This is a (currently) small mod working towards the automation of certain processes. You can move items onto a belt, take them off if you wish and they can go into a chest. As well as this, you can smelt things more efficiently with industrial furnaces and automatically move them to a chest with pneumatic takers!
Items + Recipes

Minetest Version Tested: 0.4.10-2f170a6 (v0.5)
Dependencies: None
Recommended: pipeworks, mesecons
View the mod on Bitbucket!
Download Link:
Get the latest download at Bitbucket! (rename the folder)
v0.5.0.1 (14/09/2014) http://lemonlake.nuclearstorm.net/facto ... actory.zip (Bitbucket Mirror, always at latest commit, Dropbox Mirror)
v0.4 (12/05/2014) http://lemonlake.nuclearstorm.net/facto ... actory.zip
v0.3 (11/05/2014) http://lemonlake.nuclearstorm.net/facto ... actory.zip
v0.2 (11/05/2014) http://lemonlake.nuclearstorm.net/facto ... actory.zip
v0.1 (10/05/2014) http://lemonlake.nuclearstorm.net/facto ... actory.zip
Download index: http://lemonlake.nuclearstorm.net/factory/downloads/
Code: Select all
v0.5.0.1: Vacuum bugfix
v0.5: New nodes: Portable tanks, fans, vacuums, swapper, miner, upgraded miner
+ Conveyor Belt movement is now smoother
+ Added more crafting components as well as a use for tree sap
+ Mesecons support on most machines
+ Organization, optimization and various bugfixes
+ And more!
v0.4: Adds compressors, factory bricks, settings, new takers and various bugfixes.
v0.3: Adds queued pneumatic takers, gold gears, removed some debugging.
v0.2: Adds industrial furnaces, smoke tubes and pneumatic takers. Minor updates to other things. Also a gear for crafting.
v0.1: Initial Release.
Various other pieces of code credited in the source
Moral support and ideas from nman3600