Screw Driver?

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Screw Driver?

by Motherboard » Post

So right now Im playing creative mode and I see that there is a screw driver in the inventory...
I fool around with it for 20 minutes. Then after looking on the internet and finding NOTHING about how to use the screwdriver I post this.

Can someone please explain to me how to use the screwdriver?

I don't know if I posted this in the right place...

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by fairiestoy » Post

The screwdriver is made for turning a node in the direction of the activated mode. Try pressing Shift + Left-click.
It iterates through the modes and tells you what each mode does. If you then left-click a node, it turns it in the direction.
Last edited by fairiestoy on Sun Aug 04, 2013 01:01, edited 1 time in total.
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by Gambit » Post

What fairiestoy said, it's confusing at first but you'll get the hang of it. I believe there should be a better method to using it but so far it's not bad.
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by Motherboard » Post

fairiestoy wrote:The screwdriver is made for turning a node in the direction of the activated mode. Try pressing Shift + Left-click.
It iterates through the modes and tells you what each mode does. If you then left-click a node, it turns it in the direction.
I don't know where a node is located on a block. I don't even know what a node is...

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by fairiestoy » Post

A node is every block you can see when you enter the world. Sorry for being confusing :P.
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by RealBadAngel » Post


Node is the name for each and every cube in the world.
Some of them use parameter facedir (as chests, furnaces, stairs etc). Such nodes can be rotated using the screwdriver.
First try of using it (left click) will popup message that you can use different modes. You can switch them with holding shift and leftclick.
Current mode of screwdriver is shown with number (1-4) on its image.
Just try the modes to see how they work exactly.

Facedir, now called 6d facedir (6 directional) is a way to describe node's orientation in 3D world.
It consist of 2 parts called axisdir and rotation.
Axisdir tells which axis top of the node (like top of the chest) is pointing at.
Rotation tells how the node is rotated around that axis.

Value of facedir is calculated:
facedir = axisdir * 4 + rotation

There are 6 possible directions for axisdir and 4 possible rotations, so values are in range 0 - 23,

Desired axisdir rotations range / facedir values:
rotate around y+ / 0 - 3
rotate around z+ / 4 - 7
rotate around z- / 8 - 11
rotate around x+ / 12 - 15
rotate around x- / 16 - 19
rotate around y- / 20 - 23

Please do note, that common nodes like dirt, stone etc dont use facedir parameter and thus cannot be rotated at all.
Last edited by RealBadAngel on Sun Aug 04, 2013 07:53, edited 1 time in total.

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