. When I started digging and finding diversity of stones, I started wondering if there are also some hematite and magnetite blocks for iron ores, chalcocite blocks for copper (and maybe sulfur?)... well, I get my iron ores in default for Minetest Game and minecraft way...

To help a little there underground and to stop watching that generalized, antygeological default stone, tunnel which I dug through that stone I covered with concrete. In this world you can make the concrete from sand, gravel and quicklime (and that quicklime can be obtained from joining a limestone with two steel ingots and smelting results).

The player does not have to be afraid that with such a variety of stones different than default:stone he or she will not dig traditional cobblestone to make stone tools. Stone tools should be able to do craft with any type of stone (eg with limestone).

In reference to the discussion from elsewhere in the minetest forums, about Minetest Game and geology, I hope that in the future a day will come when in the game (not necessarily in the Minetest Game - after all we have here a wide range of modding technology) there will be no universal, uniform stone at all (I mean default:stone), and the player will be able to enjoy the richness of geology...

In conclusion, this mod creates a world that has a very attractive nature, with beautiful details, making a great starting point for an interesting game. If you use Minetest Game as an environment for building your own game (by adding mods and configuring their properties in text files), and the world generated by the default mapgen already bored you, this mod can be a valuable replacement. It does not change any of the core properties that the Minetest Game has, but subtly changes biomes and stones, trees and birds in how they look like, how you feel the world ;) I need to find more time to play longer.

Thanks Dokimi!

This mod is already fully playable, but I am curious about what more you could do with it, by implementing more of your ideas.
PolySaken wrote:idea: add damage_per_second to matagouri and make it not walkable.
that stuff hurts.
Some people says it is "extremely thorny". It has creepy spikes on the pictures. I can easly imagine, that sitting on that plant can have worse consequences than sitting on a cactus ;-)
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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa 0.1 [aotearoa]

by PolySaken » Post

parasite wrote:(snip for obvious reasons)
PolySaken wrote:idea: add damage_per_second to matagouri and make it not walkable.
that stuff hurts.
Some people says it is "extremely thorny". It has creepy spikes on the pictures. I can easly imagine, that sitting on that plant can have worse consequences than sitting on a cactus ;-)
Yeah. Those spikes go right through most clothes and easily stab you.
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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa [0.1][aotearoa]

by DrFrankenstone » Post

I've added this into Amidstest.

Wanting to see Aotearoa in Amidst (and Aotearoa being designed for mgValleys) is what forced me to finally get the Valleys mapgen working in it, so this mod can take that credit.


It includes demon_boy's mod of the East Island to go with it :D

If someone makes an Aotearoa mobs pack, with like Haast's eagles, and moas you can put saddles on... we'd almost have an NZ science-based dragon MMO!

This fantastic mod puts me in a bit of a dilemma - I was planning a fantasy world server hosted in the Southern Hemisphere, but now there's Aotearoa... it might be time to figure out Beerholder's multi_map system.
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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa [0.1][aotearoa]

by Dokimi » Post

Glad people are enjoying it!


This isn't half as dense as the reality. A real New Zealand forest is much much much thicker (I've heard of people getting lost just by stepping off the track to pee!). I was finding it was getting laggy, so I held back from making it as dense as it should be. (anyone know how that could be fixed?).


Yeah this is less than ideal. As far as I can tell stone types are always tied to the biome. They need to be independent. I'm not sure if this seperation can be done with Minetest's current code. My compromise solution was to have a suitable rock for the biome, then mix it up by adding appropriate random blobs of stuff. This is why it doesn't go deep for many of them - it is tied to that biome, which must be decided by the needs of the plants, not the rocks. I didn't want this to turn into a geology mod, just a few relevant to New Zealand (plus some experimenting). Not sure how much more stone stuff I'll pursue.

Other maps:

I mainly used mg_valleys because it has natural slopes and a good range of elevation. The large trees need space (hence the slopes). Most biomes are split by altitude (hence you need about 150-200m to see them all). Other maps that do this (e.g. Carpathian? Terrainbrot?) Should work well too.
(also some things use the river water too,... just Kowhai at the moment, but it spawns elsewhere too)


I've done most things at a realistic mature size for that tree. That's why they are so massive. In reality many of these trees would 500-1000+yrs old (Kauri can live 2000yrs). This is what a real (temperate) rainforest looks like.

Any resemblance to stuff from other mods is coincidental. Everything is based on real New Zealand species. If you visit NZ you will see them in the wild, and (if I've done it right) even be able to identify a few of them!


Thank you! The voronoi thing was useful, now it is even more useful... I can see the map!


Yes! Mobs would be very nice. (beyond my skills to make).
Extinct freaky things:
Haast eagle, Moa...
Tui, bellbird, fantail, kiwi, takahe, pukeko, weka... okay there's a lot.
Sea life:
Seals, sea lions, dolphins, little blue penguin, yellow eyed pengiun, ...
giant weta, the giant snails, the giant worms, ...I think we a giant centipede somewhere too...

Future development:

This could become an infinite work in progress. I'm not sure how much I'll actually do though. We'll see. (matagouri damage - hmm maybe Ongaonga too (the power of a thousand bee stings!), and pounamu tools might make it eventually!)

Mostly I may add more species, and adjust/divide/add biomes.

The only thing I'm currently not happy with is the raupo swamps. They aint right.

They only major problem is it being laggy in some places. Not sure what to do about that.

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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa [0.1][aotearoa]

by PolySaken » Post

maybe to make the forest thicker, you could add supplejack vines?
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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa [0.1][aotearoa]

by parasite » Post

I know that suggesting what mod maker should do with his own mod can be annoying, but I really think your project is great and in fact no longer requires any changes. However, I would like to take this opportunity to share my feelings with people who maight be interesting in such topics and issues. For example I do not know any other modder interested in geological stuff in minetest ;)
Dokimi wrote:This isn't half as dense as the reality. A real New Zealand forest is much much much thicker (I've heard of people getting lost just by stepping off the track to pee!). I was finding it was getting laggy, so I held back from making it as dense as it should be. (anyone know how that could be fixed?).
If you place a lot of structures and stuff together in some area, the gameplay lag will increase much when you enter that area. The same apply to the trees. In different part of this forums there was an thread about lag and high density jungle from player perspective:
Dokimi wrote:

Yeah this is less than ideal. As far as I can tell stone types are always tied to the biome. They need to be independent. I'm not sure if this seperation can be done with Minetest's current code. My compromise solution was to have a suitable rock for the biome, then mix it up by adding appropriate random blobs of stuff.
I have no clue how this works, and I did have no intention to suggesting you any kind of breaking game mechanisms or rewritting mapgen code in somehow different way. But I hope maybe there is some possibility to make just "simple" replacement for default stone? Some simpler sollution that could be apply to existing default stones, just to those which left after world was created, without messing in code responsible for biomes and their rocks below generation.

I thin that just replacement of textures maight be big improvement, for example if somehow you will have 4 new stones instead one (default). I mean from mapgen perspective it will be still the same default stone, but player perspective will be different. I cannot immagine how code should be written to handle such magic like multiple and diversity stone texture... but maybe it will be somehow similar to what made diversity of dirt?

I guess that making more advanced changes to the default stones after they were generated by mapgen (like running some next lua mapgen extra for default stones) could be problematic as this will need additinal time for processing, which can decrease game performance. I am just asking if there can be any simpler solution, even if it will not be apply to this mod...

Also I have a question about is it possible to generate more different "blobs" of rocks also deeper underground, like in other games (mods) are generated stuff like granite, marble, sulfur and all other not-default ores? If there will be such groups of multiple rocks types very frequently, that can also be a sollution for dealing with "boring" default stones as well, even if it will not match geological realism...

I am sorry if I talk too much

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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa [0.1][aotearoa]

by Dokimi » Post

PolySaken wrote:maybe to make the forest thicker, you could add supplejack vines?
There's a bunch of stuff like that which I'd like to add but would be tricky to get the look right (e.g. why I only have "baby" cabbage trees). Supplejack needs to hang from trees (but I already made the schematics... don't want it everywhere), and it needs big tangles and ahhhhh....
parasite wrote:If you place a lot of structures and stuff together in some area, the gameplay lag will increase much when you enter that area.
Thanks for finding that. I figured it was something like that. I suppose I could add a set of simple leaves... not sure I would use them personally (and there's so many textures already...ahhh). I suppose I will just limit the density where it is... it looks nice enough.

Two other remaining bugs...
- the odd lighting around shrub trunks (it's close enough to glowworms which would actually live there, so not a big deal.)
- Square chunks getting cut from the map: I suspect this is from the big schematics being generated before that section of the map. Occasionally bad, mostly minor. Not sure it has a feasible solution.
parasite wrote:...but maybe it will be somehow similar to what made diversity of dirt?
That's done by adding entirely new nodes. But when you dig it you get dirt. I suspect there's ways of setting random textures for one node type... but that could be a weird looking patchwork.

I will only add stones relevant to NZ (or any experiments I feel like.)... so that would be:
These, (along with schist which I already have) are the "basement" rocks of the country (I already have the shallower surface rocks - limestone etc). I could add underground biomes for these four... not sure how that will work, just thinking ;-).

parasite wrote:..I really think your project is great and in fact no longer requires any changes.
I have added all the obvious things, so the base is all there. Any further development would be fairly subtle. Here's my maybe-to-do list:

- two types of tree daisy (so no penguin noises on mountain tops)
- make sapling drop more common.
- Raupo needs a rethink (it should be lake/stream edge. Don't like how it all collapses when hit...)
- I ended up with volcanic beaches when what I wanted was this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whakaari_/_White_Island. (simple height change might do it).
- glowworms (no idea how to only have them on cave roof though)
- A few new biomes? Southern rata, Fiordland beech forest, coastal marsh, further subdividing the podocarp forests so can have some different canopy trees (instead of just Tawa and Beech).
- make shrubs non-walkable (and add damage where appropriate).
- try basement rocks
- try overlap with altitudes
- pounamu tools/weapons
- Something... marine... paua, pipi, mussels. Not sure how yet. Change undersea silt to mud.
- More species in fernland/scrub/bogs (e.g. Kanuka, and a bunch of others).
- Random rare trees and plants: where I chuck all the other stuff I want.

All... or none of this may get done eventually.

If people are wanting to use this on a server then I'll try do the real map-breaking stuff first (biomes, rocks). I can then keep adding plants to my hearts content , without it being an issue.
texmex wrote:The beginnings of a game?
If people decide to use it for that ;-)
Other mods it would need:
-mobs (as mentioned before) (for supernatural mobs: taniwha, patupaiarehe)
- "Maori-build": for building Marae, pa, waka etc.
- if it's a on a server.. and has a Marae... you really need a powhiri mod for new players??
- general "Kiwiana": because laser kiwi has to be there somewhere!
(A caution to non-Maori people attempting Maori stuff - get it right! So much offensively dumb stuff has been done in the past e.g. "Excuse me sir, your 'Maori' warrior has women's face tattoos!")

Thanks for all the feedback, you have actually given me a few good ideas!

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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa [0.1][aotearoa]

by ManElevation » Post

looks scary...
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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa [0.1][aotearoa]

by parasite » Post

I can not complain about "odd lighting around shrub trunks". It even looks nice. and it is nice to have some little lighting in dark nights ;) At least for me. Soft floor lighting adds aesthetics to dark places, especially at night. But maybe this is not what you want to get with this mod.

About the rocks. I always liked to dig underground, so I'm very interested in this topic. It is understandable that you want to focus on this mod on the rocks typical of New Zealand. (I hope that you will not remove mese from the map for this reason ;-). It would really be great if the diversity of the stone would go deep down, or at least if the caves would be padded with various rock forms. After all, it would be very nice visually, revealing, would add charm and good feelings to exploration. And it would be fresh, as it would be different than just default stone... Whatever you're going to do here, I will be happy to keep an eye at this topic. :) Especially when you are thinking about undeground biomes ;-)
Dokimi wrote:Any further development would be fairly subtle. Here's my maybe-to-do list:
- make sapling drop more common.
That will be good idea, because current setting is a little bit hard :) (you can get sapling after digging 100 leaves)
Dokimi wrote:Here's my maybe-to-do list:
- Something... marine... paua, pipi, mussels. Not sure how yet.
Yes! Mussels! I never been in New Zealand but I hear you can eat mussels in many restaurants there and even can find those yourself! I saw a photo showing an information board on the beach, informing tourists that there is a daily limit in collecting these delicacies from the beach. This is something unique. It's worth trying to somehow implement it to the game. I can imagine that the script could check if the ground type is seashell nodes, whether there is a a lot of water source nearby, and whether there are no other mussels in the radius of a few or a dozen nodes, before it spawn single mussel on the seashell beach. In addition, the node timer function could control the frequency with which these things would appear on the map. All this would have to be somehow balanced, so that the mussels does not flood the map after two hours of game play. I guess recipe can be easy, like cooking such thing in furnace to get eatable item. Someone would also have to make a model for these mussels. But this is just talking, maybe it would have to be done completely in different way.

From the perspective of singleplayer with possible hunger mod enabled, it seems to me that there is not enough of food in the map. Therefore I encourage you to consider working on mussels ;-) I am not talking about diversity, but about how many items you are able to get from those trees. I guess someone could tell me right now, that I could add some food mod there o make my gameplay more food-able. But I can not imagine simple adding, eg farming redo directly to your world. Rather, it should be changed earlier, I think. Eatable plants should be customized to be more like New Zealand food. But this digression is going too far away from your mod. If player will get hungry, In that world the most ordinary bread can be helpful too.

In many places on your custom dirt types typical grass plants as well as junglegrass - from minetest game default - can be found. That is good, as those can provide wheat and cotton, some basic stuff in minetest world ;) As the grass items were in different places, in different biomes, I had no doubt that it should be so. But when I was wandering around the map, I found some terrain with default:dirt on it, and with default flowers.

I wondered if it should be there. Maybe I was moving too fast and I came to the place where some default mapgen worked and your code didin't load? But maybe default dirt should be there so that default flowers could be generated somewhere, because thanks to them you can have dyes. (of course, your biomes are full of things, making dyes recipies from many different things that do not come from default is possible).

The craft guide also has a full list of things from the default minetest game. So I have another question: can the default trees, like aspen, jungletree or pine, appear on the map? If not, then maybe you should think about disabling them from showing up in the the craft-guide, or maybe even you should overwrite default minetest game and remove them at all? I must admit that it would be strange if one could found the default:tree between your trees.

I also made some quick test-modification that
-- delete all those default stuff that are no longer needed, like default trees, woods, fances and even papyrus (as it is still visible in paper recipe). Unfortunately, the way I got rid of those things made an error message after starting the game. It seems that minestest, regardless of mapgen and biomes, always expects default biomes and their stuff to be in the world, even when you unregister them. I do not know how to remove these things without such messages messing the screen...
-- makes it impossible to cut trees with bare hands. This feature of Minetest Game is sometimes comfortable, probably many players like it, but I usually makes me ;-) I simply deleted "oddly_breakable_by_hand" from trees, shrubs and ferns register functions to have map exploration better fit my own needs
-- increase the chance to get sapling from leaves
-- add another shovel to collect original form of dirts

You can get those settings as a mod to see how your world could look like, when trees are not breakable by bare hand and when crafting guide do not show that default:tree stuff -> https://github.com/Parasitoid/aotearoa_addons ;). (This is a completely temporary solution, I do not consider its as a "real" mod).
Last edited by parasite on Fri Sep 21, 2018 19:57, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa [0.1][aotearoa]

by paramat » Post

Only looked at screenshots so far but, excellent biome work.

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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa [0.1][aotearoa]

by voxelproof » Post

Pure delight. Thanks a lot :)



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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa [0.1][aotearoa]

by Dokimi » Post

parasite wrote: ... It would really be great if the diversity of the stone would go deep down, or at least if the caves would be padded with various rock forms.
I am working on an update (see the 0.2 branch on Github). It really did need to be all or nothing with the rocks. So I have filled out an appropriate geology for NZ. That means no default until -15000 where you can get all the regular stuff. (I also made mese and diamonds craftable so you can still get them). It uses realistic sources for metals too... so it will change gameplay (e.g. NZ's main source of iron is actually sand, at the beach). Haven't tested it all yet!
parasite wrote: ...it seems to me that there is not enough of food in the map.
And I was thinking it was too much...! Some of the food sources are not obvious. e.g.
- poisonous karaka berries must be cooked (they were a major food source for Maori)
- cooked bracken root. (again major food source.)
- cooked cabbage tree shoots and roots
- cooked nikau palm shoots.
- cooked mamaku fiddleheads, and pith...
- plus all the berries (Tawa can be cooked to improve.)
-...maybe more... it's in the crafting file!

I've found this more than enough. Not every location is equally easy to survive in.

parasite wrote: Eatable plants should be customized to be more like New Zealand food.
If you mean farming stuff... the only uniquely NZ crops would be the old Maori foods, most important - kumara (sweet potato). This belongs in a separate mod though.

parasite wrote: So I have another question: can the default trees, like aspen, jungletree or pine, appear on the map? If not, then maybe you should think about disabling them from showing up in the the craft-guide,
No default trees. People might want them in creative mode though (certain other mods they use might need them). Think I'll leave it.
parasite wrote: makes it impossible to cut trees with bare hands.
I might do that for the big trees. Leave shrubs as a source for sticks for tools. (and you really could snap them in real life... for the most part).
parasite wrote: add another shovel to collect original form of dirts
I'll see how that works, I might add it in. Saves me a job!

Future development
The 0.2 for rocks is done but untested. Not sure if I'll release it, or do the biomes and get all the map breaking changes done at once. See github 0.2 branch to test it.

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Re: [Mod] Aotearoa [0.1][aotearoa]

by parasite » Post

Dokimi wrote:
parasite wrote: ...it seems to me that there is not enough of food in the map.
And I was thinking it was too much...! Some of the food sources are not obvious. e.g.
- poisonous karaka berries must be cooked (they were a major food source for Maori)
- cooked bracken root. (again major food source.)
- cooked cabbage tree shoots and roots
- cooked nikau palm shoots.
- cooked mamaku fiddleheads, and pith...
- plus all the berries (Tawa can be cooked to improve.)
-...maybe more... it's in the crafting file!
Of course! Yes! But I was not talking about diversity of food. Let me show an example. Players in survival mode are interested in having many food items. When they go to a mine, they like to have 99 food items with them. That is true that map is full of eatable items. But player can get single food items, like few karaka fruits. If a player is smart enough, after he or she found karaka tree will want to get sapling to be able to make a farm of these fruits. But to get that sapling will need to dig 100 leaves! If he or she will cut a tree will probably get no sapling at all! And even will get single saplings, it will get nothing with next cutting. I was talking about that it is really hard to make working farm of those food-giving trees, but I might say it wrong, so sorry for not being clear.
It can also be very interesting when it will be very difficult to survive, and when it will not be easy to produce food. The fact that it is easy to create farms giving you too much food in the Minetest Game (and even more easy food with the very popular farming redo) does not mean that the same must be here.
And yes, I was thinking about those sweet potatos (kumara) when was talking about farming. But I guess this can be added via default farming api (and can be done in additional mod, if you think it should be an optional add-on.).
Dokimi wrote:
parasite wrote: makes it impossible to cut trees with bare hands.
I might do that for the big trees. Leave shrubs as a source for sticks for tools. (and you really could snap them in real life... for the most part).
Fair enough
Dokimi wrote:I am working on an update (see the 0.2 branch on Github). It really did need to be all or nothing with the rocks. So I have filled out an appropriate geology for NZ. That means no default until -15000 where you can get all the regular stuff. (I also made mese and diamonds craftable so you can still get them). It uses realistic sources for metals too... so it will change gameplay (e.g. NZ's main source of iron is actually sand, at the beach). Haven't tested it all yet!
Wow! Cool! That is awesome! Let me say what I thought when I explored 0.2 map.

(1) First, I think it's will be not so bad if it's easier to find copper and tin than iron. After all, Minetest Game contains bronze. In fact, people first learned to make tools from copper, then discovered bronze, and only at the end learned how to create steel (next level - plastics). From players perspective - If it is not so easy to get iron, it will be easier to use bronze. Some players do not know why bronze is in the game and they never had the opportunity to use it. (The default game based on Minetest Game has a huge steel advantage over bronze). Now they will have the opportunity, because before they will be able to craft their first iron steel tool, they will use bronze picks many times!. They will not have a choice (except when a player finds an iron sand and digs up the entire beach!) :-D

I even think it would be interesting if you change the default way of getting steel. In the end, it is an alloy, like bronze, not pure metal. So, if steel will be an iron-carbon alloy, like bronze is a copper-tin alloy, then both bronze and steel would be more balanced in the game! (The steel in the game would be more similar to real steel. You like the similarity to reality in this mod ;-). As a matter of difficulty in access and mass production, steel will used rather to obtain special things, while bronze would become the main source of tools such as pickaxe or ax.

But how could you get an alloy of iron with coal? I have an suggestion. The idea refers to the crafting recipe for bronze. But opposite to bronze - where you need first cooking and later crafting - in the case of steel you could have vice versa, first crafting and then cooking. So, first, the player would have to get by crafting something like raw unprocessed "pig iron", for example like that:

Code: Select all

"iron ore", "iron ore", "iron ore"
"iron ore", "coal lump", "iron ore"
"iron ore", iron ore", "iron ore"
And then, the resulting craft-item would then have to be heat-treated in furnace, turning into 9 steel ingots.

(2) I think that getting diamonds by burning a coal block in the furnace is too easy. It's better to introduce graphite somewhere below -1000, and that block of graphite, instead of common coal, could be then used for diamonds making (it would be even better to use for that technic compressor than furnace lol).

(4) I found a strange liquid on the surface. When I came in it, I lost my health. I could not take it into a bucket. It also has a limited ability to spread (like river water), but it can freely fall down many nodes exactly below it source into a longer range.
What is that? It look cool. Hot spring?

(5) And the final, digging the tunnel down was very pleasant. A world without default stone is a beautiful, rich and interesting world! It really was fun when I came across a variety of rocks when going down. It was great when 10, 20, 100 and even 1000 nodes below the surface rocks were varied. Visiting the cave had something new. I could feel the adventure: D That was the perfect solution to replace these colored lines painted on default stone (I am talking about ores) with another kind of stones: limonite, cassiterite and chalcopyrite. Great! I cannot make a vid right now, but exploration of both the surface and deep undergrounds deserves a serious reportage on you tube. I can say just... thanks! This project is going to be unique and outstanding!
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Posts: 186
Joined: Sat May 06, 2017 17:45
GitHub: Parasitoid

Re: [Mod] Aotearoa [0.1][aotearoa]

by parasite » Post

Let me post some screenshots... with wikipedia links, maybe someone will be interested ;)


Looking into this cave, you can see rocks - mostly schist here. Small amounts of clay can also be found...


Schist with greywacke (grey stone) are the main, most common underground rocks in this area. Digging the hole there I found also some small deposits of granite, green pounamu, chalcopyrite and cassiterite. If anybody want to play this game (I am talking about 0.2), should known, that the last two are important minerals. Dark cassiterite, which can be confused with coal, it's a source of tin. Brown chalcopyrite, if dug, will give you copper ores. Larger amounts of these minerals and rocks can be found deeper, but walking into shallow caves can also provide nice amount of these ores. In this area I did not find any silver sandstone, also no iron.


In different area I did not found any green pounamu, but some iron, but not much ;)
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