[WIP] Samhain Mod [0.1]

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[WIP] Samhain Mod [0.1]

by Gambit » Post

This is the Samhain Mod


This mod is designed much like Glowstone from Minecraft only there are two kinds of stones. The first is Sol and the other is Luna. Sol is reference to the sun while Luna is obviously reference to the moon. These two sets are of course in different colors.

To make these stones, you much venture deep into the earth to find minerals, which are dust. Crafting the dust together will make either Sol Stone or Luna Stone. Both omit light source. Not much are different unless you craft the main recipe, Solidus and Lunavesta. These require 8 Sol/Luna Stones and 1 Obsidian. These main stones aren't much different than the normal stones, just be careful where you place Solidus.

Solidus and Lunavesta are designed to act differently. Lunavesta can only put out fire, however I originally wanted it to freeze nearby water into ice. Until I can figure that out along with your guys n' gals help, maybe it could.

So enjoy the mod for what it's worth... oh one more thing... the ores glow so they're not to hard to spot in the dark.

This will be extended further than glowstone in the coming future

Crafting Recipe:

Licensed: WTFPL
Last edited by Gambit on Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:46, edited 1 time in total.
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by Chinchow » Post

Looks nice good name choices
Sometimes, it's harder to think up a mod than it is to create it.
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by Ikishida » Post

The names kinda reminds me of the roman gods(or greek gods) anime i used to watch hehe...
Luna-the Goddess of Moon
Sol-the God of Sun

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by kaeza » Post

Gambit wrote:however I originally wanted it to freeze nearby water into ice. Until I can figure that out along with your guys n' gals help, maybe it could.
Something like this should work (untested):

Code: Select all

    nodenames = {"samhain:lunavesta"},
    neighbors = {"default:water_source"},
    interval = 5.0,
    chance = 1, -- (chance of trigger is 1.0/this)
    action = function(pos)
        minetest.set_node(pos, {name="default:ice"})
Last edited by kaeza on Wed Oct 16, 2013 12:16, edited 1 time in total.
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by leetelate » Post

kaeza wrote:
Gambit wrote:however I originally wanted it to freeze nearby water into ice. Until I can figure that out along with your guys n' gals help, maybe it could.
Something like this should work (untested):

Code: Select all

    nodenames = {"samhain:lunavesta"},
    neighbors = {"default:water_source"},
    interval = 5.0,
    chance = 1, -- (chance of trigger is 1.0/this)
    action = function(pos)
        minetest.set_node(pos, {name="default:ice"})
and the lunavesta turns to ice lol
btdt in the gespensterwald mod, turned everything to pumpkin
you have to use find_nodes_in_area for default:water source around the original pos of the lunavesta and set those to what you want
niceu names - i like them, and samhain!
minetest 0.4.8 compiled from latest git on linux mint 15 with qjoypad and wired 360 controller
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by Gambit » Post

Hybrid Dog wrote:This might work:

Code: Select all

    nodenames = {"samhain:lunavesta"},
    neighbors = {"default:water_source"},
    interval = 5,
    chance = 1,
    action = function(pos)
        for i = -1,1,2 do
             for _,p in ipairs({
                  {x=pos.x+i, y=pos.y, z=pos.z},
                  {x=pos.x, y=pos.y+i, z=pos.z},
                  {x=pos.x, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+i}
             } do
                  if minetest.get_node(p).name == "default:water_source" then
                       minetest.set_node(p, {name="default:ice"})
I actually had to add ) just for it to work, but it does the job. Thanks. Also I was wondering is it possible to add-

Code: Select all

if minetest.get_node(p).name == "default:dirt_with_grass" then
   minetest.set_node(p, {name="default:_dirt_with_snow"})
-in along with the code above or do you have to make a separate set? I've tried to merge them to save space but it's a little more complicated than I thought. I've tried-

Code: Select all

neighbors = {"default:water_source","default:dirt_with_grass"},
Also I'm thinking of turning default:stone turning into default:lava_source if near Solidus. What do you guys think?
Last edited by Gambit on Wed Oct 16, 2013 21:05, edited 1 time in total.
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by Gambit » Post

I made some minor tweaks with this mod. The Lunavesta can freeze nearby water (source/flowing) and did some adjustent to the generation for the ores.

One thing I do plan to do is add to the mod than just glowstones. Time will tell. And it won't be tools, that nonsense is getting too repetitive.
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Re: [WIP] Samhain Mod [0.1]

by jp » Post

By any luck, someone kept a copy of that mod ? The D/L link is 404.

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Re: [WIP] Samhain Mod [0.1]

by CWz » Post

jp wrote:By any luck, someone kept a copy of that mod ? The D/L link is 404.
I have a copy and I uploaded it to github

Github link

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Re: [WIP] Samhain Mod [0.1]

by jp » Post

Thanks a lot ! You made my day ;)

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