Beauty Pack! The first 2.0 Mod ever is finally here!
- Forget to lose your beautiful face by cause of the skin mods.
- Reduce the lag on your server because of tons of similar skins.
Content Rating
Sammy Rating
Closet [closet]
- A closet to dress your Sams up.
- No nudity (underwear if no a lower cloth defined).
- You can use it as container too.
- 3D Armor Compatible.
- You can only put a cloth of a kind (head, upper and lower).
Craft a Vanity Table to change your face:
- 3 skin tones.
- 6 eye colors.
- 5 colors of hair.
Mirrors [mirrors]
- To craft a closet and vanity.
Fabric [fabric]
- Craft cotton fabrics of all the colors.
Default Clothes [default_clothes]
- The default cloth craftings based on fabrics.
Cool Cloth [ccloth]
More clothes for your Sams!
- Code: GPLv3
- Textures: CC4SA
- Hard: playez_api(z) [Updated Fork]
- Optional: 3d_armor(z) [Updated Fork from the Minetest Mods Fork Last Ultimate Version]
You can create your own exclusive outfits!
An example:
Code: Select all
player_api.register_cloth("player_api:cloth_female_upper_default", {
description = S("Purple Stripe Summer T-shirt"),
inventory_image = "cloth_female_upper_default_inv.png",
wield_image = "cloth_female_upper_default.png",
texture = "cloth_female_upper_default.png",
preview = "cloth_female_upper_preview.png",
gender = "female", --[male|female|unisex] for tooltip purpose only
groups = {cloth = 2}, --1 for head, 2 for upper, 3 for lower & 4 for footwear.
Attached Cloth
You can define attached cloth, i.e. a Hoodie that would need a hood acting as a whole piece.
Code: Select all
player_api.register_cloth("ccloth:gray_hoodie", {
description = S("Gray Hoodie"),
texture = "ccloth_gray_hoodie.png",
inventory_image = "ccloth_gray_hoodie_inv.png",
wield_image = "ccloth_gray_hoodie_inv.png",
preview = "ccloth_gray_hoodie_preview.png",
gender = "unisex",
groups = {cloth = 2},
attach = "ccloth:gray_hoodie_hood",
player_api.register_cloth("ccloth:gray_hoodie_hood", {
attached = true,
texture = "ccloth_gray_hoodie_hood.png",
groups = {cloth = 1},
/toggle_gender: Toogles between male/female character.