Put the dye to use one slot on the right of the paint roller in your hud bar.
Punch wool or any of the supported nodes to give it a new color.
Code: Select all
Register a single node:
paint_roller.register_one( node_name , dye_group , pack_name )
-> paint_roller.register_one("mymod:node_green", "excolor_green", "My new mod nodes")
Register a table of nodes:
paint_roller.register_table( data_table , pack_name )
Format of data_table: {
{"mymod:node_white", "excolor_white"},
{"mymod:node_black", "excolor_black"},
{"mymod:node_brown", "unicolor_dark_orange"},
The dyes have special groups, insert an exact as possible group to your node when you have light and dark tone nodes. Use an unique string to describe your pack, otherwise another will be overwritten.
Code: Select all
Wool Wool Steel
License: CC0
Download: Master *.zip | Browse code