(Click to view full screenshot)
It's a lua mapgen which bases on 2 2D-perlin noises, one for the height of terrain, the other for temperature/biomes.
It bases on paramat's noisegrid mapgen. I used it to learn how those noises work.
Biomes with jungles, normal grasslands, snow and deserts
Frozen oceans
Ores (not very realistic - at least they generate)
A canyon in the middle of grassland
Diffrent seeds for diffrent worlds
Some terrain elevation
Generation optimization underground and above 256m
Caves! (With lava)
Settings per world
Generation speed: ~800ms (+/- 200ms)
License: WTFPL
Depends: default, flowers
Browse codes
Download latest *.zip
How to speed up mapgen time: (not really, it just splits the time into smaller areas)
in "minetest.conf"
Code: Select all
max_block_generate_distance = 0.5
Code: Select all
chunksize = 3